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Everything posted by Monobrow

  1. I wish you and Kassie a great life together, Sam! :J
  2. Dude, this is BAD ASS. <3 this, so glad you are submitting some of these too.
  3. I love this source tune Man this is spazzy lol I think you kind of take away from the song without the original chord progression and (the lower note on the piano)... Keeping it all in that chord kind of makes it a little blah to me. The flute is really cool though.
  4. Happy Birthday Sam. The big 25. Enjoy the day my friend!
  5. I hope you guys work this hosting problem out! I am sure someone can help you.
  6. So like, this project still rocks because somehow it finished and got released.. IF EVEN FOR THAT REASON
  7. Awesome list Bahamut. Also to anyone starting any MORE projects... Can you guys like... You know... look at this list haha... I mean holy shit I didn't even realize it was THAT many! Anyway yeah about the DQ Project... I honestly think the whole thing needs a revamp/redo (except the Reuben Kee stuff for obvious reasons) If ANYONE is at all interested please contact me, I only volunteered for this because Rexy is pretty much non-existent on the site nowadays, and while I am not really the director, at least I am around to check pms and talk to people (critique, whatever)... So... although it is still her project, I love Dragon Quest, so please contact me. If anyone does show interest I will definitely get the ball rolling big time.
  8. I love this, at LEAST for the awesome soundscape you guys got going. Also please use the entire theme in its entirety. That is all <3
  9. U R SO RONG, that song was great from the start *_*

    also hi :J

  10. <3 No seriously, love the synth work and textures too... Keep it up please and finish the theme :J
  11. Omg ANOTHER one???!?!?~?!?~!?~?!~?#?~?#? Happy Birthday :J
  12. My birthday thread for Lizz has been tainted by TheWingless!
  13. Thanks for the birthday thread. I actually celebrated my birthday mostly this evening. Went to a nice restaurant and awesome stuff. I am very happy the end! Thanks dudez and gals!
  14. Ari's been working on his track for the last couple days. FINALLY. So you will have at least one making that deadline.
  15. Haha, sorry I didn't finish my song. I kinda fell off the face of the making music anything for the last year or so, only now really starting to get back on. Anyway, it was a cool effort. Nice work to those who actually finished :J
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