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Jam Stunna

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Everything posted by Jam Stunna

  1. For Brawl, yeah.
  2. Also, apparently the white controllers respond faster than the others.
  3. After a long hiatus, I'm going to get back into running. Back in high school, I ran the 800 meter race in indoor track (for only one season unfortunately), and my best time was 2:11. My goal is to be able to run a sub-2:00 800 m by the first day of summer. Now, I haven't run in so long that I'm not sure if I'm being too lenient on myself, so if I achieve the goal before that date, then I'll just revise it. I'm planning to start running again this week sometime. I've already laid out a path that I'm going to take that's a little over 1 1/2 miles there and back. I'm also planning on getting in contact with my old track coach to see if there's anything he can suggest that will help me out. I'll keep you guys posted.
  4. Okay, even I have to admit that this looks sexy as hell, even though anyone could get out of it due to lack of hitstun.
  5. Oh man, Battle in MK Wii is the worst thing ever. But other than that, MK Wii owns Brawl's online by leaps and bounds.
  6. Speaking of Link, I don't know if I posted this or not, it's a friendly between me and a friend. It's not the best quality though: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y7qnR-dP_Nw
  7. Haha, yeah, it can be a pretty big shock going back to Melee after playing Brawl for so long. Good stuff though, it looks like it's coming back to you!
  8. I'm the master of tournament choking. I had 3 SDs in two sets at the last tournament I went to.
  10. I might borrow my friend's copy at some point, I do kind of miss playing with you guys.
  11. I think that's great. As much as I bitch and moan, it's all about fun in the end. As long as you're having fun, then more power to you.
  12. I think that the idea of hacking a game (any game)to make it more balanced is entirely ridiculous. And apparently, SamuraiPanda is too busy hacking the game to realize the hypocrisy he represents. Here's the full thread that the post comes from, in case you have alot of time on your hands: http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=200144
  13. Do you have a smoker in your house? I've heard that the particulate matter from smoke can really affect a Wii's ability to read discs.
  14. That was good stuff, HideousBeing. What I would suggest is to be more mobile with your Wario, because I saw alot of standing around. One of the things that makes him such a good character is his aerial mobility. You used your second jump pretty early in the first match alot, and you came in over Snake's head, which is a bad place to be. Keep that second jump and use short-hopped fairs so that you can get in and out quickly. Also I didn't see you use Wario's uair much in the first match, but you did more in the second one. And spam Wario's fsmash; it's so broken and surprisingly difficult to punish (also the super-armor protects you too, and gives you an advantage). Lastly, use Wario's Bite more. I see that you used it here and there (and to great effect against Snake's recovery the second match), but since it has grab properties and insane priority, it's something that you should throw out there every chance you get.
  15. Score for political correctness. Is there even a PS3 in the entire Middle East? This is seriously getting ridiculous now; I know that OoT had the music for the Fire Temple redone because of Muslim chanting, and now we're dealing with the same thing 10 years later still? Ship the game, it's time to stop appeasing the lunatics that are going to call for Jihad over a video game. On the other side though, if SCEE feels this is something that's truly worth a delay (it's not), how did they miss this all the way up until after they shipped it?
  16. That's Wobbling, invented by Wobbles. What you do is have Popo tap neutral A, and have Nana tap ftilt. If you time it right, the opponent is stuck in perpetual hitstun, and can't break out of the grab. Rinse and repeat until sufficient damage is done to finish with a dsmash/fsmash.
