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Everything posted by Monobrow

  1. Hey do whatever! This project makes me sad mostly because I love Dragon Quest SO MUCH. Also I am still here, still around. If you want to do anything, please give it a shot, and I mean ANYTHING at this point. Honestly I think most of the music can be redone or revamped. I also think that the lean towards orchestral is kind of not so needed now considering the already AMAZING orchestral interpretations done by Koichi and the London Philharmonic themselves... If ANYONE has a song they would like to contribute, send me a WIP! I will try to keep in touch with REXY about this too. The only songs you should not touch at ALL are obviously Reuben Kee's... IMO I THINK IT IS A REAL SHAME THAT REUBEN MADE AWESOME MUSIC AND IT WILL PROBABLY NEVER SEE THE LIGHT OF DAY JUST BECAUSE THIS PROJECT WILL NEVER BE RELEASED AT THE CURRENT INTEREST RATE. Not to sound guilt-inducing, but don't you guys want to hear his music, hear some of the last stuff he produced? I know I would. If only for this dude's memory, I think people should give this project another shot. Anyway, that's how I feel about it for the most part, come on guys!
  2. I will probably try "Walking on the Air" again maybe. I will give it a shot. If I don't, I will do something from the "Scrooge" musical because I love that musical, it is one of my favorite Christmas movies ever.
  3. My two cents worth: It's trusting and it isn't Remember the Magfest where people thought Ayres was going to bring a gun, and when he showed up and was taking pictures, he was thrown out and they tried to confiscate his camera? People from OCR tend to be trusting, but are also prone to hype and hysteria. I've been so surprised at the amount of drama, the threats, real life BIG DEALS in the community, etc. etc. A lot of people don't go to meetups because they don't get along with those that do. But there are always exceptions, and for the most part, people want to be open and friendly. I've found that the people I've met have all around been cool, even if I disagree with some stuff they do online, you CAN separate it. But honestly it depends. Meetup mentality can be great and trusting and fun, and people become friends at meetups, but it can still be overridden by the online drama (see pixie and atma) Also there are several instances where lines of trust have been broken in real life and people have been creeped the fuck out basically. SO YEAH IT DEPENDS ON WHO AND WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT AND WHO IS FRIENDS WITH WHO AND HOW THE PEOPLE ATTENDING FEEL ABOUT EACH OTHER AND IF PEOPLE ARE WILLING TO LET GO OF THINGS OR IF THEY ARE GOING TO TRANSLATE THIS STUFF FROM ONLINE INTO REAL LIFE, IT DEPENDS ON THE PERSON!!!!!!
  4. I gotta say ilpO, I really friggin enjoyed your songs btw. They were really refreshing and radical. Seriously dude, way awesome work.
  5. hey blind are you really blind because I really have a monobrow
  6. Okay I'll bite, how did Tim get into music and how did he end up landing video game composing jobs?
  7. Play Karllovesyou.mp3 (all of them) on your wedding night
  8. Haha, this is sick. I'm so glad there is another Pokemon song, there are WAY too few, so you get kudos right there. Well executed, fun as all hell, nice breaks and drumwork, great instrument choices, and I just really like the atmosphere. Everything meshes very well. I also love that bass. Those orchestral hits are so fun too! Keep it up and give more... I'm a real pushover for chiptunish stuff. That fadeout was kinda cheesy though lol... ANYWAY GREAT JOB! p.s. I wish this was longer, however I can understand you not wanting to overdo it or tire the source. THE END!
  9. Yay Tepid, big fan of all your stuff... This was really good. I really wasn't expecting this style at all... But it really... works!
  10. Sure thing :J Hell, I just want to say that this isn't how I view all remixes, I like what I like, and what I don't like I do usually try to see the reasoning for whatever someone is doing. Some remixes that change things about the original I really really like, and others I just don't find the choice that great... Apples and oranges. This song didn't particularly hit the mark with me, but I'm just one person, it's just my opinion, and I really hope that you guys can see where I am coming from without thinking of it as an attack (it's not, why would it be?) I was really just using your song as an example in the argument, and god knows we've all heard this argument before, about the balance between source and arrangement. I am sure some people didn't mind the changes, and hell they enjoyed them. But you are right, I have a very special attachment to this game and to that song in particular from wayyyyyyyy back. I thought of what you changed in the song as an important factor that made the original what it was, and I didn't see why. You explained it and thanks for that, and I can see why you did it that way. The difference here being, I thought what you changed up was probably the most important thing in the song, and you were giving it your own stylistic...twist... So maybe it's like this, to me the original badassness was lost, however you put your own badassness... back in? And yeah, I complimented the synths, details, etc. etc. for a reason. Yeah badassness should be a word. And no, I am not taking offense of Jade's offense, er... defense... She's like a linebacker or something. Anyway, I was just surprised that she got so worked up! It's opinions, yo! And like I said originally, NO OFFENSE! I will chill out and not be set off but crud okay? WE COOL LETS ALL CHILL <3 WE COOL!
