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Everything posted by DragonFireKai

  1. Pure 80s hip hop. Real slick man.
  2. Wow, it's definitely got some funk on it. I love the whole addition by subtration thing you do at 1:31.
  3. It's a good mix, I like the breakbeat backing, but the the start/stops are a little too dischordant for my tastes. But the overall scheme is well executed, just not my taste in genre.
  4. Good point. I kinda forgot that in the whole furor over the goat.
  5. Different from what you're used to from a Sony press conference, but think about it, were any social taboos really smashed here? There have been thematic press releases before, this was just the next logical step.
  6. Don't tell him to do that, he might break his hand on Prot's massive nose. It looks sharp too.
  7. It was a goat, man. We aren't talking about a person, or even a higher end mammal. It was a goat, that was killed by a butcher, used for a display for a while, and then returned to the butcher and presumably made into some sort of stew. The goat was going to die one way or the other, might as well get some use out of it. It's no different than the cuts of meat a butcher displays in the store.
  8. Get used to it. There's gonna be alot of these topics in the future. We've reached a point where new listeners will download Prot's stuff, notice that he was a fairly talented remixer, look him up on the forums, find out he's been banned, and want to know why. To be honest, I think we should stick Shadowolf's explanation into some sort of FAQ that covers basic aspects of OCR's history. Stuff like "What Was the Orange Phase?", "What Happened to Protricity?", and the ever popular "Where Did Unmod Go?" I think a sticky might cut down on these sort of catch up on OCR threads.
  9. I never did it on the SNES version, but I did do it on chronicles. It wasn't as hard as I thought. I just spammed the frog-chrono-robo triple tech. Every old schooler has that one boss battle in the game where it takes a while to adjust to. For me, it was Cuchulainn. Stepped in the arena, and watched my health start plummeting. It took me a while before I decided to just start spamming cure spells. The next time I got irritated was the Fafnir, Behemoth King, Hell Wyrm, Yiazmat run. SOOOO LONG. Just grinds at you, and characters just die spontaineously.
  10. The Simpson's Hit and Run. You could redo the entire ST out of varies clips of D'OH!
  11. God of War and God of War II. Prince of Persia Xenosaga FF XII
  12. ^ Betcha I'm Taller than you. Also the chrono cross OST is invincible.
  13. Dammitt, now I need to pick up DDR out of Internet Loyalty.
  14. How is this thread still alive?
  15. Viva la Dance Dance Revolution!
  16. The hockey player is Sydney Crosbey. Widely hailed as the next Gretzky. He is to the NHL what LeBron James is to the NBA.
  17. Chrono Cross' OST is just gorgeous
  18. Ah, the 16 bit Glory days.
  19. Used where?
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