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Jam Stunna

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Everything posted by Jam Stunna

  1. Oh yeah, that's right. So here we are now: Bison- GT Vega- Atma Balrog- Arek Sagat- Jam This so needs to become a sig at some point.
  2. I used to run track in high school, and at an indoor meet in NY some kid broke the national record for the high jump. Just being there was the most exciting thing ever. The whole place erupted.
  3. It's like Street Fighter. G-T is Bison, and me, Atma and Ayres are Balrog, Vega and Sagat. I'm not sure who's who, but I'd like to be Sagat if possible. He's so damn badass.
  4. If you don't win, then you weren't the better player in that match. It's as simple as that. It doesn't matter if you're 50-0 in tournament, if you lose a round or a match, for the duration of that match your opponent was better than you. Dedede should have no problem at all against the ICs. His grab range is better, his chainthrow is better, his projectiles are better, his aerials are better, his smashes are better, his recovery is better. Everything about D3 is better than the ICs. Your problem probably stems from the fact that you have very little experience against ICs, especially chain-throwing ICs. Get them off the stage, gimp Nana in mid-air (which should be a piece of cake as D3), and you win. That's really all it takes. If the IC shield camps you to try and get a grab, grab them first. D3's grab is so much faster than the ICs, and you should have thrown Popo away by the time Nana can even react thanks to the desync lag.
  5. ICs aren't as bad as I've said they are, but you still have a pretty good chance against them. It's a cliche, but DON'T GET GRABBED. Just pick someone who out-spaces their grab range (which is pretty poor).
  6. Hopefully he means nothing more than a massive, massive marketing campaign.
  7. I know I've bitched and moaned about the game alot, but I did have a really good time at the tournament I just went to. The team matches I had against Vulcan and his partner were some of the most intense and exciting matches I've ever played in. The joy I get in playing Smash comes from two places: performing technically impressive moves and competing against others who want to win. As long as Brawl has some of the former and all of the latter, I can see myself playing this game. Nothing will ever change my belief that Melee is better, but I'm enjoying Brawl now and look forward to future tournaments. Besides, it's time that the Melee holdouts get over themselves. Brawl is the future. The tournament I went to a few weeks ago was dominated by new people, and they more than made up for the old Smashers that refused to come. Unless some catastrophe happens (like tripping deciding the outcome of a national tournament), the Melee community will continue to isolate itself and grow smaller, because at this point it consists of people who are "Melee-only". It's a stupid approach to take, but that's their prerogative.
  8. Hey everyone, go read my article on allisbrawl.com! http://www.allisbrawl.com/forum/topic.aspx?id=13464
  9. This is the only time in life I've considered forming an internet petition.
  10. This just kicked my ass and threw me over the edge.
  11. Yeah, you're right. I suppose I'm just so consistently disappointed by the Wii that it clouds my judgment sometimes.
  12. I was reading about the trailer on IGN, and I saw this: That's amazing, but it got me thinking. It's a goddamn shame that the bold line completely rules out a Wii release. Fuck you Nintendo. /end rant
  13. Yeah, I read the thread you're referring to. BUM is right, Brawl brings in the money. Fuck the boycotters, more than enough people will start showing up to make up for them and then some. As for Vulcan, I'm not sure what his partner's name is. He used Olimar, and his partner used Diddy Kong, if that helps identify them.
  14. I might as well trade in my Wii today, because I must have this game. Whatever system it's on, I will buy it.
  15. What problem? True, 4th place isn't 1st, but I feel no shame in losing to Cort/PC Chris or Vulcan and his brother.
  16. I went to a tournament today, it went pretty well. My partner and I did teams, and we came in fourth place. Our first loss was to PC Chris and Cort, and then in losers we lost to a team that we barely beat in winners earlier, so they got their revenge on us. I guess the most surprising thing about the whole thing is that I've spent so much time trying out new characters the last few weeks, and I ended up just going Yoshi for most of it.
  17. Yes. I'm re-watching all three of the originals before I see it. Pretty soon the wife and I are going to watch The Last Crusade.
  18. The part about the cereal being as intricate and everlasting as any other cereal is fucking hilarious. I literally laughed out loud.
  19. Give me your friend code and I'll add you. Mine is 3179-5865-1416.
  20. WRONG. Totally, totally wrong. Caps cannot express my amazement at this post.
  21. Yeah, they seem to think that free makes up for all the crap. I'd gladly pay money for a better online system, because Brawl becomes almost unplayable online at times.
  22. Yeah, it's honestly like they barely tried. I almost wish that Sakurai had gone with Iwata's original idea, that way they would have focused more on the online aspect.
  23. That was an extremely good video, although I would have liked to see it done against an actual opponent. I think that most of those combos can be DI'd or air-dodged out of.
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