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Everything posted by Devyn

  1. I think this is an invalid comparison. TV shows and games are different things, have different costs, take different amounts of sales to profit. A lot of people watch breaking bad but only a fraction will buy the DVD. How much profit do they make from ads? I don't know. 1.2 million X 60 dollars adds up quick though. If you're just trying to solidify your argument that the Wii U will fail, there's no point in carrying it on. Nobody knows whether or not the Wii U will be successful. The odds are stacked against it yet Nintendo is known for pulling a megaton bomb out when it needs to. Time will tell and for now all we can do is speculate.
  2. Not really a Wii U exclusive (in fact it's already out on steam and 360 I believe) but I'm picking Dungeons and Dragons Mystara up when it comes out this month. If any of you pick it up let me know because the online is supposed to be rock solid. Also, some of you guys haven't added me. I can't be that annoying can I? daveoneal is my user name. Come at me homies.
  3. Well, for one, the Wii U can play them.
  4. The online sucked, it was underpowered, and still it has a long library of awesome games. I still play Punch Out, DKC Returns, Metroid Prime 3...all the time. Good going crowbar man. People hate on the Wii like it's nothing but it had a big list of great games and is a platforming and/or arcade-style gamer's wet dream. Edit: Don't forget about MadWorld. Awesome game that you can get for like 2 bucks.
  5. The Wii was actually one of my favorites. It had a lot of good games, and while I gave it to my brother (I have Wii U and Gamecube to cover that now), I don't regret buying it at all. Nintendo's first party games easily justified my purchase on a personal level. But everybody has their tastes and I can respect that. Anyway, I think the company is finally making strides to catch up with HD development and online play. They've really come a long way and have admitted to their flaws that need fixing...And people are giving them a lot of crap right now...It's cool to hate Nintendo again, while last gen they were looked at as 'heroes of the console market' for a few years at least. I expect a big turnaround next year, not just with sales, but with general acceptance of the console. When Kart and Smash hit, assuming their online play is truly where it should be (and from the few online experiences I've had on Wii U, they were consistent and fun), perhaps the gamers and the media will quit trying to write the console off. I really want to see the Wii U do well. Call it fanboyism or whatever but the console has so much potential and I want to see it prosper. Hopefully it will next year. This year is still going to be a little patchy if you ask me. Still, seeing games like Mario Kart in HD looking so good, I can't wait to see what their more 'mature' franchises look like when they arrive.
  6. I noticed that as well. Though I did like that Reggie pointed to the console and mentioned that it is an all new console - something he failed to communicate before. I still like Reggie. Dude's awesome. Cammie Dunaway, man she was bad...though I felt sorry for her.
  7. My first console was an Atari 2600. I remember getting an NES brand new. Also how mystifying the gold cartridge Zelda looked. Anyway, back to topic before my dentures fall out.
  8. I thought the same thing. You took the words out of my mouth though. The NES to SNES was amazing, and only Sega could pose a remote threat during those years.. I don't mean to discredit the later consoles, but yeah, it was the golden age if there was one. I like the N64 but imo that was the dawn of the Sony age. I don't know what you would call this age though. Maybe the WTF age? Anyway....
  9. I'm really hoping Nintendo steps up their online for their upcoming games. Mario Kart Wii had the best online they could've made while they had all the friend-code BS, and Brawl was the worst of their online. MK Wii was, still is, nearly lag free. I expect little to no lag this time around, and I bet the new MK will have good online, but I want them to bring it to other games. If they release Starfox, Metroid, and/or F-Zero with online battles and races with fully-fleshed features (co-op, versus, leaderboards, clans, etc.), you bet your ass that people will take notice. If they don't then even this lifelong Nintendo fan will facepalm. I love Nintendo, loved their E3 games, but am really expecting a true online experience this generation. I think the company will win back many lapsed fans if they step it up.
