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Everything posted by Monobrow

  1. Today was more officially the birthday day anyway, so I don't feel so bad anymore... relaxing and made banana pudding *_* Oh yeah and thanks guys for wishing him a cool day... :J
  2. It's almost over but Happy Birthday guy! I'm bad because I worked all day and forgot to make this CARROT CAKE!
  3. I'm just gonna paste what I said in IRC: <+Monobrow> listening wildfire <+Monobrow> lead is a bit loud <+Monobrow> or maybe just not subdued enough for the first minute or so <+Monobrow> synths etc. could use some volume automation <OCRE> <OCRE> efiros <OCRE> sefiross&** <Sir_Arek> SEPHIDHFIORHIOOSSSS <+Monobrow> pretty background synths, drums very minimal, waiting for you to step up the beat <Sir_Arek> STEP UP <Sir_Arek> THE BEAT <+Monobrow> what program do you use <Sir_Arek> BABABABABDUDMDUDMDUMDUDMBAUDUDM <Sir_Arek> i am somehow today channeling monos other internet persona <Sir_Arek> and im rather enjoying it <OCRE> i have decided <+Monobrow> some nice solos, but the synth itself is kinda boring, automations, portamento, etc. etc. etc. et.c <+Monobrow> did I even spell portomento <+Monobrow> portalmentos <OCRE> oh hi mono <Sir_Arek> PORTABEL <Sir_Arek> O <+Monobrow> wildfire, did you already go to bed lol <OCRE> portmanteau? <+sixto> some nice portabella <Sir_Arek> ill port your bella <Sir_Arek> if you know what i mean <jeffball> pornamento <+chthonic> portamento <+chthonic> you guys sure suck at spelling <+Monobrow> pornamen <jeffball> porn a man <OCRE> how dare you <+Monobrow> well I GUESS I SPEELED IT RIGHT THE FIST TIME
  4. Happy Birthday Sam From myself and Ari too *_*
  5. Awesome, can't wait to hear whatever you got... And really, just work on it and have fun, and we'll get to the critiquing etc. when Nov 20th rolls around.
  6. Gonna weigh a tiny bit in on this and say... I kind of hate it when people throw the baby out with the bath water. Hypothetically, banning an entire account with hundreds of songs on it never really sits well with me. If Youtube banned him over 1 person having a problem with 1 song or game or 1 game company had the problem, or something with that case (even though apparently Liontamer said that he was banned for some other reason)... Well, why not address these types of things on a case-by-case basis as they come? Hundreds of videos scoping so many video games composed by hundreds of artists all gone, and I'm not sure all of them had a problem with it, hell they might have even like to see what other people thought, and the exposure of some of the lesser known games could have been helpful... That's my mentality though, always has been... Don't ban the world, ban the town, or the street, or the house... er... yeah... You know where I'm going here. I understand the reasoning for banning the account, and the idea behind it... I understand that whole process, but from another perspective, I just think it doesn't really solve anything and makes a lot of people unhappy.
