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Red Shadow

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Everything posted by Red Shadow

  1. it's pretty neat to be able to transfer the classic game to my ds, just tried it tonight and i'd tell imagery to get the wii version if he hadnt already decided on it, i dont care much for the way the ship is controlled on the ds
  2. yes that little fucker uses every shortcut that you would
  3. to be honest i havent looked at this thread in quite a while, so thats likely why i missed it guess im out for an impulse buy tomorrow
  4. there is nothing to actually "miss out" on in the first one. I bought it, beat it once, and havent touched it since. i believe it came out in '05 i'm actually surprised as hell theyre making a new one
  5. This game is seriously awesome. Makes me wish ristar-cluster was still around so i could link to it. Also WHY DIDNT ANYBODY TELL ME THERE WAS A GEOMETRY WARS RELEASED FOR THE WII
  6. oh man i remember playing this when i was a kid just to throw baby moses in the water and watch him drown
  7. you know, I've gotta say Splash Panther is my favorite of your original pieces. I really love the section from 0:37 to 1:00 in particular. oh, and Hommage a Nakano is so ridiculously intricate that i have to mention it, too
  8. I don't know if youve noticed or not taucer, but there's 150 purple coins there. You don't need to get all of them, just go crazy with the pull stars.
  9. Huh. I've gotten to the point where I can make mario do turnarounds back to back to back ad nauseum, as soon as he touches the ground. Yous just needs to gets used to its.
  10. i think bouldergeist is my favorite boss so far unless theres something in store for when you collect everything
  11. the music from the sweet sweet galaxy, among others. the one thats a remix of the super mario world 3 hill music
  12. no ive been having fun doing triple jumps while ice skating and off of the backs of lumas instead
  13. these are all terrible what are you people on about
  14. i think i like your sig more than the cake
  15. yeah fuck mailtoad he sent me six of the same letter
  16. I've been listening to pretty much everything you have hosted on your site recently. Quite enjoying this stuff.
  17. haha, respect++ yeah, send me some new ones
  18. i preordered it after playing for ten minutes at a local gamestop didnt even want it before. should say something
  19. bombs, bow, boomerang, and a chargeable spin 4 by my count
  20. This looks like pretty much exactly what I wanted in a new ice climbers stage
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