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Everything posted by Lemonectric

  1. Five entries again! Obligatory "It's a miracola!" comment.
  2. If you're planning on playing when you get home, you should first rig some kind of device that pulls you to the computer after a certain amount of time so you don't forget us.
  3. Uploaded my bonus. It's always nice to have more upbeat sources once in a while. Especially when they are from StarTropics.
  4. Yay, enthusiasm! I will most likely finish my bonus in time, as long as there isn't any kind of cataclysmic event before Saturday. Chickenwarlord: Whut! But I still have to collab with you! Or is it a technical problem? D:
  5. I have spent most of today staring at primary sources and avoiding my research paper, but I did get some good remixing time in yesterday. I hope I can finish the bonus in time.
  6. You should probably choose one of those just to be sure Rama doesn't ignore it...because we don't want that. Also, I love you. My request comes from Mario Kart DS: DK Pass midi
  7. Have you checked vgmusic.com? They may or may not have the song you're looking for.
  8. I'm not sure I follow the logic that makes certain formats less piracyey than MP3s, but hey, I can roll with it...
  9. Just thought I'd say that the People's Remix Competition is based on a StarTropics source tune this week (topic linked in meh siggy)! Hurry, hurry! Run, run! Also, I had a dream that I came downstairs to find my mom on the third chapter. She's never even played a video game.
  10. And so Hylian Lemon works his magic again. Welcome to PRC! I would say we're more excited to have you here than you are to be here, but that might start to sound like one of those "No, I love you more" conversations that ends in a breakup. Ok, we're about as excited as you are. New faces make things a little more interesting around here.
  11. I will beat this game eventually. >.> I'm thinking of doing a bonus entry this round. We'll see. Advertising sigs: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/0903/sawdead/3af61964.png http://img.photobucket.com/albums/0903/sawdead/722ceec7.png I made two because of the VGMix sig limitations, but you can use either one here, of course.
  12. Hey, I voted. Maybe people are just having trouble choosing. This round does feel more balanced than usual. Or they're just getting lazy. Or they are voting. But I guess you're able to see the vote count?
  13. Be sure to hold that thought and suggest it again in phase 2. I've always loved it.
  14. <3 I wonder what makes the freshly baked remixer challenge so much more popular.
  15. One month to remix, eh? I'll sign up, then. Yeah, yeah. Shut up, future-me. I don't care how "busy" you are, you're entering this.
  16. Rrrmm. I'm not overly happy with what I have so far, but I'll enter whatever I have done by the deadline. The laptop I use for remixing was gone last Saturday, and that's when I do most of my work.
  17. I heard that too. I also heard that her people said it wasn't hers.
  18. I made a blog about it on vgmix, so it should be on the front page for about four seconds or less. And I'm having trouble nailing down a style for this. I've started three different project files. I'm feeling pretty good about the last one, though. I don't know why I thought of doing it in this style...we'll see how that turns out. Definitely not what I had originally planned on.
  19. The vgmix topic was the 999th post on that board. Good luck? :3 Well, the last round's number was 111. That's got to say something.
  20. Onoz, now I have to enter! Well, with any luck, I will be able to whip something up. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/0903/sawdead/cba6df91.png
  21. Someone on the Zelda Central forums years ago put together Mountain Dew, Mario Kart, and Zelda to make "The Speeding Hylian Lemon." A little long for a username, so I shortened it to Hylian Lemon and that stuck.
  22. I don't think I have enough determination to keep a competition going. I think Bundeslang and Chickenwarlord have proven themselves worthy candidates, but yeah. What Rexy said. PRC without Rexy... D:
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