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Everything posted by Imagist

  1. Took the words right out of my mouth!
  2. Thanks for the badges, Doulifee. Note: I have added the dates for March's short story competition. It begins next week!
  3. A: Snaking.
  4. Confirmed: Layout still awesome at 1280x960 pixels. There's even extra space for a sixth module next to the ReMix Roulette!
  5. Page looks pretty nice now at 1024x768. I'll see what it looks like at 1280 when I get home again. And thanks a ton for the Comp. spot. EDIT: One thing occurred to me about the timestamps: there's a little confusion inherent in displaying the time of post regardless of whether that time is today, yesterday, or last week. Maybe anything that's not the present day should display the date rather than the time? Not sure how tough that would be to wiggle in.
  6. Voting is now over. To everyone who was worried about whether or not they figured out the voting system, everyone did it exactly right. And thanks to that... THE RESULTS ARE IN! And hooo boy are they a doozy. Runners-Up: Darklink42 AND GA Jedi Knight 1st Placers: Imagery AND Leon K. Yep, that's right. Two two-way ties! Here's the vote spread: Darklink42: 5 GA Jedi Knight: 5 Imagery: 10 Leon K.: 10 Believe me, when I added in my vote (since I set it aside before counting up the others' votes) and saw it all align like this, I was as surprised as any of you. We should have sig badges in short order, assuming Doulifee doesn't throw a fit about being overworked and refuse to make four badges for just one competition...
  7. Did you hear about the clip at the end? Taken and reversed, it clearly says, "It's still alive," in Rob's voice. I strongly doubt it was a nuclear strike or a) the monster would probably be obliterated and Rob wouldn't be alive to tell us the monster was.
  8. I like the addition of WIP to the front page, but while we're at it, can competitions get a spotlight, too? That subforum could really use a boost to its activity before it dies off entirely...
  9. The second season of Heroes was trash. Not excited. This season of Lost is awesome. Excited if they can whip up the other eight episodes in time to air continuously.
  10. Only one entrant yet to vote. I also rounded up the names of all the people I could find in the archives that have either entered or expressed interest in doing so before and sent them PMs inviting them to vote. Hopefully we get a bit more of a turnout by Wednesday's end (there's only one non-entrant vote so far).
  11. http://www.smashbros.com/en_us/gamemode/wi-fi/wi-fi03.html "By the way, the circle at the top right of your Friend Roster approximates the connection quality of your last connection. The closer it is to blue, the smoother you’ll be able to play." Also, out of curiosity, what was the color on your games with GA/CA?
  12. That is certainly what is true. What you are hoping is that said fact is the reason they can play without insufferable lag and you can't.
  13. From what I can understand: Wolf is not really a clone to the degree that Falco is a clone of Fox. His entire play style is vastly different, with pretty much the only similarities remaining being he has a blaster and his Final Smash is the Landmaster. So while I was disappointed that they didn't come up with a new, more interesting character in favor of keeping Falco, Wolf is certainly more welcome as an addition.
  14. Okay everyone, submission is now over and voting has begun. You will find all 4 of our entries compiled in the second post. Also, please be mindful of the new voting rules--you can find them in the first post under, well, "Voting." You should all be aware: anyone can vote. Anyone can vote. So encourage them to. That is all.
  15. No no, no stacking. They're categorical, just like the way we used to do it (anyone who ever submitted could vote, but those who submitted to the current contest's votes get weighted more).
  16. If I were to work in votes for outsiders, I think I would just weigh them equally with those who haven't currently submitted. I figured I would give it more time and see if I had a more thought-out plan next round, but if everyone else is in favor of increasing the voter base for the competition in progress we could do that too.
  17. Less than 24 hours now. Anyone else considering a submission should get a move on. And also, does anyone have any comments on my suggestion for rehashing the voting system? If I don't get any feedback I'll just go ahead and implement the idea as-is for this round. Floorboards [EDIT: Poem removed for personal reasons.]
  18. Holy crap, the Dojo's really going all out now.
  19. Just to clarify, the one "complete" roster shot that's been posted here is fake. So far the confirmed roster is virtually similar but does not include Wolf.
  20. There's still another empty slot on that roster screenshot.
  21. Anyone else notice that unlike past visions of the Replays feature, today's image of that screen included a "Submit" button for that just like for snapshots and custom stages? The 3-minute limit per video makes a little more sense now. If Nintendo's going to be accepting submissions to hand out daily, of course they should standardize them somehow.
  22. Hrm. I've had it in my head that this is short story time for quite a while, but now that I look back, I can't see any reason why except my last "news" bit. Well, you are correct. It really is poetry time. If I have managed to delude anyone else and they have been working on a short story already (or has been working on nothing at all, as I know some of our entrants tend to submit nothing but poetry), let me know and we can work something out--an alternate submission, or a deadline extension. Something, to be sure. It also occurs to me that I never secured an ad banner or did much of anything for this competition. And with just about a week to go, I don't see the point in doing it anymore. But I would like to extend my apologies for how sloppy this competition has been, because I don't have an honest excuse related to some outside workload like G_D. Next one will be better, for sure.
  23. You missed the point. Unless you're half asleep and not paying attention, you have a reasonably good idea of it almost from the beginning of the mayhem. Seriously, the movie isn't that much like Lost, guys.
  24. Less than two weeks left. Anyone still alive?
  25. Everyone shuts up about this until Monday. Or not. I don't really care. I'm not coming back to this thread until then anyway. Just sayin'.
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