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Red Shadow

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Everything posted by Red Shadow

  1. i made sure to tell the girl i was hanging out with that if she ever decides to have kids further on down the road, a woman yelling is not as motivating to regular people as kiera seemed to be with the pirates
  2. somebody never read the little story manual that came with starcraft back in the day, it seems
  3. this should last a little longer than 7 days http://revolutionaryrent.com/farore%20v3.mp3
  4. something strikes me as very midi youre working on the instrumentation first and foremost it seems, and what's there sounds good
  5. because youre not in charge of this game's production, that's why
  6. a girl i know is getting i and my friends free tickets to see it at midnight tonight suppose i'll field some comments later on
  7. if the composers were to determine the characters featured in game, i'd shudder to think of how they would explain the cho aniki series to an american audience
  8. ness is my priority fellas i think by this point, with the way the earthbound cult is, nintendo would be afraid to leave him out
  9. fantastic music for an opiate high, too
  10. the xel'naga ARE your "whatcha-ma-callits"
  11. fzero works alright with a cube controller
  12. I'm really digging the title track, and the rest of them certainly hold their own.
  13. Dain I never sent you any money like my dumb ass promised, did i. Shoot me an instant message if you have my new aim address and let me know how much you want. Because I don't really care, I'll send it.
  14. You know me quite well. Yes of course he shoud buy bone, everyone should buy bone.
  15. !MOTHERFUCKING TETRISPHERE OR BUST edit: oh hell I didnt see the neverhood on there. Now I am conflicted between the two :[
  16. i expect "i knew about ziwtra even though he isnt a judge" badges to flourish now, you mongrel
  17. One can divine from the little info panel on the right that he was fighting a bot. Super predictable.
  18. Excuse me for being high, but I find myself harmonizing along with this track, making believable additions of new melodies. This is some really chill stuff and I appreciate what it must have taken to get it to sound so 'right.'
  19. i dont know what do you think??!?!?!?!?!???!?!!??!!???!!???!!!???!!??!!?!??!??!?!?!?!?!???????????????????????????????????????????????????????!!???????!!???!!???!!?!??!!???!!??!??!??!???!??!??!??!??!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!???!!???!!???!?!!??!!???!???!!??!!??!!??!?!!??!!?!!??!!??!!??!?!!??!?!?!?!?
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