  10. For me, it depends whether or not you have available gamers close by. Up until my late 20's, there was almost always someone to game with, so I didn't care about online multiplayer. Nowadays, though, I prefer to have it there if needed, as most of my gamer friends have grown up / had kids / moved away.. It won't be a deal-breaker for me, and it's not the most important thing in the world for a Mario adventure/action game, but it would've been nice. Four-player local multi in a 3d Mario game is still pretty cool though, and I can't wait to have some Mario Kart matches with ocr folk. I think it would be nice if we could have our own racing group.
  11. All this talk of having Simon Belmont, Mega Man, and Kid Icarus in the same game.....You would have to have a Captain N stage. Yeah, that is gonna happen.... But I wouldn't complain.
  12. Yep.. I was wrong. Sorry. http://www.nintendoworldreport.com/news/34589 Oops!
  13. Frog suit confirmed as well. They need online multi though. Still going to get the game and play it to death though.
  14. Me as well. While we're at it, I'd like to ask: Is anybody else excited about the new 3d Mario game? I loved Galaxy, but this game looks really good too imo.
  15. Yeah. I don't see the complaints either. Nintendo showed footage of more titles than they have at any E3......ever. Usually it's a couple of titles per system, a drawing of a sword or something, and Miyamoto flailing his arms around. This time, they skipped all the corporate "this is how much money we make" drivel. They just showed a bunch of games, and let people play them. I'm absolutely ecstatic about playing the games they showed. Yes, I would've liked to see Starfox, Metroid and F-Zero but Nintendo can't release all their ponies at once. Still, after this E3, I am very glad I bought a Wii U.
  16. This should be Retro's next project after they finish Tropical Freeze. I wouldn't mind them doing something that goes between first and third person like Prime, but with a much lighter atmosphere. Startropics got pretty creepy at times but that tropical island theme lightened things up a bit. Sick Shin'en on F-Zero, Platinum on Star Fox. Do it Nintendo (spoken in threatening Italian mobster accent). Sorry. Back to topic please.
  17. Good choices but I don't expect any more than two or three 3rd party characters. Billy and Jimmy Lee would be my top choices out of your list, with Ryu Hayabusa trailing right behind.
  18. I think the new Mario game looks pretty damn sweet. That's coming from a guy who remembers walking into my cousin's apartment and seeing SMB, the very first one, playing on a big TV. The sound of those bricks breaking and those coins ringing.... I'm kinda in this middle on this argument. I've always hoped for a somewhat "life-like" Mario game in which they add more detail and "realness" to the characters. More emphasis on story....Nintendo have almost always delivered excellent gameplay with the various Mario series, but few of the series have ever really taken the story very far. I would kill for a Mario that really went a little less G and maybe a little more P-13. I'm not talking about Mario and company "shooting hookers", but maybe some actual character development to go with the gameplay. Maybe some emotional involvement. It would add weight to the games. When I was a kid, I really cared for the characters. But now Nintendo just assumes we should give a shit because "Hey. Look at me! It's a me Mario!" That said, the new Mario game, in terms of gameplay, looks pretty damn good. A full 3-D Mario game with four players, plus mechanics introduced from my personal favorite of the original series (that would be SMB 2 USA, with vegetables and frogs), has definitely made it on my Christmas wish-list. This looks like a good way to burn through a sixer. Good, if not amazing, graphics, solid multiplayer or single player gameplay from the guys who developed Galaxy. Yeah, I'm buying, but I still wish Nintendo would do a "mature" Mario. Not a hooker-shooting Mario necessarily, but a tear-jerking Mario where maybe the characters aren't smiling all the time. Maybe Bowser ins't a complete dick. Maybe he's just misunderstood. Maybe the characters talk to each other, express emotions. Maybe Mario and Luigi have to deal with mid-life crisis or something, while the Princess' kingdom is being destroyed. Maybe Peach turns on the bros. Maybe some existential and off-the-wall crazy. That would be awesome, to me at least. But it's not going to happen. Still, I love what Nintendo brought so far this E-3. Just crossing my fingers for a little more over the next couple of days.
