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Red Shadow

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Everything posted by Red Shadow

  1. How about everything from EarthBound
  2. I never would have either if I didn't have nieces and nephews.
  3. yeah, i saw it in the spider ball video last week and in the videos on ign about a month ago
  4. Hey jam, can I contribute music to your next set of videos?
  5. I have a feeling that if mother 3 DOES get released, it will be on a sort of compilation cart for the DS with all three games.
  6. Oh, I've found some neat news http://starmen.net/forum/?t=msg&th=37241
  7. Still waiting for EarthBound D:<
  8. But it has better music, so there you go. also. Earthbound
  9. By that I mean i can hear them over everything else and just personal preference would suggest their volume is tweaked to send them to the background
  10. Pleased to announce that so long as I don't use Ness, my friend that I mentioned earlier and I are great practice for each other.
  11. if Earthbound 0 isnt in there i suggest you acquire it
  12. hahah, i remember playing the demo of this, and having some real trouble getting used to the controls neat to see it back
  13. Man, holy shit. That aurora video is perfect explanation for mother brain, and the fact that it keeps returning. I can't wait to see what they make a fight with it like.
  14. Now I'm wondering if they'll put ditto in as a pokemon this time around.
  15. Hung out with a friend that I haven't seen in months, and he and I have decided to get good at tournament level play together. Fuck yeah.
  16. oh i thought i might hear music screw this
  17. you can set the wii up by wire too, lest youve forgotten
  18. Ness can absorb pikachu's thunderbolt. This has been my favorite update so far, for obvious reasons.
  19. Hahah, youre back! I've still got that Viridian Forest remix you made for me. And I'm enjoying this so far too! Also I could make you a "less crappy banner" if you want.
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