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Red Shadow

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Everything posted by Red Shadow

  1. Haven't even listened to this yet but I already know I'm going to like it. I'll be back when the download finishes. EDIT: Listened twice for good measure and yes I do think paragonx9 is entering my list of favorite remixers.
  2. Oh man, I hope this one makes it in. We love you, coop.
  3. ??? I had my old Mario Kart DS emblem lying around. They're supposed to be 32x32, right? Where was that? Well if you don't want them, fine. I didn't see that one so I wanted to try one myself.Here are some Tyrian ships: Talon/Fang Phoenix/Maelstrom: Stalker: Dragon Head: U-ship: A couple of sidekicks. Warfly: Gerund: These are from the 2-player game. They're at 47x32px so maybe not. Dragon Wing: Steel Dragon (1P and 2P combined): Mmmmmmmmmmmmm, tyrian. I'll be using one of these if they're accepted.
  4. Hey hey, I can finally delete the file from my hard drive with "WIP" in the title in favor of this one. :] Been enjoying it for a while, and shall continue to do so.
  5. This came up in my playlist again just now, and every time a shna track comes through the list I try to hum along with it. It makes each one 100 times more enjoyable. Try it.
  6. I thought many things while listening to this mix. None of them were bad. In fact none of them dipped below "awesome."
  7. I'm thinking of putting something in my sig that just says something to the effect of "if I bother posting in the review thread, it means i loved the track", and then just posting with a smiley face emoticon or something in all future threads. Anyhow, the mix evoked a smile on my end.
  8. I think I've already established well enough that I'm a rabid fan of Dain's music. My posting here ought to convey well enough how I feel about the piece, in that case. :]
  9. Nice job with the front page there, djp. Assuming everybody has at least a 1024x768 resolution set up. Looks like ass to me now. Anyhow, when this project was released, I mailed mazedude twenty bucks. That ought to be sufficient enough to say how I feel about this track, and the album in general. :]
  10. NOT LONG ENOUGH This is seriously most excellent, and I've looped it a few times already.
  11. When the drums come in full force, all I can think of is Zelda. Not a bad thing. This is another excellent mix. Case-in-point: I usually don't get into orchestral stuff much to begin with.
  12. I have the most awesome taste in my mouth right now. I think this mix is to blame.
  13. Products 1 x OCRemix T-shirt (Large) - Black Order Status 09/29/2005 Pending Can't wait.
  14. Awesome. I'm ordering one some time tonight.
  15. OH MY FU- YES!! This is amazing. New favorite remix, right the fuck here.
  16. I'm not going to write some overly extravagant and pointless synopsis that no-one will read. I like it.
  17. Wow. "Ecstatic" is the best word that comes to mind when I try to phrase my thoughts. Wonderful stuff.
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