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Nicole Adams

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Everything posted by Nicole Adams

  1. Nice, another Chrono Trigger remix and it's of the ocean palace. Wee! Let's break it down: I'm not very fond of the delayed crash cymbal at the beginning; it seems too abrupt, but I'm probably being too picky. The intro is good, but maybe add some grit/crunch to the drums and do a few stutter edits, especially right before everything comes in full force at 0:30 to help let the listener gear up for what's next. At 0:15 until the drums kick in, the strings really need to crescendo. The notes sound like a crescendo progression, but the velocities don't really change. Also, adjust the panning of the strings, such as violins panned left, cellos panned equally right and violas (if used) panned center-right. Fill the space up and let the strings shine before everything kicks in. 0:30 doesn't seem to climax like it should. Maybe because of the lack of dynamic change prior to this point. At first I didn't like how the synth guitar only made a showing for eight measures when it first comes in, but am feeling better about it when it comes back later. When it comes back keep it in for sixteen measures, with the last eight measures rocking out a little harder. Now back to the first time the guitar plays. When you pitch bend out, try having everything else stop playing for about a measure and then bring in the parts. Try not bringing in the drums right off the bat, though. Again, let those strings shine and have some feeling. 1:27 is great, but maybe add some tremolo strings prior to it to help the transition. 1:27 has more of that uneasy feeling to it and I think the tremolo strings will help slide into it better. (The overall transition is on the sloppy side, in my opinion. I know you can do better. ) Great staccato goodness going on at 1:57. Looking forward to the finished product!
  2. Sorry if some of these have already been mentioned: Above & Beyond ATB BT Hybrid Junkie XL Kyau & Albert Mike Shiver numeriklab OceanLab Sean Tyas Way Out West
  3. Sorry that I left everyone hanging. As you probably figured out the remix is on hold since Jill is busy working on her album. Hopefully we'll pick back up on the song within the next couple months. Since the last update posted here, I've fleshed out the ending and added a lead to the break. The next time you'll probably hear an update, though, is when this is complete. (Unless you message me saying you really want to hear where I'm at. )
  4. Yeah, but a lot of the people around here are wondering why the forest service doesn't remove some of the trees in remote areas. It could help, especially if it's windy and a fire makes its way to treetops and spreads that way. This is what happened in the fire and ground crews couldn't do much to hold it back until the wind died down.
  5. I really like this, but I do have a few gripes. The opening synth sounds cheap, but sounds fine when it's layered with other instruments and the delay on the piano sounds awkward.
  6. Yeah, I say pull it back a little. A tad muddy down there.
  7. This is way late. Yes, I was talking about the Tahoe fire. It jumped over to my side of the highway so I ran out of my work to pack pretty much my entire room and make way to one of the hotels. It was so chaotic. The fantabulous firefighters did a good job and kept the fire from reaching my neighborhood and others on this side of the highway, though. Still, something like this could easily happen again since it's so dry here.
  8. Glad you're doing well. I had my appendix taken out when I was eight, which was horrible. At least the recovery isn't that bad.
  9. Happy belated birthday, dude!
  10. Good stuff, Tauce. Maybe EQ out a little of the low end of the vox. It seems a little too prominent.
  11. Yeah, just keep at it. Do what Fishy says and analyze different styles of music you'd like to work in. Read/watch tutorials, too. In time you will get better.
  12. KVR Audio has tons of VSTs. Also, HammerSound has a good variety of SoundFonts. Keep at it! This is a great song to remix.
  13. Nice job. This is a fun song and Fishy did a great job with the guitar solo. Hope it makes it in that movie!
  14. Okay, it looks like our area is safe. The fire seems to be burning somewhat parallel to our street, heading east. It took out the high school's football field, but thankfully none of the buildings were destroyed. Still, the fire has engulfed around 2,500 acres and a range of 180 to 225 buildings. Last night we went a little up the mountain the fire was on and looking at it was just so surreal. As egotistical as it sounds, it felt like the end of the world with all the people outside looking at it. This is the worst fire this area has seen in 50 years and I'm not surprised. It's incredible how much structural and emotional damage it has caused.
  15. Yeah, we're paying close attention to the news and our area hasn't been told to evacuate yet so we shall see.
  16. Around 2:00 PM today a fire broke out about three miles away from my house. The sky is an eerie orange and ashes are blowing this way. Helicopters are constantly flying right over the house to and from the fire. We get a lot of fires around this area since it's so dry, but this is the first time one has been so close to where I live. I must say I'm a little scared now.
  17. I'd watch the movie/play the game, too. Thanks for the link. I enjoyed watching all of the entries.
  18. I'm looking forward to this, too. Nice work!
  19. Besides the muddiness in the low end, I love this! Hope to hear more from you guys.
  20. Happy late birthday, Andy! I hope you had a good one. Nice work on all you have accomplished so far.
  21. I added another update. I wasn't planning on doing so, but since people are still checking this thread, what the heck?
  22. I'm so there. Okay, not really. Play those hard eights and sixes for me. Didn't you stop gambling, Bahamut? Oh, yeah! Congrats, Brad!
  23. Awesome! Congrats! Such a great song.
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