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Everything posted by Lemonectric

  1. A relatively popular game with few/no remixes is probably a good bet. And make sure the song isn't too hard to interpret. But whatever. Use your best judgement. I mean, I chose Paper friggin' Mario a while back and there were only two entries (besides my own bonus). Christmas break has started, so there's a higher possibility of me entering. But who knows. It all depends on the source.
  2. Sorry if I caused an awkward silence. By all means, people, continue discussing. I will allow you to have your own opinions.
  3. I don't remember this many people complaining about Super Mario Bros being too linear. Sorry...it just makes me sad when people are all picky about games. I don't know, it feels like people these days complain way too much. Well, at least they do after the game has been out for a while. And now I'm complaining about people who complain. Whatever, I'm not out to ruin your dissatisfaction. No, I am not attempting to look like some kind of fanboy. I just think a lot of great games have been getting more criticism than they deserve lately. I'm a loser. Carry on.
  4. Talking about the green trial stars? I love the ball level there. Ray surfing...ugh. My little sister is better at it than I am, even though she isn't too great with normal gameplay. That homing jump has been really helpful for her. I had no idea the homing jump locked onto purple coins. I don't know if I'd use it at all, but that's interesting. I know spinning with the glowy flying hands will pull purple coins towards you; that really made things quicker in the gate level.
  5. Weird coincidence. I was out at a restaurant just now, and someone commented on my OCR hoodie. He's the first person to say something other than "what's that?" I get back home and the t-shirt thread has been posted in. After what, like 9 months? Not that anybody cares. It just flipped me out.
  6. This looks like a job for the 1337 n00b pwner. Oh wait
  7. I do that once in a while, but never outside the safety of my own home. In general, internet lingo was never meant to be spoken. "w00t" sounds somewhat questionable and awkward out loud. Of course, sometimes the occasion calls for that. I have been known to say awkward and/or annoying things around close friends/relatives.
  8. Except there's that whole coconuts -> watermelons thing when you get 9999 star bits. Which wouldn't be as awesome if they gave you infinite star bits. Anyway, those things are practically useless once you've fed all the hungry Lumas.
  9. I'm all for playing along. We could have had more fun with that guy who posted remixes on youtube.
  10. That's my line, cheater. I want one. Some plagiarists can be so amusing. They're so lazy they can't even write their own comments about what they stole, so they have to steal the creator's comments. I've caught two people plagiarizing a terrible fanfic of mine.
  11. Well, he did say the mixes can be good. I'd say it would be a good idea to have a sense of humor about it, though I guess it's not really a rule. Of course, I've never had anything to do with OLR, so I can't give any definite answers... X3
  12. My entry will be amazing and quite OLR-worthy. Maybe. Maybe not. Either way, I'm way excited. Yay.
  13. Ooh, I figured he meant falling into emptiness. Which would make no sense at all.
  14. Eh? No challenge? Define "finished" (with white text if necessary).
  15. You get a jump upgrade in Super Mario 64? o.o I just got 121 stars as well. I was hoping for a little more, but it wasn't bad. What sucks is that Peach's gift is still left unmentioned. I was hoping to get a little cutscene or something, if only for a cake. Also, my passionate hatred for the Dreadnought purple coin star has been revived. The amount of time it takes to get up from taking damage is ridiculous...
  16. Yeah, I had to try a few times for some of those. I jumped on his head because he's a meanie. D: I've been playing through as Luigi and I've found several stars to be a lot easier than they had been before (I got the toy time purple coin star in one go). I guess I must be getting better, because Luigi's lubricated shoes certainly aren't helping.
  17. I actually liked the untimed purple coin missions. You really get to know the stage better. The timed missions were a little more annoying, but they made for some awesome one-second-left finishes. Whoo... I think that happened in Gusty Garden. I didn't realize there were over 100 coins, so I was going for all the random loner coins on the narrow beams. I barely made it back to the star in time; it's lucky I stumbled onto the correct side of the cube.
  18. I don't even remember the purple coins in the woods level. I must not have had any trouble with it... The toy time purple coin...basically, keep jumping constantly. The long jump + spin move is your friend. Don't destroy green tiles that you don't need to. Get those two long strings of coins over the swamp stuff. Don't try to run on the yellow tiles; you might end up getting stuck against a small ledge and being unable to react in time to jump over it. If there are specific coins you have a lot of trouble with, skip them. You only need 100 out of the 150 that are there. Yeah, that's about all I have to offer. Oohh, I hated that level. But it was good to be challenged.
  19. You just reminded me of running out of batteries. >.< WHY did they have to wait like five seconds before auto-pausing the game? I let my batteries run all the way out before recharging them, and it's not usually a problem because games pause themselves when the batteries are dead. Super Mario Galaxy waits a few seconds and lets Mario run into some lava or something while you're smashing the control stick in vain. Ugh.
  20. The ball-rolling music blows my mind every time. It's hilarious and awesome at the same time. I'd like to see more fluid music shifts in the next Zelda. For example, we don't want the field enemy music to start playing when we pass an enemy and then have it continue for several seconds after the enemy is gone. It would be cool if the overworld music was fully integrated with the battle music and it could shift back and forth whenever instead of waiting for the next shifting point. If you know what I mean. Not to get off-topic. What exactly are you getting at, megadave? I can't think of a specific unresolved issue off the top of my head at the moment. Just spoilertag it or something.
  21. Interesting. Far from surprising, though. Is anyone else going to try to pick this up, or will the currently finished mixes just be released?
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