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Everything posted by Lemonectric

  1. Imagine if the three of us each had to pick a song and PRC 105 was a triple medley of completely unrelated sources. I think this was a great round. Close calls are awesome. And congrats to DZComposer who cheated by being an OverClocked ReMixer.
  2. You are hax0ring ThaSauce in order to view the votes early. Give me your knowledge and I will not tell everyone in this topic that you are hax0ring. Also. You reminded me how Tensei-San makes excuses for poor English grammar when he/she sounds better than the average American. This amuses me. We should make a trade to raise America's IQ. Results tomorrow! Of course, Chickenwarlord won't experience the magical surprise because he is busy monitoring the votes as they come in.
  3. You didn't do anything wrong (besides double posting, I suppose). This forum doesn't get much attention from remixers. People just post requests, and they rarely get done. If nothing catches a remixer's eye, it just sits there. That is why you're much better off learning to make remixes yourself. That's what happened to me.
  4. What on earth is an m4a, and how does one go about opening it? Also, I assume you meant "OOT"?
  5. Why exactly do you need six more votes? Also, I sent in my vote a while ago. Yeah. Go me.
  6. Thanks for the more replies. I just wanted to say that I have plans to collaborate with Mewtation to put some guitarry stuff in here. He is currently saving for a guitarry recording thing, so until then, it's safe to say this won't be updated. I will keep all of your suggestions in mind for the next version! With any luck, we'll be able to get this on the site. Also: This is already by far the most downloaded remix I've put on tindeck. o.o
  7. The new source will probably be announced this coming Friday. Each round lasts two weeks (submissions, voting, and allowing the winner a bit of time to choose the next source). Rexy could have something different planned for the next round, since it's the anniversary thing, but who knows. Besides Rexy. But that's how things usually go. Also: A new contestant.
  8. The link to my entry should be: http://compo.thasauce.net/files/Hylian_Lemon_-_I_ll_Blow_Your_House_Down(PRC103).mp3 Whoa, trippy.
  9. You officially have an awesome mom. I have no idea how I found the site, but I think it was around the time I started getting into the Zelda series. Tailcave Beatdown was one of my favorites.
  10. PRC thanks herograw. You just can't have a competition without ThaSauce. It's physically impossible.
  11. Uploaded. Sorry, time zone stuff. I sleep at night. And I'll vote as soon as Nutritious uploads his. ThaSauce voting is too amazing.
  12. The screw attack is actually pretty good against the Metroid Hatcher. You can take out all the tentacles at once if you aim well. I didn't try against the Fargul Hatcher, but that's a good thing to note. That thing is irritating. The world concept art is just about the coolest thing ever. I really need that stuff on my computer.
  13. Someone earlier said the screw attack was insanely weak in this game. Well, I tried it out a little, and I was able to kill those warping fire warthog things and the electricution whip lizard things with one hit each. That has to count for something.
  14. Looks like we have two entries so far and two more possible entries. ZOMG ENTRY: I'll Blow Your House Down If you don't understand the title after reading the story, you must have bypassed childhood. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Luigi and Daisy are having a picnic in Sky Garden. It's a beautiful day, and everything is going perfectly...but suddenly, without warning, black clouds appear and cover the sky. Daisy cries out in dismay, worrying that it might rain on their strawberry shortcake. After some hesitation, Luigi sets his Poltergust 700000 to reverse and rockets away into the sky. Up, up, up through the dark clouds he flies...until finally, he bursts through to the top, where he discovers the mean person behind the situation. Who else but Huff N. Puff? After a fierce battle gets them nowhere fast, Luigi swoops down from above, switching the Poltergust's settings and sucking up Huff N. Puff. With no means of propulsion left, Luigi tumbles down through the clouds. Luckily, the strawberry shortcake breaks his fall. The dark clouds have left, and Luigi and Daisy enjoy the sunset without their cake. Oh well. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  15. Entry comments prohibited. Unable to interact with entry with current suit technology. Also, I finished mine. I will upload it and all that stuff after I give it a next-day listen. Stuff always sounds different the next day, you know?
  16. Thanks for the replies! I don't know if I'll ever get around to fixing things, but I'll try. I always intend to go back and change WIPs, but I tend to get distracted by new projects. That would be the underwater portion of the crashed frigate. Probably the most changed song I have in there. Also the only one I've never heard a remix of. I'll see what I can do about the out-of-placeness. I totally thought I said this, but looking back at my post, I guess I didn't...weird. My intention was basically to make the mix sound Metroid Primey, but in a more dancey kind of way. Sort of.
  17. Nario! I will most definitely be entering. My remix has gone past the "I might finish this" phase.
  18. Lmao now I feel like an idiot. I have no idea how that got selected. Thanks so much, though...I would've never figured that out.
  19. I keep having these bizarre problems with FL... So, I was working on my entry for this week's PRC (enter!), and then when I clicked play, the play button turned into a "..." and the little bar on the left said "waiting for input." And nothing played. I tried muting stuff and deleting some of the stuff I had just put down, but it didn't help. When I exported to mp3, I got half a minute of silence, even though the remix was over two minutes at this point. Does anyone know what the heck is going on?
  20. http://youtube.com/watch?v=9Pd-doby31M At about 5:33, she says: With the death of the planet Phaaze, Samus Aran's arduous fight against phazon has ended. However, in the vast regions of space, this victory is just a twinkle of a star, spreading the light of hope through the darkness.
  21. Text: That's what I thought at first too. I was way creeped out and I expected a boss to suddenly jump out at me from around every corner. XD It was a great way to establish the mood and then make you feel like an idiot afterwards.
  22. I believe we were talking about the terrible voice during the credits. Really cheesy stuff. But the pre-credits stuff was pretty bad too. Text: That code lets the Galactic Federation control the leviathan above the pirate homeworld. If you go up in there before getting the code, you can't do anything.
  23. Other text: Ah. I'm not a big Hunters fan, and I don't have the best memory. I knew it had an X in it. XD
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