  7. Ari and I are def going, like 99%, I just have to schedule it in our time off system at work when I finally get access *_*
  8. Okay, first gotta say... I love the arrangement, it's cool in may kinds of ways... I like the funk, and I like the chill parts: Your only problem here really is that you have so much conflicting in the mid ranges, your bass is overpowering everything without really shining at all... so basically you need to really break down what ranges your instruments need to fall into and EQ... It's so nice, I really love the arrangement, but it's just so muddy. Maybe try this... turn the bass up around 30 hz, lower it at around 30-80 hz and then search for the "sweet spot" freq that makes the bass' stand out the most in the upper freq... Then, reciprocate with the kick, as in whatever your bass does, at least in the lower, more conflicting ranges, do the opposite... EQ the kick down until about 30 hz, boost it until about 80 hz, and then lower any ranges until you find the place in the upper hz where you'll get a little click when it strikes... This is all very general but basically what I am saying is, break down your song into your lows, lower mids, higher mids, and highs, and then decide where you want every instrument to sit within the mix. It seems like your piano and your violin are clashing in the way way that your drums and bass are... so you want to find a sweet spot in the EQ for each instrument, and then kind of whittle away at the rest of the freq that aren't as necessary or important to make room... If you do this, it will open up your mix, give you a chance to throw in some more reverb for atmosphere, and let all those little nuances (like the arpeggiating synths) shine.... I've always had a lot of trouble with this, and it has taken me a lot of time to acquire an ear for separating frequencies... The best way to describe it for me is really, you want to make sure in a song, if it were being described by this picture, all the freq are evenly spread across the board, and they aren't all cluttered in the left corner in one splotch of sound... fighting for space when there's plenty to go around if they just moved a bit. But yeah, excellent arrangement... p.s. you're using that phaser sound that shnabubula used in a bunch of songs that is so trippy :J
  9. The best advice I have is this: You need a goal, and you need to have a backup plan when things don't work out. These are two very important things for anyone trying to start out and live their own life. Let me break it down: Goal 1: find a temporary place to stay Goal 2: get a job, and while you are unemployed, work for your place to stay, cook, clean, help whomever has taken you in, it helps them forget you are leeching off them for a place to stay Goal 3: save money, but don't forget to help whoever is putting you up... when you're saving, you have to take the losses in this situation, not them, because no matter how unfair it may seem, trusting people in these hard situations to be good and fair usually ends up in bad places... Don't slip up here... Goal 4: find a more stable environment to live... spend your time when you are not working and not helping around wherever you live, finding a GOOD place to live, something stable, and cheap, and accomodating to wherever you work, and do NOT quit your job before finding something better... ever... Goal 5: save more money... life necessities come first... food, hygene (to keep your job), and a roof over your head... Things like computers, entertainment and anything else not under those three things are secondary... and there's a LOT of good free entertainment out there... Goal 6: get to a point where you have enough money for backup so that this never happens again And remember, there's a balance here... Don't be afraid to ask people that care about you for help, but don't cry wolf either... Don't expect people to give to you without you giving back somehow... Even if you truly need help, I 100% agree with Capa when I say that you have to help yourself too... And sometimes the help you want isn't always the help you need either... "Help" sometimes means admittance of things you don't want to hear, in order to move forward. But anyway, here's the deal: You have to turn yourself into a robot right now. You can't let your emotions, your fears, your wants get in the way of survival. That's the entire point... You had your chance here with your old roommates, and while you didn't know this was going to happen, you had no backup plan, and now everything has fallen through. So now you have no idea what you are going to do... That's the lesson here... To survive, especially to live however it is you want to live, away from parents, certain obligations, any kind of abuse, bad living situations, or instability, or even inner turmoil... To survive you need to put everything aside and not just SURVIVE... but THRIVE in circumstances you don't like and cannot control because you are doing it for yourself. Because the one thing you have control of in life, as far as control really goes, is yourself. The moment you realize that, and I mean REALLY realize that, there goes a huge chunk of your problems, and what life throws at you. Perspective is always HALF the problem... And when you have that down, the other half (the actual problem) is so much easier to tackle when you aren't struggling with your own demons. OMMG DEAMONS Anyway... Here it is: You live a privileged life... You were born here, and even though it hurts, and life sucks, and you are still subjected to your perception of what you know, with happiness and pain and everything else... Stepping outside of this and really looking at where you are in life... You are privileged, because you have a way out. You have the luxury to ask and get advice and some shape/form of help... There are people that care, and you really have nowhere but up to go from here. I'm not saying this to be mean, I'm saying this to prepare you because if you don't realize these things now, you'll end up back at square one, on your ass in some way or another, just like everyone else who doesn't learn this lesson. You can do it! I mean it!
