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Everything posted by Lemonectric

  1. Congratulations on your first win, Flexstyle! And thanks to everyone for making it such a successful round. Lots of great entries this week.
  2. Oh my god. Proof that the advertising sigs have absolutely no effect on the outcome. XD Anyway, I'm so glad we got out of that two-entries-per-week rut.
  3. In the song description, I suppose. You could upload a low-quality version or a recording of yourself saying "go click on that link olololol" to make it count as an entry on thasauce.
  4. It shouldn't be a problem, since you're using your own space. I don't think anyone would mind. As long as it's not a case of "length for length's sake." Nice lineup, by the way! 5 entries!
  5. OneUp, that is some trippy stuff right there. I approve. XD Also, yes, it should be "eligible" and "ineligible." Otherwise we're saying the remixes are able/unable to be read.
  6. Hmm...tempting offer, but unfortunately I've already entered.
  7. Well, we have our first entry, fresh out of the oven! Of course, I have been baking it bit by bit throughout the week.
  8. All right, I'm going to send you a message with some more details and guidelines and whatnot. In other news, I have been busy on my PRC entry this week, but I have gotten some feedback for this track on the irc channel. Once I get back home on July 7th or so, I'll get back to work on this (expect more material in the middle).
  9. Ah, good, I'm not the only one after all. XD My entry is coming along nicely. Just passed the 2-minute mark, and I believe I've taken a somewhat unique approach. And you'll get an amazing piece of literature to go along with the mix, too! Eep, are you sick, just64? Hope you feel better! And not just because we need the competition, lol.
  10. I was wandering around youtube and found this guy. He has a video of Ancient Hero posted, claiming in a few comments that he remixed it. He may have some other OCR tracks, but that's the only one I'm familiar with.
  11. Oh, cool. I thought I was going crazy; a lot of the time, music sounds faster to me late at night. Although I can't say I've noticed any other time of day when it changes. And it sounds normal at 7 in the morning, so I don't know. Edit: Come to think of it, there have been times when it seemed a lot slower, but I can't remember the circumstances.
  12. Ooh, sweet. I might even come up with something this week. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/0903/sawdead/4e97a731.png[/img*][/url*] Like just64helpin, I tend to call this track Bob-omb Battlefield, but I've gotten used to seeing it called "main theme". What I hate is when people try to get all creative with naming songs and you have to guess what they are. Most of the time they could be more easily identified by just using character/area names from the game. Edit: Ok, I have 45 seconds down and I actually like it, so that's a good sign. I'm going to try to do a story mix like I used to; people liked that. XD I haven't participated for 9 rounds, so hopefully I'll finish this. I was hoping to enter the Kirby 64 round, but I just wasn't feeling my remix. I'm willing to bet we'll have the results by Tuesday (an extension for Super Mario 64? I should hope not). I'll be leaving for a week starting that day, so I'll be gone for the beginning of the next round. If anyone else wants to put together an advertising sig, it'll be up to them (although if I end up finishing my entry and winning, I'll probably just make Rexy post something I've prepared). It would be nice if someone could make the vgmix topic, but it's not like I can force you or anything. All you do is put Rexy's post in a big quote and change all the font sizes because vgmix uses massive numbers. Edit2: Actually, I'm probably leaving on Monday. And what the hell? Don't tell me I'm the only one entering here...
  13. So you don't know how to apply reverb? Because that's definitely something you're going to want to know. You really shouldn't give up on this song, because it has a lot of potential. Ok, so reverb. -Select the channel you want to apply an effect to (there will be a green light to the right of the channel name). -There should be an FX button with a picture of some vertical bars at the top right of the screen. You click on that to open the mixer. -Right click on one of the effect channels (insert 1, insert 2, etc) and go to "Link selected channels", then click "to this track". -Now you can go over to the right and click on the dropdown arrow next to "1". -Go to "select" and then click on "fruity reverb". A little window will pop up. -You can adjust the settings manually, but you're probably better off starting with the presets since you don't know much about all those terms (I don't either ). Right click on the two arrows next to the X and you can select from a list of presets. -You can also go back into the mixer and adjust how much of the reverb is applied by using the little knob next to the effect. There are a whole bunch of other effects you should experiment with. That's the best way to find out what they do. But I'd say reverb is the most important of them, especially for a piece in this style. Now, I'm no expert on humanizing, but reverb is the easiest step in making instruments sound better. You should at least get familiar with that. Or maybe you already know how to apply it, but you're not sure how to use it well...
  14. As Uboichi2 said, the arrangement is the strongest point of this mix. The final lone note at the end is a little awkward, but otherwise the interpretation is pretty cool. What program(s) did you use to make this? It is definitely possible to get a better sound than this for free.
  15. That's how I felt about Paper Mario. Whoo, round 123! It's the most amazing landmark ever.
  16. Your dad remixes video game music? Or you're just trying to force him to?
  17. That's an interesting idea - making an informational video using some of the entries for background music. Certainly do-able. Although what would we really do with it? Our main problem is that many people who would be interested don't even know PRC exists (I know that's how it went for me and for some other people). I don't know if our target audience would find it on youtube. Still, it's an idea. Anyone else have any thoughts? Edit: I think if we did make a video, we should stress that people of all levels of remixing are welcome. The word "competition", especially when coming from OCR, can be a little intimidating, I think. Listening to past entries really helped me build up the courage to give it a try; it's not completely ultra-popular posted remixers duking it out. We're all learning here.
  18. Here we go... http://img.photobucket.com/albums/0903/sawdead/48026367.png[/img*][/url*]
  19. I'm in the 10-26 range. The Wii is my only system of those three, and its use really fluctuates. When a game comes out, I play a lot every day. When I'm just playing through an "older" game, it gets around an hour or two a day (and usually not all at once). But sometimes it doesn't get touched for a week.
  20. All right, new version! You would not believe how hard it is to edge my way onto our laptop (our desktop is waay too old to sustain much Fruity Loops action). [link removed] So what's new? -Cloned string track a couple times, raised and lowered clones an octave, lowered volumes of the clones (I heard this was a good technique). And I messed with the string velocities a bit in the intro. -Toned down the high-pitched eardrum raids of the main synth -Looked for another flute sample for forever, but couldn't find one that sounded good in the song -Ended up pairing one of the better flutes with the original -Made flute echoey in the intro -Added a bit in between the two slowdowns at the end of the song -Adjusted some instrument volumes, especially the bass So let me know how it sounds!
  21. I absolutely love this game. I had no trouble with the waggle controls, and they were a lot more responsive than Twilight Princess's. But speaking of Okami, did anyone here get anything out of that "art redemption" thing Capcom had going a while ago? I signed up for it, got a confirmation email, and never received anything in the mail. Makes me a little sad, although it's not a terribly big deal.
  22. Hey, don't look at us. You make the production yourself; we just sell the tickets.
  23. Vgmix attempted an Ocarina of Time project like a year ago or something. It was a flop (although it did produce some nice remixes, released individually). But under the right leadership, I think it could definitely work. The trouble is getting everyone to remix on time and dealing with inactive remixers.
  24. That story was XD up until the part where they arrested him. Then it was O.o
  25. Thanks for the comments! I'll work on that stuff. In the meantime, I have this youtube video with the intro music in it. Vgmusic does have the first part of the intro (listed under Oracle of Seasons, since it's the same song), but not the rest of the source I included in the remix.
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