  11. You need to chill out and realize that this is just my opinion. I'm not going to back down from it just because "so many people like this mix" or disagree with me or any of the reasons you said up there. What I said I'm sticking by and I don't even think of it as offensive. I pointed out that the change did make the song lose the feel of the original in a way that I did not like. Big deal! It's nice that you like it and are gung ho about it like this, however to take personal offense to a remark like that about his song? It's nice that you are defending your dude, however none of the stuff you're saying has any concrete relevance towards whether I should like the song or not. Every post in response, except for yours, shows that I know EXACTLY what I am talking about. The difference is, while what he did may irk me, you and others think it's awesome. :J All I care about when I hear a song is whether I like it or not, and I listed the reasons. You think what he did was creative, that's cool. Hell I guess I should agree... But I still don't like the song for the same reason I said a few days ago. And honestly, I'm glad I didn't say this in the review thread because man what a shit storm that would have been! So I'd chalk it up, because 1 person not liking the song out of 120955 isn't so bad. Thanks Jay. I didn't mean any offense (hence the "no offense" in my original post) This was pretty much what I was talking about, and what others were talking about, which is why I brought the Blind Song up in the first place (not to "attack" blind but to bring up a point and since his song is the first song that comes to mind when listening to the whole "true to the source" argument, I talked about in what way it irks me as an example)
  12. Jay, I kinda agree with him to an extent. I can appreciate most of the songs from a musical kind of standpoint easily, however I can get that from a layman's standpoint, a lot of the songs deviate in ways that someone who is deeply nostalgic about the music might not agree with. For example, I love your might of baron song, especially when that badass geetar comes in, but I do think that towards the end it meanders in ways that people who love FFIV might not appreciate as much as anyone else listening to the songs without much FFIV OBSESSION BACKGROUNDS! And once again, most people will probably go through these songs a few times before really paying attention to what is happening behind the scenes... They look for familiarity first and foremost. I'm not saying this is a bad thing, but I can see why anyone would be a little disappointed, especially at first, considering the perspectives where they are coming from. The FFVII project kind of felt the same way to me as well actually. One song that irks me from this perspective is actually Blind's Golbez song, believe it or not, no offense! I don't have anything bad to say about the production, or the details and cool beatz and arps and synths etc. about the song itself, EXCEPT THAT he changed the original chord progression in a way that the song loses its badass feel. Golbez is this badass organ guy, the minor chord progression was just perfect... And Blind changed it up, and I am not exactly sure why. That, I think, would be a good example of a great remix (which IMO could be taken as an original without the Golbez FFIV stamp to the average listener) deviating from the source in such an important way enough to maybe disappoint an avid fan of FFIV. A LOT OF SONGS make up for this though, and are great so this is really me just trying to get to the bottom of why anyone would feel this way. In other words, I can understand the complaints. However guys, as far as complaining goes, what I find is best to do is just appreciate what you do like, because honestly, nothing is going to change what you don't, as far as these remixes go :J... And there is plenty out there to like!
  13. STOP FOR A SEC! My advice is, do whatever appeals to you and keeps you practicing. This is the most important thing, period. Seriously... I'd ask this guy for examples of pieces you will be playing with each course, and then take which appeals to you more. Yeah I think you need to really expand your musical horizons if you are only talking about Jeremy Soule as being an inspiration (no offense to him)... But when it comes to musical passion and wanting to learn, do what interests you the most, so that when it becomes tedious (It always becomes tedious at some point), you will not stop. I also really advise you to listen to a whole bunch of classical, and find what you like the most, just in general... Jeremy Soule has his roots in classical as well as film, as do most composers of this age for film (and now video games) do... They get their inspiration from other sources, so if you like Jeremy Soule so much, check out the music that inspires him too. :J
  14. if I went I challenge starla to baking battle
  15. This album is great. Great work from all involved. Everyone should get this, I mean seriously, if you ever paid money for some of the crap out there today, and don't think it's worth to pay money for this... Well what's wrong wid you eh? This is an original and creative concept you won't see every day.
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