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Everything posted by Zergonaleash

  1. Paper Mario, Mario Kart, Kingdom Hearts, Star Fox? Fuck yes I'm getting one.
  2. I've got mixed feelings about this, but then again, I've kinda been clamoring for another Kirby Super Star-esque game for years, and it appears that style of Kirby game is done with. That was easily one of my favorite platformers of all time. I'll play it, probably buy it, but I'll want to try it first.
  3. Okay.

    (Fuck, the character minimum sucks)

  4. Chrono Cross as a whole was one of the most depressing stories I've ever been through, and even at the end, I still felt like something was wrong. That People Seized With Life song is a reaaaaaal emotional one. KHII had it's fair share of sad moments, but 358/2 Days has to be one of the saddest games I've ever played, because if you've played every other game so far, you know exactly how all this is going to end, but they make you get emotionally invested with these people, and the whole thing is pretty depressing. I think I might've actually shed a tear at the end of FFX, and the part when Tidus finds out Yuna's gonna die at the end of the journey was pretty sad too, especially because he was joking around about how they'd have all sorts of fun after they beat Sin. Mother 3, that's been covered. Uh... I'm sure there's others.
  5. I was writing this song that shuffled between 5/4 and 12/4 and I think it slipped into 3/4 for a couple measures every so often. It kinda pissed me off. It didn't feel forced and flowed pretty well though, so that was good.
  6. I beat the game last night, I've just got 8 more stars left to find before I get to go on my Green Star search, which sounds really daunting from what I've read. The OST is great, I got it yesterday! Also, I thought the story was pretty minimal in SMG2, but now that it's been pointed out, I too felt like it was kind of annoying that every time I collected a star I had to return to the ship and then go through that whole sequence again, but I don't think it detracts from the overall experience, really. btw: FUCK the stone spiral galaxy. I hated it in the first Galaxy, and I don't appreciate it's revival =p
  7. So I'm listening to pandora, and an artist named Zircon comes on, the song is called Ladder to the Sky and it's fucking amazing. Is that the OCR zircon, does anyone know?! I guess I could pm zircon...
  8. I'm surprised nobody has ever remixed anything from the game. March Ahead is pretty sweet travelling music, might make for a cool piano mix, or some sort of trance. If anyone takes it up, thanks, that'd be awesome!
  9. i started playing earthbound again, and that guy in the happy village has that one damn hilarious line that goes something like, "AIiiiiiieeeeeeee! I screamed 'cause i didn't know what else to do."(that was kind of irrelevant to the request) I'd like an Earthbound related sig, something with the Mr. Saturns, or the Runaway Five, or both... thanks!
  10. definitely fun to listen to, i'm not done listening to it for the first time yet, but i'm really liking the guitar solo
  11. i'm pretty bad when it comes to making sigs, photoshop is too hard for me, but if someone could make a cool sig that had the band Thursdays Dove logo with my name on it too, that would be hardcore =D
  12. Only for this? That is bad. I don't think its bad, but, the user should download other mixes too, cuz this isn't the best, but i do believe its one of the best, easily.
  13. i love the original track, its my 2nd favorite in the game, my 1st is the Donut Lifts song, which needs another remix, like a metal donut lifts mix or something trancy Of course, not to say that i don't already love the mix we have, but variety folks, variety!
  14. Bowser in Tetris Attack, on the hardest mode
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