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Everything posted by sgx

  1. Thanks for pimpin' my album in your 5-5-5 deal again .
  2. Because they can apply it on the whole mix in real time. I think some specific times they employ it is when your camera goes underwater, it does that whole lowpass filter sounding thing to the whole audio, and how when shots are off in the distance they sound muffled.
  3. This was just something I heard and thought it was interesting. Not really remixing, but has to do with games and audio software tech. I listen to Major Nelson's XBOX podcast occasionally and today he had a long, very interesting interview with Marty O'donnell - the Halo composer and sound design dude. http://www.majornelson.com/archive/2007/10/06/Show-246-The-one-about-Halo-3-music-with-Marty-O-Donnell.aspx He mentions that they've got some versions of Waves' compressors and EQ's running as DSP in real time during gameplay. I thought that was pretty spiff.
  4. Features look pretty cool. I'll definitely be upgrading. Drum rack looks fuckin sweet. You can now slice audio and get a midi sequence from that. Awesome! You can freeze midi hardware which is hella cool even if I don't use hardware, but it also means that you can freeze Rewire slaves that you are sending midi to (Reason!). I'd like to have those new instruments, but not for the prices they are asking.
  5. sgx

    Halo 3

    I walked into Best Buy at noon and picked one up. Plenty of copies. This game is good Killing scarabs makes me feel like a badass. My Live subscription ran out, but it still lets me play unranked matches online. That's pretty coool.
  6. You just need a redirect? I could give you _______.sgxmusic.com if you like. Give me an aim if you are interested: sgxroxsox
  7. I R Back. My new tag is sgxyay. I couldn't reactivate my old account, whateva. Halo2 or Gears I'm rockin at the moment. Add me. We play. yay.
  8. You keep all the rights. They have you select a creative commons liscence for it on there. It's perfectly safe. The torrents they make are really nice quality and healthy too. Oh and the cool thing is they provide for you widgets that will stream all the tracks on your album, so you can post those anywhere and people can listen without downloading anything. edit: btw I like the album . Cool style. Songs are put together intelligently. It's a good listen. Thanks for sharing.
  9. Downloadin. If you need a good way to distribute an album free, check out www.jamendo.com . I have a bunch of albums on there. I also get a lot of listens there. Can I ask what method you are using to print on the CD? Is it a sticker?
  10. This is a pretty rad track. Yums
  11. sgx


    Thxxxx for all the recomendations people. www.sgxmusic.com - I have a lot of stuff for free download, so check it out (then buy stuff yay). BT really is my favorite electronic music guy - he jumps around to lots of different styles but it is always done well. I probably would not recommend someone start out with his latest "This Binary Universe" as it is sort of more arty, abstract than usual, but check out Emotional Technology and Movement in Still Life. They are both pretty 'poppy' and catchy. Pretty accessable to newcomers I think.
  12. Man, for some Reason tgfoo and I can't connect when we try to play Gears. Whoever gets invited to the game gets disconnected from Live as soon as they accept. wtf is with that? I can connect and play with random people...just not tgfoo. Any ideas?
  13. Oh really? huh. I guess when I searched him it didn't just search the $5 cd's. My bad
  14. http://cdbaby.com/cd/wrench This guy is a friend of mine and the CD is pretty good stuff. It will work in the 5 5 5 deal. EDIT: Thanks guys for buying. I'm actually selling more than I thought and I have a limited number of Chroma's left. CDbaby tells me there are 6 left there, and I have 20 at home. These are pretty much the last ones ever. I don't plan on printing more anytime soon. I think after the 6 are gone from cdbaby, I'm going to pull Chroma out of the 555 deal. I have plenty of BTSB's so I'll leave it, but that will be it for Chroma. Sure, I'll sell the last 20 slower, but I can get more money for them . All my CD's are always available for download purchase at my site www.sgxmusic.com and on iTunes, so you'll still always be able to get the music somehow, but we're nearing the end for physical Chroma's.
  15. Thanks guys. Looks like 4 people have bit so far. I'm gonna be rich!!!!! Drinks for everybody!!
  16. Enjoy! Cheap tunes for all. Lookout for my next album in a few months.
  17. I picked up a 360 yesterday. It's got HDMI yayaya. I have Gears of War and my gamertag is sgxyay if anyone wants to play. I need friends!
  18. Has anyone seen Stardust? I don't usually come out of the theater thinking to myself, "Man, I really want to see that again before it comes out on DVD," but I did with this movie. It is just a genuinely fun and hilarious movie. I think I was smiling or laughing basically the whole time watching it and it got a big reaction out of the (only 20 or so) other people in the theater with me. I dragged along some of my male friends that aren't usually into that fantasy stuff but they got a huge kick out of it too. It's been compared to The Princess Bride a bit - the plot isn't really like that, but I'd say the tone - lighthearted fantasy + comedy is similar. It is fantasy targeted at adults, but it isn't dark. It was really refreshing stuff! Plus I think Claire Danes is super cute. mmmm hmmmm. Go see it if you haven't. Who else has seen it?
  19. That's what people think when they hear "DJ."
  20. Glad you like it. I didn't use any ReCycle though. Same principle, but I did it in Ableton Live. Basically I can load audio into the main sequencer window, zoom in, split pieces and then drag and drop those audio pieces into the Impulse drum sampler. It's basically like using ReCycle then opening up your .rex in Dr. Rex, but easier, faster, simpler, etc.
  21. Music programmer sounds either like youre coding (which could makes sense if you're heavy into CSound or something, but other wise not), or almost like your DJing - setting up schedules for playing songs like TV Programmers do... The name for this is not needed and no one but one forum will heed it as analoq said. I just say I produce and compose electronic music. meh. I am an electronic music producer/composer.
  22. Apparently any 360 manufactured after July has the 65 nm chip in it, so I think basically any hdmi premium has one. I'm going to start going to stores and looking at the manufacture dates of 360's sitting around.
  23. I'm shooting for October/November. I'm working on this one really long track right now - its basically 3 pretty different songs, but they share some elements and themes between eachother so its like 1 song with 4 movements. The 4th is sort of a combo of elements from the first 3 together. Sort of like my old "Multiple Worlds" track (one of my least favorite tracks) but in total, it should be about 18 minutes..and much better. I need to finish that long track and maybe one more track, and the music should be done. I gotta design the art and I'm thinking I might send the music off to a professional mastering service, so that could take a bit of time. October if everything goes as planned, but it never does, so November sounds more likely!
  24. Sounds good. Let me know when you're back in stock.
  25. You could have had the main price be $5 and still run it in the 3x$5 program, couldn't you? That way people could buy Antigravity and my BTSB and Chroma all for $15 . And you would have made $2 on the sale, not $1. Oh wells.
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