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Everything posted by UnforgivingEdges

  1. Really? I guess it was only a matter of time. Since I have you on the horn, catch me up on everything that's happened at OCR since April 2010, which was my last login.
  2. I had a really strange dream last night that I was having an argument with Atomic Dog on the OCR forums. Then I remembered this place existed. So my resolution for 2012 is to show my face around here more often.
  3. Hey, I'm in some of these. Mind if I tag myself? (I'm Justin from Machinima). Should probably change my forum name here back to UnforgivingEdges. Was great meeting you all (and continued much love to Palpable for my hijacking of his Marble Madness remix for my radio show way back when).
  4. Put me down for a tentative (you can use the UnforgivingEdges moniker if nobody remembers who I am). If I end up making it, that will be my fourth time in Vegas this year.
  5. Daniel Baranowsky was standing in front of me line at the GDCAs but I didn't get a chance to introduce myself as the PR team their was freaking out trying to get us back to the press room. Hey Dan. I'll post a missed connection on craigslist or something.
  6. This game is the real deal. Some of the mixes in the full version are so good (especially the Elements of Life song). The Daft Punk megamixes are also really good. The only thing keeping me on the fence is what the DLC looks like. If there's more electronica, then I'm in.
  7. Hey all. Just thought you might be interested in this. I recently did an interview with the Megas (Annihilation of Monsteropolis guys) and among the things we talked about was OC Remix. Some highlights: Check it out (and let me know what you think about the audio conversation!): http://www.digitalkuroko.com/home/rocking-out-in-the-year-20xx.html
  8. Big fan of Noel and Jin. Easy combo for anyone using Noel: drive attack (either standing or crouching) into down-forward normal hard attack, into fireball motion with drive, into special (two fireball motions and drive). It's a 25-30 hit combo depending on how you do it. I've also been able to work one extra attack in there with the normal hard attack between the first drive and down-forward hard normal at times.
  9. I played it at E3: it is as amazing as it seems.
  10. I agree with the OP 110% Crying shame it got no love.
  11. I reviewed it for X-Play if anyone is interested. Should still be on the front page. In summary: 3/5
  12. Anyone who wants to hear them but missed it: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=358769 Has mostly everyone except for Gareth Emery's third night set.
  13. Great opening coming off of Armin's set.
  14. DJ Shah was pretty damn good earlier, too. Armin is crushing it right now with the beginning of his set. EDIT - Day 3 stream:
  15. If you're looking for an N64 RPG, there is only one choice: Ogre Battle 64. Best Ogre Battle game, best N64 game. Lost Odyssey and Fallout 3 are my picks for the 360. If you're looking for something Dark Cloud-ish, try ActRaiser? It came out on the Virtual Console.
  16. Day 2 streams: OR OR http://www.markusschulz.hu:8888/listen.pls
  17. Gareth Emery tore it up again today. Shit be sick, yo. EDIT- Armin on now.
  18. Live sets by everyone under the sun. They've apparently been at it now for hours and hours and are apparently going to be doing this all weekend. Aurgasm. Some amazing stuff. Video feed: http://astateoftrance.dancefoundation.nl/ Audio is also at DI.fm trance channel. EDIT- Day 2 streams OR OR http://www.markusschulz.hu:8888/listen.pls Day 3 stream:
  19. I'm still around on AIM, yo. We can be buddies again. Or something. We did stay in Gallup, and it was awful. She didn't even want to have sex because the hotel we were staying at was like some shitty little place across the street from some railroad tracks and an empty lot. I thought we were going to die or have all our stuff stolen, and she was wound up and all stressed out.
  20. For some reason in my head I'm seeing it as an ATF hat... Navy blue with big bold yellow letters... Could be confusing my memories though!
  21. You can join. Remember that time I met you guys at Denny's? All I can recall of that was you talking about Steam. And you were wearing some sort of hat.
  22. Yeah, that was me. I guess the point is moot now since we are having interlocution in this thread.
  23. I sent you polite instant message the other day, friend, and you never responded.
  24. I tried to organize a third one some time back, but it never went anywhere because there didn't seem to be enough interest. I'm up to try again, but we need a location. My apartment is small as hell and I may be moving soon anyway.
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