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Everything posted by Monobrow

  1. Well, I told you that if you wanted to confirm taking it, to post in this thread. If you still want it, you can do it, however I wasn't 100% sure that you wanted it or not, not because of you personally, but because of the trend of people claiming tracks in general. People have been saying they want songs, and then they don't get back to me, so I just assumed that I wasn't gonna make you do something you are too busy/not that interested in doing. (I mean you are on a bazillion projects) and that you probably weren't that inspired for doing the song anyway. If I am wrong, my apologies. Work on the song please, and we will see what happens. Since there is confusion, I really don't care about multiple copies of this song either. It's a REALLY popular song in the Dragon Quest series, and was reused in later titles. That being said, I hope people who want to work on this project can pick songs other than the main overworld theme and heavenly flight from now on... lol
  2. Update four: Ella_guru has joined this project taking Heavenly Flight. Friggin awesome guys!
  3. Oh yeah dude, I know VgMix had it's share of flaws. I was just pointing out that OCR and VgMix are really apples and oranges, or maybe more applicable as different sides to the same coin. They had different systems, and in that, you really have to pick and choose what you concentrate on, each had strengths and weaknesses. Also I mostly wanted to clarify that Bleck's post was being misrepresented in its reply. I'm pretty sure that at one point, herograw/rguinn/rob offered to host WIP files on the WIP forum for people but no one took him up on that. I'd love for the WIP forum to have some sort of software functionality instead of just being a forum. A place where arists could update their WIPs as they go and people could just log in and check them. That is kind of what VgMix had, and I thought it worked rather well. A rating's system is not something that OCR is interested in, but I think a more organized approach to people's access to WIPs in general couldn't hurt. I am the type that really wants to decide for myself, what I like and don't like, what I want to listen to. I will take anything and everything and put it on my playlist and give it a shot. So the more access I have to people's music, the better IMO. I feel that each rejected song that I don't hear is kind of like a missed opportunity for my ears *_*.
  4. I think he meant that if the songs aren't good enough here, they are not released here, and no one gets to hear them (without going to a lot of trouble). Yes you can revise the system here, but he was talking about right now, and within the past seven years. This is the first time I've heard of any sort of WIP system besides this being mentioned. Previously, every time someone complained about the WIP forum, the answer is usually always "it's fine, it works, the end"... Every time someone wanted to hear something that was rejected from OCR, it was very hard to do so unless they used WIP forum, or had the awesomeness to release somewhere else like THASAUCE and even then... It also didn't help that links to rejected songs are removed from the decisions... While VGMIX did have a rating system, the songs were voted on by everyone who wanted to, who bothered to, they were rated by anyone, thus the tier system was open to the public. At OCR, the judges and djp are the first, and final tier system. In other words, there were obvious differences between OCR and VGMIX that a lot of people who used VGMIX miss (like Bleck). You don't have the same experience when visiting both sites.
  5. Kyle, do you have pics of the "superfriends" cars from that race, because I designed most of those and they were lol
  6. Okay, I listened to this again after years and years, and I have to say I really love those drums. Awesome work! Aggro cymbal stomping madness of joy!
  7. thanks dudes, I will work on this some more I think, it may turn out a bit different though, we will see
  8. Why hello thar my freaund!

  9. Disagree about Origins. I really enjoyed it. It was the first game since SH3 that I enjoyed a lot. SH4 was great story-wise, but it didn't feel like a Silent Hill game. Origins however, I thought it felt a lot like SH2 and SH3. Seriously, I got over the fact that he was carrying tvs and stuff around, but besides that, I had no problem. It really felt like I was playing something that could have been released around the SH2 or SH3 era. It had a lot of darkness and grit, a great OST, a decent tie-in story, weird ass monsters, and very SH2-ish puzzles. Also about the way Alessa was portrayed, I don't think it was so much like the movie as it was like she was portrayed in SH3, kind of carrying over from the lack of personality she had in SH 1 (her and Dahlia both) to a little more of a SH2 kind of story. Let's face it, I love Dahlia in SH1, but she looked like she was seventy and a wandering gypsy. She looked like an undead corpse! Since this is a prequel, I think it makes more sense for her, and Alessa, to be a bit different. I only played Origins for PSP though, so I haven't seen what it looks like on a tv, if that makes any difference whatsoever.
  10. Hey guys! The forums are up and working for anyone who is on the project to see now. If you want to see the SUPER SEKRET part of the forum for being on this project, sign up and give Kyle a shout (in his shoutbox or pm him or call him and chew him out) and things will be all good. In other news: I will be announcing a tentative WIP due date as soon as I have a few more sign ups, which should be pretty soon. I also have a few surprises coming if you guys listen to video game related radio shows etc. Oh no I spoiled the surprise!
  11. I play as mostly dudes. I guess I either like dudes, or am so used to most heroes being dudes anyway. Every once in a while I make my character female and am like OMG WOMAN POWER! I did this in KOTOR II (Which worked very well) and Oblivion. My Morrowind character was male though. Oh yeah, back in the day when I played UO, my character was female and I tried to make her look like me. I also like to start characters and make them look like my current boyfriend.