  19. I'm actually pretty impressed by the drawing application they announced. I'm going to draw all kinds crazy shit. Also, easy way to create signatures on here as well. All in all, the first party games look great, and there are lots of them. I know Mario is overdone but they are doing it right if you ask me. There is obvious a lack of 3rd party but the ones on there look very tempting. Never played Bayonetta, but it looks cool. Pretty sure that introducing the character spread eagle with a gun between her legs wasn't anything suggestive. Still a couple of more days to announce Star Fox and F-Zero, or whatever else...I want to see more of Shin X Fire Emblem.
  20. ^ Hell yes. http://www.nintendolife.com/news/2013/06/super_smash_bros_footage_revealed_mega_man_introduced_as_a_new_challenger
  21. I'm glad I purchased the console, but the common complaint is games. I'm confident that Nintendo's first party games will be amazing, and I'm really looking forward to this fall. That's when things are finally supposed to heat up. Right now, there aren't enough games. It's a well of untapped potential. That said, 3rd party support is still stronger than it was during the early Wii days (we're finally seeing all of those 'bro' games that usually grace the other consoles), and indie developers are jumping on one by one. I also can't wait to play Ducktales Remastered, D&D Mystaria, Wind Waker, Mario Kart. There's also Pikmin and Wonderful 101 coming soon, so it's shaping up. I'd still say wait until E3 - If you like what you see then go for it. There' going to be some cool stuff announced next week. While I'm here I will mention some perks - Being able to continue many of your games outside on the poarch or in the restroom is great, and with the lack of DRM and anti-consumer measure associated with the console compared to the others, it's quite an attractive little buy. Still, regarding the release schedule, the original Wii didn't heat up until the 2nd year so I'm expecting the same for this console. Patience is a must. I would definitely grab the deluxe version by the way....well worth the extra 50.
  22. The anticipation of E3 is killing me. What is Retro Studios making for Nintendo this time? What is Square's secret Wii U project? I'm also hoping the new Mario Kart will have voice chat and video integration. Could you imagine the amount of cursing that would be going on while playing that game? Anyway this thread is going to be blowing up next week. What are you guys looking forward to?
  23. I transferred all my vc and wiiware games to the Wii U. You will need an sd card but the transfer tool should already be on the Wii U else you can download it. If you're referring to full gamepad support, you'll have to wait for each game, but you can definitely transfer and play all of the games on the Wii emulator channel.....I think. Have you tried accessing Wii shop from the Wii channel itself? No. They didn't. Also, http://www.nintendo.com/consumer/systems/wiiu/en_na/system_system_transfer.jsp?menu=how_to&submenu=wup-transfer-ht-content
  24. The Wii, in my little humble opinion, was an excellent console for Nintendo fans. They couldn't please the Call of Duty / bro crowds, but I was content. Two great zelda games, two Mario Galaxies, another Paper Mario, two Kirby titles, Punch-Out revival, Fire Emblem sequel, Donkey Kong Country Returns, Metroid Prime 3, Smash Brothers Brawl, just for starters...Let's not forget that there were a buttload of rpg's near the end of Wii's life cycle, virtual console, etc.. 3rd party support was weak but there were some good 3rd party games to if you know where to look, Tatsunoko VS Capcom, No More Heroes 1 and 2, Muramasa, Trauma Center, etc.. I still play a lot of my Wii games....I have never regretted purchasing the console. I look forward to seeing what Nintendo bring this E3.
  25. I find it odd how these people act like the Gamecube never existed. That console did not sell well like crazy, still it had a lot of great games and a loyal fanbase. The Wii U will almost definitely outsell that console, yet people are yelling "DOOM". It's a total bullshit negative hype train, and I for one am amazed that so many people are jumping on it (especially reviewers and sites that I've trusted for a long time). People are acting really black and white about consoles these days, saying it's either going to be a total success or failure. No in between. I won't be surprised if the Wii U gets third in sales, but as far as it being a failure - I can't wait to see these people chew on their words after the real exclusives come out. Even with the shrinking console business, there is still room for 3 and there are still far more console gamers than there were in the Sega VS Nintendo days of yore. People are just hateful these days Also, they will complain about anything.
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