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Everything posted by Monobrow

  1. Hey... Nice to know you are interested in remixing. It has a lot of nice atmosphere actually... Kind of meanders too much though. You are getting a cool soundscape in there, but the meat of the mix is basically not there. Gotta concentrate on making the song sound more cohesive. Cool things done with the Super Metroid fx though! Hope you continue working on music, good luck! :J
  2. Yo dude, this is pretty chill. The bass is nice and phat. I love it throughout the whole song. I am not a huge fan of that electric piano honestly, it's tinkly, but not in a way that makes me feel it is clear, kinda in in-between setting. I think it has a tiny bit too much delay on it, and maybe not enough decay/release. So maybe make the stiffness either harder or softer, and add a tiny bit more decay and release, and eq it up a tad in the mid-higher freq? I am not sure, this is probably more of a personal preference thing. The strings with the slow attack at about 1:00 get on my nerves. They play the melody, but are way back in the mix, and kinda slow the pace of a song that had some mildly nice energy. They kind of just take the energy out. I recommend replacing them with something else, even a flute, or a synth, with a faster attack, and automate the places where you want there to specifically be some slow attack. Also the string stabs (at around 2:00) also kind of bug me because of how far back in the mix they are, maybe double them with a synth or something else? They are to add emphasis, and they do that, but I think they could do it better. The guitar that comes in at around 2:25 I think has just one note of delay too many, or the last one is a little too loud I guess? I think a fuller sound with that guitar wouldn't hurt, it's a little TOO tinkly for me, but again, personal preference. As for the drums, I am a fan of the organicness of them, though I think they may be a TAD too wet. The snare hit that comes in later, I think maybe you should mess around and see if you have any other snares, it just sounds weak (which I think is what you are going for) but it also has no energy, and the point of the snare there is to give the mix more energy. The song kind of meanders a little bit from the source, so maybe just up it a tad in the source in more of those little awesome subtle ways you have going, just to get the listener's attention every once in a while. That string with the slow attack at the end, yeah still bugs me. Maybe you should try to find someone to play for you live? GOOD LUCK, even though I kinda picked at it, I really enjoyed the atmosphere and complexity. :J
  3. Okay I love you ALSO YOU ARE A FUCKING SPAZ!@!!!!
  4. I first came around in 2001. Made Monobrow on the forums in 2004. I met the love of my life through this place just over a year ago. :J So thanks for that OCR
  5. I finished my songs for SoS and I had like two years *_* Also Bad Tuna isn't shit compared to TOPMAN CHUCK!
  6. Haha, gotcha. I've only ever heard the Willie Nelson version :J
  7. Liz is not new, also Liz is awesome and happens to like Earthbound too. However, Liz was nice enough to leave out the extra Z and therefore the name can now be shared and loved by all because both Liz and Lizz are cool! MONOBROW OVER AND OUT!
  8. Haha, always on my mind eh? Isn't that a Willie Nelson song?
  9. Quick... can I sign up and have sixto be my Secret Santa plz, is it too late? I can um, send you a... Bag of chips! Tim's CASCADE chip!
  10. When I get married, I am just going to sit back and let my sisters go crazy because they will probably do that, so I guess I UNDERSTAND!
  11. HERE IS A POST TO UPDATE ON THE DRESSES WE HAVE! We actually decided on our friggin dresses, high five starla and I! This was a very critical point in the process, we are so thankful for all your support in this difficult time, where all hope was lost, and then found once again. It was a time full of strife, of blood and sweat and tears, and I want to thank you all for your never-ending support through these trying times! The dresses are picked! Next: shoes!
  12. Time has been officially moved up: The reason being, Ashley's dress came too big, so we have to get a new one or fix it etc., and these dates seem to work better for everyone like starla and doug as well so... Monday, December 14, 2009: checkin at around 3:00pm Friday, December 18, 2009 checkout that morning by about 12:00 If you are a tentative attendee, since it's kind of down to the wire, I'd rather just have confirmation that you are going 100% now, as you will probably need to figure out a split on a third room with someone else. Anyway, see ya'll in Vegas!
  13. Wow, I just relived my childhood :J I <3 TMNT, and basically even though I never watched the newer 2003 show, they really did something amazing here, giving nods to the 80s show in all the right places. Loved it. The comic book salute was great too. I also think they did a great job with the 80s voices, about as close as they could get without the original actors.
  14. Um guys? Silent Hill 2 ESPECIALLY the In Water ending of Silent Hill 2... That ending had me balling for over an hour. I think that's probably it for me. Mother 3 got me close though, and now that I think about it, Lufia II ending got me close as well. I think FFVII and FFVI both had sad scenes that struck me in a certain way too. But the only game to ever really strike my senses emotionally is Silent Hill 2. There are no words for the experience that game gave me.
  15. Man, I friggin love Vegas, this would be the third time I have been this year. Btw: If you do have any inclination towards going, the original rooms will probably be full, so let me know if you want some help on reserving your own rooms, we can do this for you or point you in the right direction.
  16. Haha, I did when I wrote it. THEY'D BETTER BE DEFINITE ATTENDEES!
  17. Justin and Ashley are getting married! And they are doing it in Vegas! To celebrate, we are getting a couple VERY cheap rooms at the Excalibur on the Vegas strip! Rooms are going for about $20-$30 a night, so now is the perfect time to have some fun! The celebration of these two being wedded will start at about: Monday, December 14, 2009: checkin at around 3:00pm Friday, December 18, 2009 checkout that morning by about 12:00 If you want to come hang with us during this time, please give us a holler! We have a facebook event if you want to check it out It is going to be a small wedding. (They are actually doing this to get their certificate before Justin goes into the Airforce in Feb.) And they plan on having an official family reception sometime in later 2010, HOWEVER, this is going to be awesome party time for all involved, so if you feel so inclined, post in this thread. If not, well, I know we all wish them a great life of love and happiness together :J We will be staying at the Imperial Palace (it is cheap and right smack dab in the middle of the strip) Final Roster of attendees and guests: Ashamee Nekofrog Myself Protricity Starla Ramaniscence Posibolt Long Dao audiofidelity Matt P. Congratulations you two! Update: added some pics here: finally uploaded my Vegas pics to an album
  18. I dunno about you, but I am gonna vagu up the forumz
  19. I um, I like Protricity - Forest Birdcussion a lot </bias> Let There be Light - AmIEvil
  20. If my brother doesn't come with me up to VA (his friend may pick him up from OH) and you can somehow get to Savannah, we can drive you the rest of the way. Actually, if you don't mind riding in the back with him maybe we could work that out too.
  21. Radical as hell, Sebastian! As always, totally enjoy your works!
  22. Haha, wasn't expecting this to be posted here. Anyway, yeah this was one of my favorites forever. I don't care if it is not up to his current standards, I just really like it still, it grew on me. For some reason I always associated Earhbound characters with Charlie Brown (the roundness of his head I guess ALSO LOOK AT POO!) and anyway this really kinda made me feel like Paula was walking around Twoson to go to Linus and Lucy's house.
  23. Yup! Also Dragon Quest still needs help :J I'm getting recruits for songs slowly but surely.
  24. Yeah that version is basically awesome beyond anything. But anyway, if you do change your mind for doing anything let me know, ya Toehead. :J
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