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Everything posted by Skrypnyk

  1. That's not work, That's slave labour!!! =o At least you're kind enough to drop by =D
  2. Earthworm Jim. Need I say more?
  3. D=!!! That sucks. Made the change to the list.
  4. What's more important? Your finals? or Daft Punk? The answer should be pretty obvious.
  5. Oh this totally needs a bump. Plus, I'm still waiting on these maybe people to tell me if they're coming or not! >=(
  6. That sounds familiar... >__> I'll see if I can whip up a little demo thing. See if you like it and such.
  7. Serious yet cartoony.... An example would be nice . Also do you want .mid or .mp3? or .wav?
  8. I too am interested. But as zircon said, style, format, due dates, length, etc. etc. info is needed.
  9. K, so I started off trying to remix a song by soc, and it ended up into something original (or very very faint remix). At that point I decided I need saxamaphoners to play some sexy sexy riffs. At THAT point, I thought it would fun to do a huge freestyling collab type thing. As of now, I'm open to pretty much anything going into this (as long as it fits). It's not meant to be anything HUGE, just a little something simple. So if YOU can play something (sax, vocals, piano, etc.) and you can get it recorded (higher the quality the better), then I want YOU!! A couple of rules: 1) Make sure your playing is good/on time. Re-do it if need be. 2) Make sure you have decent sound quality. If it's really poor I probably won't accept it. I think that's it. I trust most of you know what you're doing... Here is the basic layout for the song. Bassline goes from E, to D, and loops. Have super mega fun!!! =D
  10. 1) You're replacing the MIDI with the soundfont. When you open up a MIDI file, all the volumes, tempo, panning are automated via event editor. Most of the time there's not automation they just stay the same through out the entire song. What you want to do is either cut/copy/paste the notes into a different channel (rather then replacing it), or load the event editor and delete the clip. 2) Load a kick sample, select all the notes the kick drum plays, copy and paste into the kick sample piano roll (make sure the notes are on C5). Or better yes, screw doing that and make your own drums. 3) Volume control > Midi synth perhaps? Otherwise make sure your settings are proper. Don't just enable everything.
  11. sweeeeeeeet. List totally updated. Please maybe people, tell me if you're coming or not!!
  12. When you confirm to me you're coming, I will fix the typo. Deal? =P
  13. Why not? Because it sounds bad =< You have ideas, plans, creativity, etc. That's all fine and dandy. The way you're executing it however is on the sloppy side of things. While the family guy clip is awesome, you over use it. Big time. Keep at it.
  14. ok, I'll give this a listen. ... alright, the first 40 seconds were actually pretty cool. It sounded quite avant-garde. After that though, it goes down hill pretty quickly. At first I wasn't quite sure if you were doing some weird glitchy stuff, but as it progressed it became apparent that you were trying to do something a bit more. You totally abused the panning feature. Now coming from me that might sound a little hypocritical, but you don't need to pan the master channel ALL the time. Once in a while, with different synths is fine, but this is just rape =( Also pretty much all the synths/drums in this are really weak/lo-fi/preset/thin. The mastering it self is also poorly done. I would assume you're new to the whole music world, so I will give you a thumbs up on at least using the program and getting to know it a little bit. However, this song really is just...how darkmelee described it.
  15. oh, we are totally going bowling then. and someone better bring a camera!
  16. I've had you on the maybe pile for the past week =<
  17. 1) Jack Astors 2) Arcade 3) ??? 4) Profit srsly, after the arcade I dunno what to do...I wouldn't mind bowling >__> . Can't say I know where one would be though.
  18. As of now, the meet-up is going to be at Jack Astors (which is like 2 minutes from Union station) and 12pm. As far as I'm concerned, the wine tasting thing starts (or ends?) at 11:30am, so if you want you can go there for a bit and then come down. Here's a bit of info for directions. I'm hoping everyone knows how to get there. MOAR PPL NEED 2 COME PLZ!!!
  19. Experiment experiment experiment. Practice practice practice.
  20. Oh...I guess I could take your shot then =o and bump?
  21. nice =D I'm gonna be lucky if I have any money now that I think about it =o
  22. So that's an absolute on coming and buying everyone JD shots? suuuuuuuuuuuuper.
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