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Jam Stunna

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Everything posted by Jam Stunna

  1. Yeah, you're absolutely right about allisbrawl being better for matches. I once got an infraction at Smashboards for asking if anyone wanted to play.
  2. Ha, I actually don't like AllisBrawl that much. I only go there when Smashboards is down (which is fairly often).
  3. Good stuff Silent Mike, that tech in the last match was one of the best ones I've seen. Did you save it?
  4. Man if only they'd kept it as powerful as it was in Melee.
  5. Choose Snake. Perfect shield => up tilt. They'll be thinking twice about using that up B.
  6. Also, Snowman is such a great, great song.
  7. There was an EA AFL game: http://www.easports.com/afl/index.jsp I'm not sure how they got the rights to it though, and as far as I know, EA has had the exclusive rights to college football forever.
  8. I used to be a huge Madden fan until the series became so convoluted (QB Vision totally destroyed all fun in that game), not to mention that it really is just the same game every year. I really would have preferred if EA made the roster changes downloadable and went back to releasing Madden every 2-3 years, so that they can actually make improvements. But you can't possibly fault them for selling people the same game every year when they're buying it. They'd be stupid not to make the quick money. Why is there so much hate towards football games? Is a football game somehow less legitimate than another game? People seem to forget that videogames are about enjoyment, not proving you're some ultimate gamer by collecting all the magical kidney stones in some obscure Japanese RPG.
  9. http://www.next-gen.biz/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=10799&Itemid=2 Alot of people.
  10. Considering how many people hate EA on these boards, I'm surprised this hasn't been posted yet: http://www.gamespot.com/news/6192409.html?om_act=convert&om_clk=newstop&tag=newstop;title;1 This lawsuit is ridiculous to me. As I understand it, the NFL is the one who put up the exclusive rights for sale, because they did not want a bidding war to cut into their profits (which is what did happen when Take-Two slashed their game's price). The rights were up for grabs, and EA simply outbid Take-Two for those rights. How can you sue a company for making a smart business move?
  11. I've changed mains so many times it's nuts.
  12. I think he's from Pennsylvania, if I'm not mistaken.
  13. I'm 22, and my Wii gets alot of play. It's the only next-gen system I have, and I'm a HUGE Smash Bros. fan, so that's the only game I own for it. But my relationship with Brawl is pretty tenuous, and once I stop playing it, I'll probably just trade my Wii in towards a 360.
  14. If you liked that, you'll love this: 2:50-3:00 is amazing, and I came at 6:53.
  15. 1)The World Ends With You- I can't say enough good things about this game. 2)Super Mario Bros. 3- My wife and I are playing. Shamefully, I must admit neither of us have beaten it. 3)Starfox 64- Trying to get all the medals. 4)Super Smash Bros. Brawl-Gotta stay sharp. Once I finish TWEWY, I'm going to finish Skies of Arcadia.
  16. If anyone wants to play, I'll be getting online around 2:40-2:50 EST.
  17. http://www.gamespot.com/news/6192089.html?om_act=convert&om_clk=newstop&tag=newstop;title;5 In an article talking about CoD 4 reaching the 10 million sold mark, this was said:
  18. I will pick this up eventually. I just want to make sure I get the IGN mistake version.
  19. Arek play me right now EDIT-Actually in like 15-20 minutes
  20. From the description on the Youtube page: WOW
  21. This could happen, but at least to me, it became extraordinarily clear that Nights 2 was going to be a failure well before it was released. I never played the first one, so I don't have any expectations to cloud my judgment. It just looked like standard Sega of the last few years: underdeveloped, under-tested and under-budgeted. If the trailer of BG&E 2 is any indication, that game will not suffer from the same problems.
  22. If this thread is inappropriate or becomes a flamewar, please lock it. I just didn't think it fit in the various system threads. Is it fair to compare videogame hardware to each other? Is each system now so specialized as to be aimed at totally different parts of the market? Can you really say that system X is better than system y? I'm not trying to encourage people to harp on the benefits or weaknesses of any specific system, but I've heard from several people that it's not fair to draw comparisons due to the differences between the systems. I want to hear what other people think.
  23. Yeah, I've been trying to find a main character since I bought this game. Hopefully, I finally have.
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