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Everything posted by Lemonectric

  1. Yeah, Bundeslang's right. You just leave the last place blank.
  2. Aaaah this is going to be tight. In the more traditional sense of the word. I will definitely try to finish in time, though. A disappointing remix will be better than nothing.
  3. I hadn't looked at the Brawl site for a long time, so I was a little worried about how interesting the stages would be...but I wasn't disappointed. Right now I'm playing through SSE mode. It's way awesome. Link is definitely still my favorite character (so far), but Pit and Metaknight aren't bad either.
  4. I got distracted by my game soundtrack for a while. I have like a minute of material for my source...I should be able to finish in time.
  5. ^ Holy whoa. I'm looking at the screenshots now. That looks awesome.
  6. Right, I get it. You're trying to tap into PRC's immense fanbase by advertising right when Rexy pulls out a DKC2 theme. Real smooth. By the way, act now and you can be a part of the world-famous People's Remix Competition, now featuring Donkey Kong Country 2! Just click the image below and let fate whisk you away to unimaginable heights! Also: Good luck with this.
  7. Sweet! Siggy for anyone who feels like advertising: [[color=red][size=4]•[/color][/size]url=http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=15002][[color=red][size=4]•[/color][/size]IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/0903/sawdead/DKC2PRC.png[/IMG][/url] Just take out the •s and you'll be set. I really wish the "code" code actually worked here...
  8. Just a quick note. While I was copying to VGMix, I noticed the ThaSauce link still says 114. I also noticed that I had labeled the last round as 113 in the blog, so you're not the only one with copy-paste problems. XD I'll get on the advertisements right away.
  9. People are too lazy to look at the instruction manual, I guess. Personally, I love reading through those things.
  10. He rerolled. I believe it's available for anyone who has finished their track.
  11. I'm not very familiar with Playstation controllers, so the few times I've used them have been awkward. Really, any of my arguments against it wouldn't be legitimate since I haven't had any time to adapt. Personally, I feel like the Gamecube controllers do a great job of fitting my hands (curved shoulder buttons = genius). But I guess you just can't design a controller to comfortably fit everyone, right? I know my little sister doesn't like the button setup in Mario Kart Double Dash because her thumb can't press A and X/Y at the same time.
  12. I've never understood why people dislike the Gamecube controller. It's practically perfect, in my opinion. The variation in button size and placement makes each button unique, and all of them are easily within reach. Anyway...no. I don't think video game controllers are too complicated. I liked the comparison someone made with a keyboard: you get used to it and it becomes like second nature or something. Anyway, games these days require more control ability. Cell phone keypads (or whatever you call them) are not easier to type messages with just because there are fewer buttons. So to you who say controllers are too complicated, I say bah! Just learn to use them.
  13. Hey, Retsej is a member at VGMix and not OCR. Maybe advertising works after all. XD I'm glad this round turned out ok. I would have felt a little guiltier for not entering otherwise.
  14. Wait, so...only 32 tracks? I guess we won't be getting 4 tracks from each previous game, then? I wonder how that will be organized. Either that or they're really cheap and only made 12 new tracks, which I doubt.
  15. Thank you for sharing this poison. Thank you so much. In other news, I've finally started my remix. I think this song is pretty well suited to me.
  16. Good point. I do like the challenge offered by the MK64 AI, but there are times when you just want to punch them in the face. For example, when they get items without even going through a box...
  17. Double Dash is really fun if you get a bunch of friends to race/battle...but a lot of the tracks are really terrible, and the AI is incredibly easy. MK64 got the difficulty just right, I think, and it had cooler tracks. MKDS was a step in the right direction in terms of trackage (I'd say MKDS has my vote for best track design), but the AI was still kind of lacking. As long as MK Wii has awesome tracks, I'll be good. I'd REALLY like to see at least one Galaxy-themed track with cool gravity stuff going on... Also: SMK remix ftw.
  18. Everyone asking for a reroll without technical reasons fails at life. Just saying.
  19. Siggeh time http://img.photobucket.com/albums/0903/sawdead/FireEmblemsig.png
  20. Ah, this week's theme was cool. I suppose it's good to have a variety of compo types, like sample packs and open themes.
  21. Indiana Jones I Love You <3 It would be in all caps if that were allowed here. I have eaten too much candy today.
  22. Next PRC: A medley of three completely unrelated songs! That would be interesting, anyway.
  23. I thought the script was going to take remixer needs into account. Like, people who need MIDIs, stuff like that. I need a source with some kind of regular filetype, like midi or mp3. Or even youtube.
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