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Everything posted by Monobrow

  1. On my headphones, I still am getting a lot of overpowerment on the bass. When the melody/harmony/piano are in the upper ranges, it's not as bad... but even though it's your favorite, I do think it (and the kick) could be turned down a bit... the highhat a little bit too. The violin is just so far away in the production with a lot of reverb... I don't wanna go into too much detail but just try to cut away any frequencies that aren't necessary to give that violin some room. When everything gets crazy and pretty in the middle, it's still way muddy... And at least in my headphones, some of the higher notes with the violin get a little ear-piercing (as well as susp cymbals)... A better recording of the violin could help a lot too. Don't stop working on this until it's UTTER PERFECTION AND GOOD LUCK! p.s. I also disagree with the "add more reverb" to the violin, I think it would sound better with a closer, more intimate feel... With a good stereo sound in your face OMG OOZING WITH PRODUCTION QUALITY
  2. Ugh... I hope they don't screw this up. The original Tron is great.
  3. I really liked the direction he was taking, it has a lot of promise, so it's good that he's back.
  4. DJP is now back on, his claim reinstated, with a WIP.
  5. In.... 20011... SO SINCE THIS PROJECT IS DONE AND STUFF SEND SOME OF THESE MIXERS MY WAY OKAY? KTHX :J Anyway sorry to hear of the delay Kyle and Walan, but I know the quality will more than hold up for a year from now, from what I've heard. If you need any website/design help, I'm ur gurl with a url.
  6. Good job guys. So glad so many projects are wrapping up finally.
  7. Okay dudes, I'm going to bed. Check here around tomorrow afternoon/night for new openings, cuts, and additions. OMG!
  8. I should have mentioned it before, but I also made a recruitment thread with more specifics of what I personally would LIKE to see happen with some of these songs. Take a look and if anything is appealing, give it a shot
  9. Gimgak, send me a WIP if you do anything. wildfire, send me a WIP if you do anything and we can go from there. Basically if you are interested in anything, send me a WIP lol...
  10. Hi guys, it's the DUE DATE! GET ME THOSE WIPS OR YOU ARE CUT, NO IFS, ANDS, or BUTTS! If there is an emergency, PM ME, I HAVE ROOM IN MY PM BOX... But really, you've had a LONG DAMN TIME. That is all. I will show you how baby is formed...
  11. Hmmm... Not bad... It's kind of like Vangelis meets Yamaoka... Can I ask what program you are using? My complaint here really some of the samples... And there's a bit too much reverb and release floating around... I like the harp... The lead is kind of bleh... That sharp tinkly one... I think maybe something like a piano or a rhodes or e-piano that's a little more subdued might be a better choice. Some of the synths are really default sounding, like... I describe them as "derp derp derp" type sounds, especially that bass one that releases with a weird "spacey" delay... I think your song would have more substance to it (and more people would get what you were going for) if you concentrated on making your leads more clear, and went for a certain sound that didn't sound like you were "trying out this new cool synth" I mean yeah, this is your second song, and you're just started, but you wanted brutal. Not bad for a second song :J... Keep it up.
  12. Sure... or if worse comes to worse, AIM Ari, he will give it to me :J (also I did not know that was you, I remember mass defriending people I didn't recognize one day *_*) Also I searched and am not sure which one you are, better off re-adding me :U
  13. Okay working on the second half of my song now. Be forewarned, any drums you hear will not be in the final... It will probably be Prot/Mono collab in the end after all. GET TO WORK FELLAS (myself)
  14. Happy birthday sixto! NOW GET TO WORK OMG!
  15. I dunno, but I think it's awesome and I love the video
  16. this is really cool... I little overpowering in the bass drum? Or maybe it's just the sample sounding muffled... there's a weird clicking through the end of the piece that kind of bothers me... also maybe a little too much reverb/release throughout... nice rhodes :J love the detuned synths from the beginning... also I would like this to pick up eventually with a little more of a beat (clearer too)?
  17. Oh yeah, figure this is relevant: Hurrah... This and a few more are in the PPOY thread too *_* First time I've dressed up for Halloween... (since childhood)
  18. Yeah... kinda yuck, it may taste good after a bite or two but after that just... I can't finish a McDonald's anything anymore, and some rant about meat and typical girl stuff anti-meant n some soup n potatoes n somethin...
  19. Would love the alphabet up as well... I just got so used to clicking a letter, and seeing my options.
  20. just an FYI my song is a little bit more progressed then "rough" *_*... I'd say about 60% with the WIP I have.
  21. Depends on the song honestly... Some songs are very complex and you really have to spend a long time trying to pick out notes, but I do most everything by ear, because it helps me make the source material "my own" as opposed to basing my song off of someone's midi file, which I think can be very inhibiting.
  22. Okay I demand to be played by either Charlize Theron or Tori Amos.
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