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Everything posted by Monobrow

  1. Hello munky. Okay, this is your typical boom-tiss song. The repeating/gated type synth phases in and out a bit... It's cute, but can get on your nerves a little bit because by nature it sticks out. Suddenly 1:10 comes in though, and I realize that was all just an intro, and you bring in some synths for company with the melody, that does a good job. That little solo at around 1:30 should have been longer... This is when the song starts to cook, but I guess I can agree with the choice to slow down the song with that cute delay'd synth... You're cooling it down. You bring in the drum loop at about 2:10, and it does ad atmopshere... Then you do ANOTHER key-change and bring the song back in full force. I actually like it, and I think even though this is your standard boom-tiss song, you took it a lot of places already, by even halway through. The one thing I do have to say though is, with all the key changes, I don't think they can compensate for a good spin with the melody... Maybe it was the genre holding you back but a variation, some sort of channeling of the melody, I think could have helped a LOT here. Then again, the post date kinda says it all. Nice job overall. drunk #5
  2. Hi Dev: You can tell he really loved this piece. There's a lot of intimacy in this song from the get-go.... Those Vangelis-type synths really set the tone well, though I do wish they had returned sometime again. That piano is a nice take on the theme, which is pretty robust in the original. The intro is very well thought out and touching. The guitar is nice, it gets the job done, it's really subtle, and accompanies the piano for a while... then let's go to let the piano establish that part of the song everyone who knows the OST, will get. It then comes back and has a little fun, before the key-change... Things get more serious and then the strings join in... REALLY good job there... There was no rush, you just wanted to establish a thought... The pause really helped before you brought them in. The strings though, do suffer from the super-slow-attack-every-note syndrome that I honestly can't stand... But in this case, can forgive... Especially the post-date. You EVENTUALLY fill out the lows with those strings, but I think you could have used a little more dissonance or had more movement with the strings in your chords... and been a bit stronger in that climax... A little stronger emotion. But it's just wishful thinking... Overall it's pleasant, and the major-chord ending is a nice and peaceful choice. You should be proud.
  3. Drunk review #3: Nice established build from the get go. The song has that cool synth, and then the piano, strings, and that phat bass. I can dig it. The drums are very fitting to the genre as well. I am also not very familiar with Phantasy Star... I mean I played it once back in the day on emulator, but don't remember the music so no nostalgia factor in here. One thing I have to say, that even though there is a nice groove established, the song really doesn't go anywhere after a while... And while the guitar build gets it going... The song just cuts off and stops... That's just too bad because I feel like there was a lot more to be said, and the party was just beginning and then bam... Over. It's a good thing that I wanted more though! But man, you weren't done! Anyway, for 2003 especially, good solid remix.
  4. Hi Ty, Here is my review # 2: I am very familiar with this source. This is your first posted remix? It's pretty hip. I used to play UO actually, and got really used to the old midi version of this song... I actually have a fondness for this. The song starts out nice, the guitar, while old, is very clear. The strings are pretty clear too. You have it pretty basic here, but it works. When the drums come in, there's a clear and definitive groove. It's a bit basic, but hey this was your first posted remix. When that synth comes in, it's a bit grating, and that grooooooooooowl bass synth is kinda funny, but it also adds a tension and atmopshere to the song, and when you bring those strings back in the song, with the guitar doing those eighth notes of the melody, it adds a somberness that the original conveyed. Good solid job. The quarter note stabs by the strings build nicely later on, but I think they are also pretty repetitive and get on your nerves after a while... Some variation here would have been nice... A typical build to a climax, but in the end, even with that cool loop in there, it ends on an anticlimatic note. This is kinda basically a problem I have today, not knowing how to end a song without losing my vibe and also kind of trying too hard for the epic sound... But again, really good first posted song. AAAAAAAND you get BIG kudos for remixing an Ultima song... Which is a subdued and under-appreciated OST.
