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Everything posted by DragonFireKai

  1. You might think I have questionable character, but you're a damn good mod. Keep up the good work!
  2. Wow, you jumped right into the traditions here, djarikraz, welcome.
  3. How do I have questionable character? Or Coop, or Dhsu, or AP? I think we've all raised valid points, and it's kinda insulting to get painted with a broad brush due to the past actions of a few people who share our views on this particular topic. Please don't write us off like that.
  4. I was thinking that exact same thing today.
  5. Are we going to have an opportunity to look over this upcoming 3rd draft and give our input before it's made into law?
  6. The regular tradition is the synching of sigs. The Theme is in Bummerdude's hands.
  7. Yup, the commies are taking everything.
  8. Coop, I remember playing that game a long time ago. What is it called?
  9. Damn You Uwe Boll! Why do they keep giving him movies?
  10. FFMusicDJ has a Cosmo Canyon Remix that's just a tad bit too long to be submitted.
  11. Over here as in up north in the land of curling? or over here as in America?
  12. Ima be pissed if I spend the whole month of June staring at some fairy's crotch in everyone's sig. Say it ain't so Bummerdude!
  13. The only thing I didn't like about the opening scene was when the guard came up and said "Sir, they've started to sing." I was just like "Thank You Captain Obvious!"
  14. I'm still trying to figure out how he wasn't rent asunder by the shrapnel, judging from how much of it was flying around.
  15. Don't buy Toshiba. They quite nearly started World War III.
  16. *Cue 300-esque recollection about free men standing up against the hordes of an evil despot* The enemy outnumbers us a paltry 5.15 to 1. Good odds for any OCRemixer.
  17. As opposed to the Were-Zombie Pirates, Fish People, Flat Earth, Frenchmen who can actually fight, Submarine with gattling cannons, Compass that points to rum, and those two idiot pirates actually surviving to the end? I think Calypso's one of the more believable plot elements.
  18. Elizabeth Swann just doesn't inspire me to kill quite like Leonidas does.
  19. Ugh, the movie had some great moments, the marriage scene was not one of them. They should have cut it off after the proposal. But the movie did have some great moments. My favorite, "Gentlemen, I wash my hands of this weirdness." The intro was pretty good too, but the the guard kinda wounded it with his statement of the obvious. Incidently, I'm pissed that Hoist the Colors got cut short on the OST. I'd kill to get the whole song sung by the chorus, not the squeaky voiced kid.
  20. Well, apparently we have until June 2nd now, so there's time. I don't need it immediately. I just think it'd be helpful for streamlining future discussion.
  21. It'd be nice if you could give us an honest appraisal of the draft, in terms of what sections are pretty much set, and which sections are still up for debate, for the sake of streamlining the discussion.
  22. Spoiler: She's not a Greek Goddess, She's a nymph. They said she's known by many names, and they chose to call her Calypso, due to the Jamaican connotations.
  23. Spoiler... BLACKBEARD, BITCHES! Jack, I am your father!
  24. Smooth, Rambo, Real smooth. I could've had a baker's dozen of like minded allies, now all I have is a pedestrian regular dozen.
  25. Either way, it was still a dumb move.
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