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Nicole Adams

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Everything posted by Nicole Adams

  1. Nope, you can't change the tempo in Reason. ReWiring doesn't work either.
  2. Good to hear. Have fun tonight!
  3. I'm doing the REVERSE DJP! Instead of my head rocking forward, it's retracting back into my neck. *rofl* ...and some of your hair is mysteriously disappearing. *gasp*
  4. Loved the whole airplane motif and great stinger!
  5. Well...I still take comfort in knowing that I was WAY more right than Jill was. Yeah, I kept saying, "That's not how you pronounce it!" Yay, I'll listen to the new episode tomorrow.
  6. Just wonderin' if a video is in the works for the anniversary meet up? Oh, and *rofl* at VGDJ #40 stinger. "I think I'm hyperventilating!"
  7. When you say this, do you mean that they should rather be applied to send tracks? No, I mean apply effects to a second vocal track (a completely new vocal file). For example, you have your main dry vocal track, your second vocal track (which is almost identical to your first) that has the effects applied to it and then you can have a third track that harmonizes with the first two vocal tracks.
  8. I agree. *lol*
  9. This pic is teh win! Nice work q-pa. Rock on, VGDJ. Rock on. I need to catch up. I'm still on episode #40 and I still gotta take a pic of me with my sticker. Sorry for being such a slacker, guys.
  10. Not a tip to do with EQ or compression, but doubling (and sometimes even more) your voice to fill the stereo field is something to do. The additional vocal tracks should be sung without--shall I say--accenting certain letters that you normally would in your main vocal track. These letters being "t", "s" and "b", for example. Also, vocal effects should not be applied to the main vocal track.
  11. I wanna go.
  12. I think that's why we beat them. They've already killed themselves in a desperate plea for attention. Go VGDJ! *rofl* So true!
  13. It comes down to what you can do and not what you have. For example, I remember hearing a Beatdrop song he made entirely with FL plugs and it didn't sound the least bit n00bish cause, well, it's Beatdrop! He knows his stuff.
  14. I finally listened to episode 37. The baseball battle was great. Ah, you silly east coast people. EDIT: *rofl* Awesome stinger, Jill.
  15. I say go for a MIDI controller. That way you can get one with weighted keys.
  16. You're the one to talk! Both of you, pics, nows! We better watch out, Rexy. I think pixie is gonna bust out the whip here soon.
  17. Borrow one!
  18. I started producing music on my computer about 2 1/2 years ago (when I was 19). However, I first got into music when I was 14 with the guitar.
  19. Yay, quasi-new show! I like the new site layout and the VGDJ photo album is awesome. I think my favorite is the one where Jill is a burrito. *lol* That was so fun to do. Hopefully I'll get to taking a picture with my sticker this week.
  20. Yay! I got my sticker today. (I wonder what took so long.) A picture will be coming sometime in the future.
  21. Okay, I'll post a picture of me and my sticker...when I get it. I still gotta call them about it. Thanks for the info, pixie.
  22. Things have been pretty quiet 'round these here parts. </southern accent>
  23. Just listened to the show and I loved the stinger. *lol* Nice work you guys! Here, have a cookie.
  24. It's been awhile since I've posted here or anywhere on the forums. Congrats to zircon becoming a co-host! I think he and pixie will be a great duo.
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