  5. Drunk Review # 1... I will probably not number them all but what the heck! Filmore is basically a great stand-alone video game song that you can always refer someone to, regardless of whether or not they played Actraiser. I like this remix a lot, in fact I have never listened to it before now, but my first impression is that it's a definite keeper. It's a spazzy funk song that has a lot of good flow to it. I actually can't believe this was posted way back in 2002. The guitar synthy lead is actually quite nice and subdued... But in a good way, as in, it doesn't need to compete with the other instruments to stand out. The bass guitar has a nice funk to it, the lower rhodes also adds a very nice drop in the bottom that keeps the song nice and filled, that the real bass doesn't have to fill out in the spectrum. Teamwork. That flute has nice random stabs... And it's timing really adds that just needed pinch of... well whatever it is, to open the spectrum a little more and even with all tiny stabs, helps the atmosphere a lot. Good choice. Overall you can tell there was a real good energy in the creation of this song. Things fell into place. Everything is in sync, and there's nothing awkward. The drums/bass really work well with the rest of the other instruments, making the song more than just a sum of it's parts. I especially enjoyed the breaks, and the solo at around 1:25. This song has a lot of good energy to it, it also makes me think of Castlevania. Also I <3 rhodes forever. I'm not gonna do a number rating or anything. MERRY CHRISTMAS! DRUNK!
  6. You have the best name, never change it. EVER.

  7. I think this remix is way better. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wdMTKa-P9rQ
  8. Yeah the Chronopolis song uses a loop for the drums... It's not an original Mitsuda drum pattern *_*
  9. Gonna be a little late. Got the dude working on those drums. But you'll get something very substantial by the end of this week. :J
  10. Surely you jest? (it doesn't work as well in text)
  11. as long as you promise to sign everything online no matter what with -chth
  12. What no way~??~?~?~ Christmas is coming the goose is getting fat, please put a penny in the old man's hat... IF YOU HAVEN'T GOT A PENNY A HA'PENNY WILL DO IF YOU HAVEN'T GOT A HA'PENNY GOD BLESS YOU
  13. So someone ripped a bunch of katethegreat19's songs: http://www.purevolume.com/JenniJonas not ocremixes on this one at least, but video game remixes at least... also I think her fans have kind of taken care of this on their own but still interesting, her album just barely came out...
  14. That's rad, thanks for your help I will add you to the resources list.
  15. The channel has been pre-regged on several servers... It's not decided yet. Freenode is just a lot of people's opinion in a thread right now. This is active discussion *_*
  16. Oh uh... what happened... No it's not cut it was supposed to be bonus. I copied and pasted an older version and I guess it wasn't in the post?? Let me re-add it. Any song that is finished and doesn't make it onto the real project will be on the bonus, unless it's just the worst thing in the world and raps about dick-butt quest over ducks quacking... which doesn't sound too bad btw. Oh yeah and AeroZ has joined, taking DQ II - Requiem. YEAH CELLO POWER!
  17. This reminds me of an Erlend Oye song... I like this, keep it up. I am not sure that I like the lead synth though.
  18. I know that when Ash and Justin were living here, retaining all connections was pretty much a nightmare. They wouldn't let us have more than 5 (with a huge battle for permission every month) connections at once for 4 people. Every time our internet went down, we'd all rejoin and have warnings in our faces all the time. Also we told them about this and that it was a constant issue and they refused to give us any options. The default (3 connections) was worse because basically we had to go into their channel once a month and constantly renew the LAN to even get more, and if our IP changed or anything else it would happen again, we'd be insta banned for a week, and would have to have someone else get us back in, just because we had a house full of people that all happened to use ETG... It's just worse than annoying... For being one of the biggest channels on ETG, you'd think they'd be a little more willing to make some exceptions for people in #ocremix considering how long most of us have been using it. Also I use Espernet too, but Freenode ftw.
  19. Freenode is the only good irc server. Efnet is trashy. Full of botnets, piracy, and hacker chat. Freenode has the best services (nickserv wow!) and is HUGE and never goes down. Its the clear choice.
  20. Why isn't this longer? COMPLAIN! Creative and fun! BUT seriously I wanted 2 more minutes of maximum wankery!
  21. It just came out. Here is the site: http://www.erutanmusic.com/ Here the gorgeous cover: I suggest you guys check it out! It is her original album debut! If you are familiar with Kate's remixes, you will definitely like this. Give this awesome gal your support!
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