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Red Shadow

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Everything posted by Red Shadow

  1. Nope. I like it too. Love the way the main beat drops in as well (pun i suppose, make of it what you will). This mix kicks my ass all over the place, and with that idea in place i guess i could liken myself to a masochist, because it leaves me wanting more. while i think thats the strangest description ive ever conjured up, id say its pretty accurate too. excellent mix
  2. as with Mark Vera's other mixes, this track is well done and enjoyable. i'm liking it, and would certainly give it my approval if my opinion mattered . already caught myself repeating it a few times. great mix!
  3. Most of the second half of this mix makes me think of the Terran music from Starcraft. I like it.
  4. Well, today actually started out really shitty for me, but i just got this friggin awesome mix and it made everything better to the Nth degree. One of my favorite mixes from both ocr AND Mazedude. I need more.
  5. the green blocks. tetris. they just wont stop coming, you can never win!
  6. I like this mix alot, but if anyone knows me (and none of you do, yet ) they'd know that i always have something to gripe about. I think the little eight note intro from the original piece could have been added to the very end. Would have made the "finale" more interesting to me.
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