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Everything posted by Lemonectric

  1. What cracks me up is the fact that one person who stole my fan fiction actually copied my pre-chapter messages (I was posting the fanfic on a message board). He couldn't even make up his own. The funny thing is, some of these messages were replies to posters in my topic. They didn't even make sense in the context in which he used them. And nobody ever asked him what the heck he was talking about.
  2. Will do. A few emails so far: Haha. This guy can't possibly be 18 (which is what his myspace profile said)...though he does have a picture...which may or may not be him... Well, whatever age he is, he's still an idiot.
  3. Anyone can copy my PRC sigs if they want. Make sure you link to Klobber's DA profile, though. Image Klobber's profile
  4. I shall be churning out an interesting bonus mix for this, and I look forward to seeing the other entries.
  5. I wonder if he's as impressive at speaking as he is at typing. I couldn't resist emailing the Alex guy with one of the email accounts I use to mess with people. I'm posing as an oblivious fan who's confused as to why the songs were taken down. Funness.
  6. Whee confabulations. I'm glad several people turned up for the 100th compo. Can't wait for 101 to be revealed. I'm excited about it. :3
  7. And to think I didn't fully realize the possibilities when I first started using that name...
  8. FLOOD FLOOD FLOOD. A third second. Plz post kthx. What makes me laugh is when people steal crappy works of art and pass them as their own. I have this terrible Zelda fanfic that's been plagiarized twice already. Some people... >.<
  9. 5th graders will be able to detect_ the spread of HIV. cheesecake is good but not Great. k rate and a pound of Flesh. from the bones. of the skull. Nintendo's next console will be a success. But I don t know what i_ m doing. google sucks so i m finding It Harder to get into the groove. Use Google talk by entering three or four words to describe the work: of the International Law Association. Let's kill google so Microsoft will have to wait for the Wagon and the boy Scouts of America. this post is over months old and we re still not Getting it.
  10. I guess real lightning tends to cause fires. But that does look like a pinata/stuffed animal. awesomeman500, if you're serious about all these projects, why don't you just stick with one? You're not going to get anywhere if you keep coming up with new ones.
  11. Hmm. So are our voting comments going to be posted or are we just PMing a list of our top three entries without reasoning? And should I send my song choice along with my vote? I guess it would give you more time to prepare all the stuff...
  12. I thought about PMing her, but I figured that's what you had already done... I had already decided the placings by the time I noticed, though. No worries.
  13. A Rawk Hawk sticker? Playable Paper Mario character, plz.
  14. I don't think so...but I haven't played it. I just seem to remember people saying things about how it's impossible to press X/Y and B at the same time. Really, it's possible. You just have to do this awkward finger position. I did it with Donkey Kong Country. When I checked, they weren't up...
  15. I don't have anything against the Kid Icarus remix...besides those awful hits near the end. The other music so far is still better, though.
  16. My DS gets a better connection than my Wii...and from farther away, too. I swear, the Wii refuses to even connect unless it has a clear path to all that wireless internetty stuff. The DS works fine all the way up in my room.
  17. Well, that's just great. I guess I'll be giving my Action Replay to my cousin, then. Curse you, Nintendo. Sigh... Those Mario Strikers Charged signs are pretty hot. I like that art style too. I always get really mad when the crazed audience is jumping all over the place and I can't see the enemy that's attacking me. Besides that, though, it's cool. You can refill your star power a lot faster than in Paper Mario just by doing stylish moves; that's always good.
  18. This question is for people who: -Own a Gamecube Action Replay disk that previously worked when loaded on the Wii -Did that whole system update thing everyone's talking about above Is anyone having problems loading their Action Replay disk now? Mine gives me an error message every time. I don't know if I just got the disk dirty or what, but the fact that it worked yesterday and doesn't work today leads me to suspect the update. Not to mention the fact that some versions of AR never worked on the Wii at all. Meh. Just asking.
  19. Meh. I've had some bad experiences with ebay. Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door never came, and Super Mario Sunshine didn't even work (not to mention there was some strange substance covering half the instruction manual). The seller went all insane when I told him/her. Sigh. We have a place called Slackers downtown. Sells used games and stuff. I usually look there if I can't find what I'm looking for at EB Games.
  20. TODAY IS REXY'S BIRTHDAY GO ENTER PRC. You will receive your cake shortly after.
  21. I dunno if I'm even allowed to participate in this round because of the special situation, but I'll probably be sitting out anyway. I need to focus my attention on writing and preparing for an AP discussion on the 9th (haven't started reading the book assignment yet >.<). And I have a little project of my own to see to, anyway. Not to mention I'll be gone half the time this competition is going on. Ok, enough excuses for now. Just to let you all know...I have chosen the next source tune. If you tried to say "extremely popular" and "completely ignored" at the same time, that game would appear in a massive explosion. I'm looking forward to it, and good luck to everyone participating in this round! I'll be around to vote. And I'm working on an advertising sig, if anyone wants one. I'm putting more work into it, which usually means you'd better get out your sunglasses if you value your life. EDIT: Ok, here's what I came up with. I tried to use that title-screeny thing, but I didn't like how everyone was covered up. So I just found some random pictures and there you go. Let me know if I made some awful mistake or if it burns your eyes or something.
  22. Holy............you guys are too nice. XD Well, I've already picked my source tune, so I'm looking forward to that. I might take a break from this round, because I just realized I haven't started reading the book that's due for analysis in about a week. And I'm a slow reader. >.<
  23. Ah, I think I remember the earlier version of this. I agree with everything everyone else said except for the variation issue. I don't understand how paying "too much" attention to a song can be a bad thing. Still, I'm not exactly the most experienced remixer commenting here, so... But I do love the arrangement. It reminds me of part of my own Lost Woods remix. Different from the usual. Thumbs up on that.
  24. Would you mind uploading to a site that actually makes sense? I want to listen, but the file just doesn't work for me.
  25. Need us to come up with suggestions? I'm sure someone has a good idea. :3 "Someone" not being me.
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