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Everything posted by Lemonectric

  1. Yay! By the way, Rexy, have you changed your mind or would you like me to continue posting the vgmix topics?
  2. I guess we have six votes at the moment. Which puts this round on the "Most Active Rounds" list! :3
  3. Four entries already...one more promised...another possibly possible...this is shaping up to be a pretty awesome round. And hey, welcome, Flexstyle! New remixers are always awesome. X3 Now Rexy's got me all excited about the announcement...
  4. If Rexy and Mewtation enter (unlikely, but he said he'd at least try), we'd have four entries this week. And to think it started out so disappointingly. I'm not going to bother checking if that's a word.
  5. This was my entry for PRC 110. The source is "Pitch Black Intrusion" from Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow. Lacking Light
  6. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/0903/sawdead/ea4fcee5.png Yes, Tensei-San. If you want to, anyway. Oh, and Rexy? I just noticed the rules say your "image" is required to be 6MB or less.
  7. Alrighty, I'll ask one of the admins there. EDIT: They don't even have a PM system. And why can't I find virt here? Isn't he a member? o.o I guess I could just post it and then run away really fast. With an explanation for the raid, of course... I would feel dumb making a whole topic asking for permission.
  8. Wait, there were only three votes. o.O At this point, I think we desperately need some more advertising. I can copy the next topic onto vgmix if nobody else wants to (would we need to get permission from anyone there?). @chickenwarlord: Can Garageband import midis? I'm sure we could work something out in the future if you'd like. I assume I'm not allowed to collab with anyone this week, though.
  9. You did win the Paper Mario round. What if you collab'd with the world? What program(s) do you use? We need to figure out a way to attract more people. Everyone, brainstorm. I need some lemonade and a lawn chair. EDIT: What if we put topics on vgmix or something?
  10. ...The song list shows genres and not games. Lives will be lost if this does not change. Well, at least it's finally back, if only partially.
  11. Agchk. A lot of people around here have been getting that lately, too. I assume you're better, then? Well, that stomach flu is no match for Chickenwarlord and his competition-entering skills.
  12. Is this the end of Chickenwarlord? D: Stay tuned to find out.
  13. Mmmrgh. Well, thasauce hasn't been adjusted for the extension yet. Just pointing out.
  14. Well, like I said, Mewtation and I are going to add some guitar, and I'm going to try to expand on things, possibly adding the title theme or menu theme. Mewtation has to buy something that will allow for cleaner recording, but he needs some help when it comes to saving money. I should try handcuffing him every time he reaches for his wallet. Blame effectively shifted.
  15. 10 hours left, people. Get those mixes finished so we don't have to extend this round! I did my part. :3
  16. This year wasn't really disappointing. No embarrassing gifts that didn't make any sense. Woohoo. -Zelda DS Lite -Nintendo hoodie -Mario pajama pants (it's about time. I needed some more) -The Towering Inferno/Volcano DVD combo thingy -Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure And apparently there's some kind of secret I'll find out about in a couple of days. No idea if it's another present or what...
  17. The only thing I really disliked about Sunshine was every cutscene in the game. The rocket nozzle was the shizz. Oh, and that video up there is pretty sweet.
  18. Of course. Just don't yoink it so hard next time; poor Siggy has feelings too.
  19. Ooh, this one sounds nice. I will see if I can come up with stuff. Yeah, yeah...siggy time. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/0903/sawdead/Castlevania.png No complaints or I will smite you.
  20. Someday, these journalists will all die off and we'll be able to play video games at our retirement homes in peace.
  21. Yeah, someone in here mentioned the homing stomp. Yesterday I noticed the propellingness on the Toads...awesome. And as for the race thing... So you can long jump off the edge of the planet and land at the end of that honey path? Now that I think about the placement, it does make sense.
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