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Everything posted by PriZm

  1. Everyone quick ! Call the irony police so that we can find a context in which that is not ironic and flame this guy for it.
  2. I think he was just reading the thread and trying to fit in (with all the release date criticism). His joke kinda misfired though...
  3. They do make good games. Check Valkyria Chronicles.
  4. I have to echo the general sentiment about Valkyria Chronicles. It's the most awesome game that I've played in years.
  5. Agreed. Tom Cruise was surprisingly awesome. "I. WILL. FUCK. YOU. UP !"
  6. I love when sound effects are used to create a rhythmic break in a tune, so thank you for that part that starts approximately at 1:00. Otherwise the arrangement is quite conservative, but the choice of sounds is pristine and the feeling is really true to the original.
  7. Amazing. The accordion use reminds me of Yuki Kajiura. The delayed acoustic guitar gives a solid ambiance to this mix and the bass is always solid and complex while not being overplayed. Many parts seem to be experimental stuff but it all adds up into a coherent whole. Often, when trying new stuff like this, needlessly adding complexity comes at the expense of musicality, but this is not the case here. In fact, since this song has no definite melody, it is more an experience than a hummable tune. Definitely try to listen to this one with the volume cranked up and pay attention to all the little details. Congratulations on creating a weird progressive song that simply WORKS.
  8. There is not much to like here. The samples all sound very thin and the arrangement does not help. Parts like the one at 0:28 sound light, thin and uninspired. The tom roll at 0:38 sounds like something one would do to impress with his technical abilities, but it has really no place in the song. In fact, the drum sounds really experimental, which would be fine if there had been a solid texture to back it up, but there unfortunately isn't. The only good part, in my opinion, is the harpsichord part and it seems like totally original material to me.
  9. I love mixes like that with limited source material. Anybody else notice that the theme at 0:45 is the same theme as the one in Symphony X's album V : The Mythology Suite. Sweet stuff. The ambiance here is definitely heavy and tense. The dirty synths contrasts well with the cleaner drum sounds to create a thick texture. I love the production on this one. The only gripe I have with this mix is that the song seems to lack direction. The different parts could pretty much be used interchangeably. But, I guess that was the artist's intention and with such great sounds and ideas, that is entirely forgivable. good work
  10. Sorry for getting back to an old argument, but I do not think you are making a good point; Do you know a little about advertising and marketing ? People are influenced on a daily basis by this, and it is not in an obvious conscious way like you are referring. People don't say: "Hey I've seen people play Game X on TV and now I want to play it too !" consciously, but the fact is that they do, otherwise nobody would advertise anything. Similarly, if you make it a possibility to play as a Ridley-skinned Charizard, you are minimizing their marketing impact. Even though the character is still Charizard and only the texture changed, the impact of Nintendo announcing : "You can play as all-new character Ridley" will be minimized because people have already been playing with a Ridley skin for a while. I do not think the main reason Nintendo shut them down is because they were advocating piracy, but more because they thought they could lose marketing impact with their texture mod. But yeah, it would seem there are many lawyers here
  11. But I can easily see why Nintendo wouldn't want this, because it's bad for their business. Let's say they want to release Super Smash Bros Brawl 2 with new characters including Megaman, Ridley, etc... The novelty will be greatly reduced because of the mod, and their game will appear less attractive to people, especially since (and correct me if I'm wrong, I haven't played this game) some characters are clones or at least share a very similar moveset.
  12. Hey I kinda don't post anymore, but I wanted to congratulate you two. Cheers
  13. FFX-2 Piano Collection (amazing album) - Yuna's Ballad Folklore - The Forgotten Village. Xensoaga Ep.I - Nephilim (not Song of Nephilim, just Nephilim) Xenosaga Ep.II - Sakura Theme (piano version) Xenosaga Ep.III - Hepatica #2 you could try some Herbie Hancock too
  14. I played a lot of Super Mario RPG while listening to Dream Theater's Falling Into Infinity and I used to play Secret of Mana while playing the first Era album.
  15. Shadow of the Beast 1 & 2 Clown-o-Mania The Duel - Test Drive 2 (opening theme ) Gemini Wing Great Giana Sisters Menace - yes I had an Amiga 500 - and anything by Kajiura Yuki that isn't revered as the greatest achievement in modern music is underrated
  16. My condolences to family and friends. EDIT: Harmony said what I wanted to say with much more eloquence.
  17. I very seldom post in remix reviews now but I just wanted to say that, after repeated listens, this is simply a fucking amazing mix.
  18. From what I've heard, Synthogy's Ivory is where it`s at. Here are some samples
  19. So I just got a hold of Heavenly Sword and Folklore today. Played about two hours into each of them. Both games certainly look and sound fantastic. The atmosphere in Folklore is so original and refreshing, it's just the type of game I was waiting for on my PS3.
  20. weird. I had no problem with the controller or the PS network
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