  10. Happy Birthday Lizz! May IT BE A GOOD YEAR OF LIZZNESSdasjklgjsdag Happy Birthday vivi22 and hybound! september babies unite
  11. Awwww, thanks guys! <3 Yeah it was a great birthday... One of the best! So thanks for the wishes!
  12. Hey guys, as you may already know, I am running the Dragon Warrior - Children of Erdrick Project I figured this would be a good place to start getting CERTAIN types of people recruited... I'm really looking for some very specific sounds for each song. If you have any good ideas for how you'd like people to use the source tunes, or what kind of song to go for, give me a holla in this thread, or if you have any songs that you like out there, and think some of these songs might go well with that particular sound, link me to a youtube video or something. Please note, orchestrated tracks are discouraged, electronic is okay, but it needs to have a more serious or ambient tone. (think of live instruments, but with electronic elements for atmosphere or effect) Guitars, both electronic and acoustic are wanted, as well as solo flute, violin, pipes, and anything else that sounds like it might fit here. Dragon Warrior/Quest 14 - BATTLE THEME - Electric guitar? I think this could be done well, just needs a certain kind of artist willing to take some liberties. 15 - FINAL BATTLE THEME - More guitar, organ? You tell me lol... Rock Ballad? Prog Rock? (Tarsus?) 16 - ENDING THEME - You did a great job, celebrate with happy guitars or piano or something? Dragon Warrior/Quest 2 3 - ROYAL PALACE (Castle) - looking for a baroque, dark sound, live organ? 4 - BUSY CITY STREETS (Town) - looking for a city feel, upbeat, urban is okay, but with less electronic, more live instruments, organic sound? 6 - UNDERGROUND (Dungeon) - This would be perfect for some electric guitar, maybe some death metal? 10 - TRAVELING WITH FRIENDS (Overworld 2) - Happy, important, anything can go, just WIP it to me first and we'll see Dragon Warrior/Quest 3 3 - OVERTURE - Anyone wanna trumpet this? I'd love JJT type style here. 9 - TOWER - This song may be difficult, so if you have any ideas, let me know. Just remember to go for that climbing feel. 12 - SAILING - Happy, fun, this goes for that DQ carnival feel, but spins off this are accepted... Acoustics? Piano? Flute? 14 - VILLAGE - This could be a poppy rock song easily, also rhodes 15 - HEAVENLY FLIGHT - This song is special reserved, you must try out with a very coherent track to be accepted (it's very popular, everyone wants it) 16 - TOWN - Once again, busy song. Rock would probably fit very well. 20 - REQUIEM - Must be solemn... Not sure really, ambient vocals? Dragon Quest 1 nsf Dragon Quest 2 nsf Dragon Quest 3 nsf These are the links to the actual nsfs of the songs, which are labelled by track individually within each nsf file. You need chipamp to use them if you have winamp, and I'm not sure but I think some other players (like foobar) will just play them.
  13. Thanks guys, I had an amazing birthday. Got breakfast in bed, an 80 minute massage, and went to the drive-in. WOO!
  14. Happy belated birthday Chris, although I already wished you one on FB :J
  15. Shnabubula in da house More activity = shojin has shown interest in Malroth from DQ2, good luck! (this is tentative for now)
  16. Okay guys, lets get geared up for this: Norg is back on his track after having his kid (CONGRATUS!) and now none of you have any excuse! I expect to see some progress by NOV 20th. Refer to the first page for more details, and please follow the guidelines for music criteria! If there's nothing done, you're cut. So PLEASE get on it. That's two months. I'm also pleased to say that a couple prospective Remixers are going to be joining us soon, not gonna say who but you'll be happy. Much love, and get to work! Katie
  17. When you get to Phoenix, come party at our place :J Also staying with Dhsu is cool. He has cool roommates and cats, just bake him cookies or something.
  18. She's right you know, well for the most part, I can understand that POV. Anyway about this, played it last night and I already got kind of "wtf" at the dialogue... It's just... not needed... When did Metroid become Final Fantasy VIII? It's like all of Hollywood, taking forever to explain everything... I realize that everyone thinks everybody is stupid but...No... not with my Metroid Pretty game though, weird controls so far.
  19. Haha wow, a blast from the past here, besides being on SoS, I heard this a long long time ago. This song is very old lol. Anyway I thought it was really cool, and Usa IS the bomb, so glad to see this posted (unexpectedly)... The Death is cool too :J
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