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Everything posted by Monobrow

  1. Happy Birthday! You are the best! Check out her great songs to listen to on her awesome birthday!
  3. Super Mario RPG uses a lot of MM2 and MM3 chord progressions... (as well as some of the more obvious motifs)...
  4. Sounds great, we will look into parks soon, if only for just the one party (the big birthday one so we can all do the cake etc.) That italian place sounds awesome too. The better the food, and the cheaper it is, the better for us. So by all means, suggestions are welcome. As far as shows go, I've seen: Cirque du soleil (Zumanity) Bodies (Luxor) Blue Man sounds cool, as would another one of Cirque du soleil's shows, or any cool comedians. Ari and myself are willing to do time-share stuff to try to get free tickets as a couple if any other couple is interested :J We are pretty covered on pools, since Flamingo has swimming up until at least 8pm. As far as Jordan's house is concerned, due to a private family emergency, unfortunately neither him or Jade will be involved in the meetup to my knowledge (which is why I took over the thread and why we will probably look for a park instead) So yeah we probably can't do anything like that, unless of course you guys want us to come over instead to your places :J Ari does have modded Xboxes for gaming :J Also guys, if you wouldn't mind, if you could check your local newspapers etc. for coupons for good deals on eating etc. for that week, that would be awesome, we have cars so we can drive wherever, or at least some of us can. Or if you know of any discounts for locals with show tickets, food, eating, gambling in general... Or hell, know someone who sells coupon books or could hook us all up in any way possible, by all means :J As for Red Rock, Ari and I at least might be interested in that, we are hikers/campers.
  5. That's too bad. Good luck with the job and money and girl and um, beats.
  6. He's got it all set up so that you text the twitter, and everyone can get updates... I will update directions and explanations soon.
  7. I also hear he's been sticking his head in the Shine-O Ball-O lately...
  8. Why are people so afraid of opinions? IMHO: Once you get over the fact that they are just, that... Then it's much easier to decide whether or not you agree/disagree and are willing to listen to what someone has to say, and IMO, the more opinions to read, the easier it is to sift out what it is you personally believe. Yeah some are stupid, some people are way too forceful, and pretentious, etc. etc., but really in the end, an ass will make an ass out of himself without you having to put him in his place, people CAN be smart enough to decide for themselves, and if you can separate people from their opinions, like "hey on this opinion, he's way off, but on THIS opinion, I agree" it's easier to keep yourself from feeling alienated and alienating others that just don't agree with you. It's a perspective, and I think it also has a lot to do with how much you value your own opinions as well, on how offended you get by someone else, well, generally speaking. A self-worth thing... That is, until things start happening because of opinions, and when it no longer is about debate but about making things happen etc... But that's a different ballgame. It's really not that bad, out here on the internet, in a world of opinions... It's really not.
  9. I would have liked that one to be posted, in comparison to this being posted now anyway, but is this technically a precedent?
  10. On a side note, Ari is working on a Twitter sms thing so that everyone can get updates as to what people are doing while they are there, so there will be no people left out or any confusion as to what events are going on. Rock it!
  11. I really hope this turns into a "omg I hate rap" discussion, and then ends up all meta and maybe you guys should send this thread to PPR.
  12. Well, Ari and I will have a car, as well as a few other people, so that is covered. As far as a place to crash, there are several people who are looking for roomates or just haven't made the plans yet. If you split a room 4 ways for a couple days, you are looking at 20-40 bucks total for a room. So yeah, it would be completely feasible.
  13. Oh how can you hate I used to play this song for my 1 year old niece and she'd waddle to it in her diapers :J Also I nominate one of my alltime favorite games, Xardion. It has some of the absolute I've heard in an SNES game...But then there's stuff like this... wtf?
  14. Iggy this is great, really peaceful, and so touching. Also what a great way to make a comeback into the community. All grown up now and a remix posted to boot. <3
  15. I also declare that wherever we end up doing the birthday partying, we will have a BIG FUCKING CAKE! on me! I will buy the damn thing and you will all EAT IT!
  16. I just want to make note that I HATE KIDNEY INFECTIONS! Time to sleep some more and move around the house slowly
  17. You had all better find a way to go through the: No Vegas Child Left Behind Monobrow Program! Seriously, if we can make it happen lets make it happen, no excuse for not having a good time. By the way, I have officially hijacked the thread, oh god! Too much power/pressure! Help me!
  18. Hey everyone, just letting you know I am still around. I have been on vacation the last week or so and am actually pretty sick with a kidney infection for the time being. So take it easy this week, and I will announce a bunch of stuff next week and bring us into the last leg of the summer. Keep working on your music, good people! Also Phantasia (sorry if I misspell, or don't remember correctly, I'm on vicodin) has joined and will be taking "A Lonely Youth" from DQ2 (please correct me if I am wrong, I know you are taking something lol) Good luck awesome guy!
  19. Also lets not forget Avien, who also died http://ocremix.org/artist/4402/avien RIP dudes.
  20. Sad indeed. But he made pretty, relaxing, peaceful music, and some badass songs too. Let's all remember by listening to the songs he left us with :J
  21. Just want to clarify. Rocky Point is safe. After reading a ton on the situation there online, I still feel it's fine to go. Ari and myself were there last year and had no problems whatsoever. We've had more problems with crime in Phoenix than in Rocky Point. Basically although it is wise to take precautions, the only real difficulty of traveling to another country is that they may take advantage of your inability to speak their language. While Mexico might be having some turmoil in general, at Rocky Point, any crime I have heard of has nothing to do with tourists. Rocky Point is a tourist dependent town. They thrive on AZ tourists the year round. There has been no crime against tourists that I have been aware of, any crime reported has been Mexi on Mexi. As long as you stay in tourist areas, and do not wander off alone or do anything stupid, which I don't think any of the people involved in this trip will, it should all run smoothly. That being said, I think the only risk on this trip will be common from going to Mexico in general, as in theft. Keep belongings safe, don't walk off alone, especially drunk. Don't break any laws. I've heard of people being harassed at the borders, however we were not harassed in any way, and we were alone then. When we travel to Rocky Point, it will be in groups, so no worries there. The road we took is a USA hassle free zone road, so as long as you stick to the highway, I doubt there will be trouble. These are just standard precautions anyone traveling to another country should take. Don't wander off alone, don't keep valuables in sight, keep them with you and safe, have emergency funds, and don't be stupid. Bring food and drinking water with you, come prepared for emergency situations, etc. etc. About dollars in Rocky Point, when we were there we had no trouble using US currency, but had pesos just in case. They have ATMS and grocery shopping, pharmacys, hospitals, etc. etc. etc.
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