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Everything posted by Lemonectric

  1. So, what exactly does one do with a complete bonus mix?
  2. Hah. I chuckle at you common peasants. I used to use the name Hylian Hero. I thought I was sooo clever. Turns out it's not really an uncommon name. Then someone gave me the nickname "The Speeding Hylian Lemon" and it stuck, minus the speeding anyway. To this day, I haven't found anyone else with the name.
  3. -.- The sad thing is, that makes sense. Maybe Rexy can clear things up?
  4. Nope. As far as I know, you're not allowed to get any comments on it before the voting results are in. After the contest, you can revise it for other uses, but yeah.
  5. Seasons does have Tarm Ruins on its side...but I see the two games as generally equal music-wise. As a whole, I prefer Ages because of its superior storyline and puzzles, but Seasons definitely made me feel more accomplished, if only because of that stupid Onox. Stupid Onox. Ahaha, I don't want to turn this into a discussion thread, though. To get back on topic... I can make a bonus mix, right? I can't help myself...
  6. Upon winning, one word crossed my mind: OMGWTFARETHESEPEOPLETHINKING. I hope people enjoy working on this song. Oracle of Ages is very close to my heart. [/cheese]
  7. o.o I won? *checks scores* No wai- Oh, I did. Well congrats to everyone who entered. I'll get that PM sorted in a moment. And yes, you can call me Lemon :3
  8. Do people usually wait until the last minute to enter? Maybe I'm just nervous. XD ENTER, PEOPLE. MY LAST PLACE POSITION NEEDS TO AT LEAST HAVE AN INSANELY AWESOME HIGH NUMBER ATTACHED. I hope dissing my own entry doesn't count as a qualitative comment. >.> <.<
  9. So, about the ID3v2 tagging...in the archives, it says we're supposed to follow OCR's guidelines, but recent PRC submissions haven't. Do we need anything besides title, artist, and album? And then the filenames of the submissions on ThaSauce are pretty uniform. Does it sort that out automatically?
  10. Urgh. I'll be without internet access the week after this coming week, and I need something cleared up. The remixes are due early next Saturday morning...so does this mean voting will begin on Saturday? I'm leaving Sunday morning, and I will have a fraction of time before I leave, but Saturday would be nicer. Not voting is clearly not an option. Should I magically happen to win (haha), I shall get a friend to relay my song choice to you all. My remix is coming along swimmingly (that's what my own ears tell me, anyway). I hope everyone else enjoys remixing this song. Despite my initial disgust at the sight of the word "Pokemon", I've grown to like the source quite a bit. After beating it into submission for hours, of course.
  11. Meh. As much as I dislike Pokemon, I'm starting to get ideas for a...unique remix. It's a kind of catchy song. I think I'll enter this week.
  12. It's a good idea, but there definitely has to be a balance. The game kind of has to be popular enough to attract more remixers (since people tend to like remixing things they've experienced in a game), but the whole point of the competition is to recognize less-known songs, so...kind of a tough situation. Glad I'll never have to make it. XD
  13. Congrats! Now please choose something a little less obscure...heck, a lot less obscure... For my sake as well as the compo's sake, of course.
  14. The pirate ship theme could probably work for that...I'm sure someone good enough could show the development of their little "relationship" with music. Majora's Mask was kind of a slutty game, wasn't it? Cremia, those "shopgirls", the great fairies from Ocarina of Time...ha.
  15. Lmao I added fairy flying at the beginning just for the heck of it. Let me know if it sucks so I can take it out or whatever. I also added a third harmony thing at 3:56. And to top it off, I changed the ending. Make sure to give your opinion on it. New link in first post.
  16. Tindeck is probably the best way to go. You can also try out soundclick. On soundclick, you can have your own artist page, where you display all your stuff and have descriptions and pictures for the songs, but only members of the site can listen. A lot of people here do have soundclick accounts, and I'm pretty sure all the judges do, so no worries there...but you're best putting up a tindeck link so you get the most critique. Some people aren't willing to join a site just to listen to something. No harm in having both, though. I like the profile-ness I get on soundclick, but I use tindeck for posting WIPs.
  17. Are the competitions after 86 still hosted anywhere? Or does someone at least remember what they were? I'd like to know what I missed. I think I'll try this out if a good song comes up this summer.
  18. Wow, thanks, both of you. I'll think about the suggestions and see what I come up with. I had a quick question about the flute break. Do you mean the calm part around 2:34 or the sad part at 3:56? Or both?
  19. Thanks for the reply. Tensei-San was referring to an earlier version, which didn't have an ending yet, but I still agree with you. I'll come up with a better ending.
  20. I don't know why some of the best remixes can get ignored like this. I think this is pretty amazing. Arrangement is well done; I like how you've used different moods to convey the overall Zelda feeling. The sound quality is great, too, though I'm not exactly the best person to judge that. I don't really have critique; I was just getting sick of seeing this excellent piece get pushed down the board. I know it hasn't been too long...but every second I don't have a review feels like hours. I thought maybe other people feel the same way. Edit: Someone cooler noticed the topic. Mission accomplished. You can pay me later.
  21. Update! The song is now finished (in a first draft kind of way). The new link and the guide are above in the first post. I don't really intend to submit this; I doubt OCR would accept something this spastic. Still, I wanted to get some good critique. ...SO CRITIQUE IT AAAAHHHHH!!!
  22. If you don't become a huge name in film/game composing in the future, I'll sue someone. I'm not really a gigantic fan of slower remixes like this, but they are pretty dang helpful for writing. I imagine I'll listen to this for inspiration sometimes. And for the record, I loved the Zelda's lullaby section. It was a beautiful ending to a beautiful piece. Great job. Sorry for posting in here. I think my posting in a topic is the equivalent of locking it.
  23. Frog Eyes: A remix featuring the potion shop and the normal shop themes from Ocarina of Time. The normal shop theme has been messed with greatly to fit the style. A couple ocarina songs make a brief appearance. Check it out on my myspace profile because I'm lazy. (make sure you click on Frog Eyes) This was going to be on the VGMix OOT project, but I was one of the people who randomly got kicked off without even getting told. But whatever; now I'm free to get feedback from you guys. I would really appreciate specific, constructive criticism. Bring it on.
  24. Edit: If anyone still wants to hear it, just PM me or something. I can't risk having it out at this time.
  25. Ah. I have problems with putfile normally, so I wasn't sure if it was actually having problems or if it was just me. It usually starts playing and then freezes on me, but works fine for other people. This was just not even loading. I uploaded to putfile again and it seems to be working. Now I'm having problems with tindeck (I thought tindeck would be a better solution than having two different links to satisfy different people). EDIT: Tindeck seems to be working fine now, so I left it as the only link.
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