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Everything posted by Monobrow

  1. Schedule and info almost done guys... Also Jay is 100% confirmed now. This is gonna be fantastic!
  2. Lucky JJT didn't hold his breath... For too long that is, we know he probably did for at least like ten seconds at LEAST once during this time period. Maybe he was diving under water, or maybe he was being choked in the night by burglars... BUT EACH TIME THIS MIGHT HAVE HAPPENED, IT HAPPENED BECAUSE OF YOU, TWEEK!
  3. Usa is the bomb. Tell him I said so :J Also I posted a WIP, it's still very rough but it's starting to come along a little bit IMO.
  4. Honestly I never liked this kind of attitude. Gen Disc was the place for you to go if you didn't like the other two forums, but if you didn't get the feel for that place either, you still would have been SOL IMO, because forums are posted in by people who have the same tendencies just about everywhere you go. When you are new, you need to get a feel for the new place you are going to, regardless of where... Just like in real life. UnMod was one of those rare places where you really could say what you wanted no matter what, unless it was illegal... And I appreciated that, because it was interesting, and I learned to lighten up a lot because of it, and strangely enough, I learned to be more accepting of people different than myself. Some people got out of line, on both sides of the issue, and let's just leave it at that... But for me, it was a good place for me at the time of my life where not much else was happening... And Unmod kept me going to OCR much more than I would have if it was not there. The internet is a place where you can see how/what other people think without much consequence, except for that within your own mind. If you feel like you need to force-censor what sites you visit, that's all well and good... But to complain about it, IMO is when people just don't own up to their own sensitivities. You were not forced to post there, or to post your well-thought-out arguments that have cycled for years in PPR... If someone MADE you post there, that would be different. Some people valued that place in ways you didn't understand because you chose to not be a part of it. IMO you missed out Just sayin'
  5. So it is 100% confirmed that Jeff is coming, friggin yay! As for events, some really depend on the money people have, as some are strapped for cash and others want to spend. If anyone has anything in mind that they REALLY want to see and do let me know. As for dinner, some places have already been suggested. So let's get the ball rolling on that. Also Salluz may end up stopping by for the meetup for a job opportunity. That is all
  6. Very true, I wait in anticipation. Seriously people could make some wacky shit :J
  7. Haha, didn't realize that... It was also a slow Monday morning. MONOBROW OVERLOAD!
  8. He has okay taste in beer, in my book.
  9. So... did anyone care enough to figure this out? :J
  10. TRYING to play the Sims 3, and failing because none of my custom content will load no matter what I do :/ I've used "decrapifiers" on my files Patched and not patched the games Made sure I was an administrator and changed UAC settings Read dozens of tutorials and threads related to this problem Installed them in bulk, or one by one Made sure to only download CC that is newer and works God, EA made this game so confusing...
  11. Yeah I've heard that too, always thought it was cute.
  12. Played this on insane with two other people... holy hell haha... This game is great, I wish they would add more levels... Also where the hell is that nuclear explosion? :J
  13. Taken some amazing shots with our panoramic camera, it was only $140, got it as a shell shocker deal. This is facebook quality for now, but I love this thing.
  14. Played through the first hour or so, looking good so far.
  15. Man... I dunno, I just have no faith in something like this to actually work.
  16. So Gario is rooming with Stevo, I think. Clarify if need be.
  17. Okay guys, I am drunk enough to listen to this song. I am not drinking Everclear, but I think you will forgive me. I intend to write this as a real critique drunk too, wish me luck, I will have to spellcheck a LOT! lol First: I came into this song expecting to hate it, because I am very picky about the rap that I do like. The samples are kind of blah... The strings annoy the shit out of me, but then again in terms or rap genre, you are supposed to be allowed to use less than stellar samples, in the name of the genre... I personally have problems with this actually, because some of the best rap actually samples music with real instruments, real orchestral, like Busta Rhymes and "Gimme Some More" sampling Psycho for instance. I feel like this song would have done better if you had nixed the strings and actually used the .spc sounds from the actual game instead. Feel me? The rapping is really bad... You guys used little to no processing... A lot of rap has that "sound" and this just sounds like nice recording equipment with little to no creative processing. No offense but it seems like if you had just thought about the atmosphere a little more, it would have come out a lot better. Flik comes in later, and you can tell he knows what he is doing, it sounds more like rap... Good job. The actual arrangement is fine, you guys used the songs creatively, I had no problem with that. The medley of themes work well, though in the defense of critics, FFIV music isn't that hard to weld together, they are all pretty much based off each other, and are very VERY thematic. You picked an easy source to work with. The bass is nice. The lyrics do seem lazy, but I think it's really a combination of elements... They would have been more acceptable if atmosphere had been more acceptable... It's just, I don't even care about the lyrics, I want a hook... The hook doesn't feel so compelling enough for me to really listen... And the fact that the lyrics (from what other people have said) aren't very clever, just kind of say... So what does this have to offer? Production is fine, no qualms with recording or anything... My qualms are more with instrument choices, and how you used them, and the atmosphere (or lack thereof) that I got out of this. I can understand how this song rubbed a lot of people the wrong way. Overall... I don't think this should have been direct posted. There are plenty of way better joke mixes that have been NO'd, way too many times in the past. This is definitely OLR material. But w/e, it happened so now all we got is the critiques in the review thread... I mean... even joecam doesn't really know why the song was direct posted, and no offense to him at ALL, but I actually don't know why someone would WANT to submit this... But that's really personal preference... You guys had fun, this is representative of that... I can at least understand that much. I would say this is way below par, especially for rap... And rap is way underrepresented on this site. I would have really loved to hear someone really take it to the next level... Maybe next time. (can you guys believe I was drunk? I think I did okay)
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