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Everything posted by DragonFireKai

  1. 3,427 people joined OCR in it's first year
  2. True, but that's the beauty of the stillshrine loop. If you're like me, and get dragged off to drill, or some other event for a whole weekend, you can still make that time productive in FFXII.
  3. Go to the Stillshrine of Miriam. Find the Rare Game Negalmuur, and set your gambits like this. Party Leader 1. Ally: any...................Raise 2. Ally: HP<40%................Curaga 3. Ally: any...................Esuna 4. Self: MP<20%................Charge 5. Foe: HP>/=5,000.............Haste 6. Foe: HP<3000................Attack 7. Ally: any...................Regen 8. Ally: any...................Haste Second Member 1. Self........................Decoy 2. Ally: any...................Raise 3. Ally HP<30%.................Curaga 4. Ally: any...................Esuna 5. Self: MP<20%................Charge 6. Foe: HP<3000................Attack 7. Ally: HP<100%...............Regen 8. Ally: HP<60%................Curaga 9. Ally: any...................Haste Third Member 1. Ally: party leader..........Raise 2. Ally: party leader..........Phoenix Down 3. Self........................Decoy 4. Self: MP<20%................Charge 5. Foe: HP<3000................Attack Put your controller down, and go to sleep. This loop will yield roughly 108,000 EXP per hour, and runs automaticaly. Sleep for eight hours, and that's 800,000 EXP per character.
  4. Eh, a cheap way to gain levels would be to use the Stillshrine gambit loop.
  5. 15 minutes, Wingless, 15 minutes. You're a celebrity here though.
  6. You should yell out, DO A BARRELL ROLL! halfway through the Corneria theme, see if anyone gets it.
  7. Good job, can't wait to hear it.
  8. I don't care who does it as long as it doesn't suck.
  9. It's kinda pointless, but if it makes the survivors of the victims feel slightly better, it's worth it. No one's getting hurt by this.
  10. Just a fun fact, South Koreans are now responsible for the deadliest civilian shooting in the US, and the deadliest civilian shooting worldwide.
  11. Apparently NBC was the only station mailed a copy, you're best bet would be to try youtube. Here's the summery http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/18169776/?GT1=9246
  12. http://video.msn.com/v/us/v.htm?g=925BC281-CE20-439E-9682-8CC58066B2BF&t=c3557&f=06/64&p=hotvideo_m_vatech&fg=&GT1=9246 yeah, he was fucked up.
  13. It's questionable weather or not the parents are responsible for such deep rooted mental instability. Mr. Cho was 23 years old, an age where his parents were no longer responsible for him. He didn't kill anyone when they were his legal guardians, and he went to an in-state school, so it wasn't like they sent him across the country. This was Cho Seung-Hui's fault, no one elses.
  14. http://remod.cakearmy.org Another sattelite site. OCR pretty much has its own internet solar system.
  15. Try .org or remod.
  16. Gun Control in relation to this event already has it's own thread in PPR. http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=9055&page=8 Please, post in PPR regularly, it's gotten kind of slow since about half the regulars there quit the site in January.
  17. Not the two hour gap he was talking about. He was refering to the two hour period between the West AJ Murders and the Norris Hall Massacre. Why the killer waited two hours before returning to campus and slaughtering the engineers. Especially the reports that he was asking about his girlfriend in Norris, when it seems his girlfriend was the first one he killed, more then two hours earlier. That points to the killer simply being batshit insane. The standard response of a person who just finished off a murder and evaded the initial police sweep is that they go to ground for a few days. Try to hide, before either fleeing or killing their next victim. Serial Killers rarely use guns in a public area, so signs pointed to a run of the mill murder. They didn't account for the insanity factor.
  18. I'm glad you got a hold of everyone.
  19. Sonne's video isn't nearly as bad as Mien Tiel. I must say, I think the best song for working out to they have is Ich Will, and the video kicks ass too.
  20. MGSV: The King of Pop... *Cue Remix of MGS Theme*
  21. Meh, I'm just hoping to see Cloud decapitate Mickey Mouse. The personification of my adolescent media butchering the personification of my childhood media.
  22. eh, some of the songs have really nice lyrics, like Sonne. Then there's Zwitter, don't ever try to understand the lyrics to zwitter.
  23. If you want something you can't understand the lyrics, listen to Rammstein.
  24. That was some bizzare shit. Where'd the mom get the chainsaw from?
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