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Red Shadow

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Everything posted by Red Shadow

  1. am i gonna have to do it in here too
  2. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
  3. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
  4. don't dis your own work you and i both know that automator and golden are fantastic tracks and the rest of supercats is certainly enjoyable
  5. He meant at any point during the regular course of the game, I think. And yes, they did it's at the second bryyo landing site. I have a feeling the ship at the ending belongs to sylux from Hunters, as do all the idiots on youtube.
  6. The most telling thing I got from it is that most of Pit's moves are probably going to have a childish flair to them. They know what theyre doing.
  7. neither my technology nor my anatomy plays host to nicknames
  8. that was the only part i've died at so far. i proceeded to get really angry and devise the following strategy: i don't know if youre doing what I think you may be doing, but you don't have to be in hyper mode just to break his balls (hah). you can chip away at them with regular beam shots. first time around i would break one down, enter hyper and destroy it, and then get rushed by him. take your time and break all of them first, then go ahead with the hyper beam attacking (also for whatever reason i took out the one on his back early the second time around, and things went a lot more smoothly). when he extends his hands to get new orbs, i'm sure you know you can destroy them before he pulls them back in. as for the feet, timing is your best friend. right when he charges, you should be in morph ball form. run around behind him, blast his feet, and immediately unmorph so youll be ready to jump. key thing is to not be afraid to get too close. what ultimately killed me the first time is i was afraid of getting hit and none of my bombs ever did anything to his feet
  9. this is 100% what i was expecting for wario's stage very pleasing
  10. got to the back of the valhalla, and boy is the name for the ship ever a witty choice
  11. SPOILSBURY when you get to the metroids, and see how they changed them, you'll be glad you have a missile instead of having to use a beam SPLUS also i REALLY love the direction they took with the valhalla. AWESOME atmosphere
  12. I try to scan everything right when I see it just habitually. Not like I'm going out of my way to get them or anything, THEYRE JUST SO FAST I did end up getting one, though. people who get pissed when enemies disappear later are gonna hate trying to 100% this by the way. i've been lucky so far
  14. Well screw you for living somewhere that will actually have it in stores today, DS. Picking mine up tomorrow after class.
  15. I will suggest everything by psilodump and orange dust. Respective sites here: http://www.archive.org/search.php?query=psilodump and here: http://www.orangedust.af3x.com/ Theyre two of my favorite artists, hope you give at least one album of each a listen.
  16. I just tried to edit this emoticon so the body rolled around the eyes it did not work
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