  17. Oh man Arek, I was playing with Luigi in Melee today, he's SO good and fun. Too bad his recovery is beyond terrible. Here's one of my favorite matches ever. It features Ken, the current Evo Melee champion of the world (and current contestant on Survivor), playing someone other than his standard character, Marth. He's playing against Wobbles, the other premier IC player besides Chu Dat: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CsnQWIFG91w
  18. After a meteor smash (ex. Roy's dair, Samus' dair, etc.), if you time it just right you can jump or up-b out of it, and you can make it back to the stage. I'm not exactly sure about the timing, because it's pretty specific. However, you cannot meteor cancel true spikes. As far as I know, the only true spikes in the game are Marth's dair and Falco's dair (those were made into meteor smashes in the PAL version, so they can be meteor canceled in the PAL version). Salluz, Roy is nothing like Marth. He's slow, has no range, has no aerial game, horrendous recovery and no combos to speak of outside of fair => dtilt => nair. If you want to pick up one of them, play Marth, as he's vastly superior to Roy in every way imaginable. I contend that Roy is one of the worst characters in the game. Marth, I think, is the second most forgiving of the top tier characters (Sheik being first). He doesn't really require that much tech skill to make him a winner; pretty much the hardest thing to learn for Marth is his chaingrab on Fox/Falco. Everything about him is retardedly good, and it takes far less of an investment to play well with him than, say, Fox, Falco, Falcon and even Peach. Also, SBR has released their "final" Melee tier list:
  19. Marth meteor-canceled Roy's dair, and made it back. Roy, a fastfaller, was doomed the moment he went for the meteor smash. Or in other words, Roy got Roy'd. That's what happens when you try to get a kill WITHOUT PHIRE.
  20. This is the greatest Roy spike you'll ever see. It perfectly captures the failure of Roy: I used to be a Roy main when I first started going to tournaments. I actually won a couple of matches with him, but God he's so terrible. You only main Roy if you like losing and PHIRE!!1!
  21. On Smashboards I go as "Peanut Butter and Jam". It used to be Jam Stunna, but the mods changed it. EDIT- Haha, MookieRah and Roy. That guys too good.
  22. Get that hat ready, boy! Seriously though, Salluz: You suck. Alot. But that's okay, we ALL really sucked at one point or another. Don't take it as a personal attack, because it's not. It's simply a statement of facts. Objectively, that's probably one of the worst videos of a Ness I've ever seen, and your Peach post demonstrates that you want to understand the game and build constructively on that knowledge, but you're a long way from being at that point. What Arek, G-T (and Atma, LOL) and I are trying to get you to understand is that you must first know what you are talking about before you can tell it to someone else. Like I said, I'm no expert at this game; everything I say is readily available in several publicly accessible places on the internet. READ THEM. Instead of uploading your videos, ask where you can find good videos to emulate good habits. Do you know what a double-jump cancel is? If so, why didn't you do it a single time as Ness? It's a corny cliche, but before you can get better, you have to admit how terrible you are. I don't mean you personally, I mean "you" in the general sense. Check out this post by Mew2King from 2002 (note: if you can't tell why this is a hilariously bad post, then you're nowhere near ready): http://www.smashboards.com/showpost.php?p=350328&postcount=1 If Mew2King had maintained that attitude, he would not be the best player in the world right now. He had a losing attitude back then, and had to admit that and then work hard to get better. We've all had to do that, and have had varying degrees of success to be sure, but we're all better than we used to be. There is no possible way ever that you could ever hope to beat PC in a match. Ever. That's your starting point.
  23. Yeah, it's PC. Ha, I was at a tournament with Skler on Saturday. His Link is too good.
  24. I can't begin to describe everything that's wrong in this video. This is how you play Link:
  25. Stick to Lucario. Of all the characters you mentioned, he offers you the best chance to win. Read this thread, posts 1-20 (and focus on post #19) http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=189767 Also, watch as many videos of Azen's Lucario as you can between now and Friday. Here's one I found: Just copy what you see/read. Watching videos and reading threads on SWF are the best way to get better quickly, since you can copy what you see/read without really having to understand it. But if you want to get really good, you might need a copy of the game at some point (then again, you might not. It is Brawl after all). Basically, just always remain calm. Lucario is the only character in the history of Smash that rewards you for sucking. As long as you don't allow yourself to get gimped, your chances of winning actually increase as you take damage (to a certain extent, of course). Good luck!
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