  12. yeaah! girl power! honestly this sounds like fun, are you a bad enough dude to challenge us?
  13. Yay, super rad Kyle. Man I sound so peppy lol. I just wanna say thanks, it's nice to see some progress for something that sat so dead for such a long time. Any progress now is great news.
  14. While I understand your reasoning, at this point I don't want to try to constrict the creative process in a way that forces people to medley anything up. IMO a good medley comes from the creative process and is implemented through great ideas "hey, this song really goes well with this song!". As in, they flow seamlessly. While I am sure people will medley things up (they already have in some of the finished material)... Well, they is what they is. Start with a song, and where you end up, who knows... But I will consider the starter song, the song with the most source used as a remix of that particular song, no matter what else people do... This just will make things less confusing in the long run, IMO. And yeah, I understand the way the symphonic suites did it, they were going for (and constricting themselves to) a certain style of presentation. IMO there is no need for that in this sort of album project.
  15. Hey guys, I made my first update, yay! So I just want to say this: About duplicates... I kinda want them in there, but I do want to run them by you good people first. I am the type that is for any possible interpretation. Every single song is going to sound different, everyone's interpretation is going to have something worthwhile. This is how I roll. I don't view it at all as a competition. However I want to make sure everyone is comfortable with this first. I am for Unknown World being put in there three times since it is in all three games, but since NeoS has a song already, it was really nice and polite of you to "step back" but I don't want that. Redo your song dude, after the work you did the first time, you deserve that chance, even if it may end up as a "bonus" for compromise. And djp? Can't wait to hear what you have to give either. Moving forward. I am just excited that people want to do music! haha I'm gonna start figuring out a forum setup for you guys to go, and also I really wanted to point out that SETTING ALL THAT TEXT UP ON THE FIRST PAGE IS ANNOYING AS HELL. Bolds, italics, text size, color, assigning names to shit, man that took forever! Oh yeah, and Zoola, no I never got to hear it. I really am curious now. Also get back on this project! :J Oh yeah, it also seems like Olarin wants to try an improv on that Unknown World/Alefgard/Overworld theme as well lol... Hey I say go for it, it may become a bonus too but give it a shot please!
  16. *********IMPORTANT NOTICE*********** Project thread is here guys! It is remade so I have easier access. Like always, this still is Rexy's project. I am just coordinating it now. Please refer to the new thread for all things project related until otherwise stated. THANKS! <3
  17. Welcome to the Children of Erdrick OCReMix Project CoE is a project which consists of remix tracks from the first three Dragon Warrior/Dragon Quest games. Koichi Sugiyama is the composer and has composed some of the most celebrated and unique video game music created. This is a concept album, with emphasis on flow, please be open to adhering to project guidelines for the sake of the album as a whole. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vision 1. No symphonic or orchestral tracks will be accepted. It has been done to death with Dragon Quest music. Let's go for something different and not try to one-up Mr. Sugiyama's own accomplishments with the London Philharmonic Orchestra. 2. Album Flow That is, once some more concrete tracks are selected, I would appreciate trying to get each song to flow, one to another. This is not specifically required for every track, but as this project comes together and becomes more cohesive, I will be contacting each of you to figure out placement and ways to make this album as a whole, more fluid. More like a project, less like a collection of random songs. 3. Do not stray too far from source material. In other words, make sure your goal with music is to showcase the original song's latent merits, adding emphasis to the pleasure you got out of listening to the original. The goal here is to do the original song as much justice as possible. Interpretation is great, and of course can bring out the greatness of the source, but it always comes secondary to honoring the original. I want you to view each song as a delicate and important piece of music that you want nothing more than to show everyone its true musical merit. 4. Lean towards more organic, acoustic, rock oriented and more realistic sounding styles of music. Instrumentals would be nice. Electronic is also acceptable of course, but think more serious, less "cute" in your sound. Synthy stuff is great, but use them to add tension or to volumize the feel to your music. Also lean towards conveying a real sense of atmosphere in your music. Your source tune should be able to give you an idea of what mood you are going for. 5. Be creative. Honor the source, but no straight covers. Hit that balance, that place where you are arranging the song and bringing out the best of it, without straying from the source too much and losing sight of what the original was about. A NOTE ABOUT VOCALS: If you attempt vocals, please contact me w/ your thoughts beforehand. They are a very hard instrument to utilize and implement with skill. What I do not want is along the lines of vocals for the sake of being in there, but more along the lines of getting a point across. They need to be used in a way that makes the song more than a sum of its parts. For example, vocals for ambience, or lyrically to set a tone. Atmosphere is important. There are great singers in this community, and I definitely do not discourage vocals in general, but I am talking about integrating them into an album as a whole, which would be harder, spotted with non-vocal tracks. I hope that helps. I do not have anti-vocal bias, but I'm trying to be realistic in terms of whether or not they would fit, or be disruptive overall. Here are links to the NSFs from Zophar Dragon Quest 1 nsf Dragon Quest 2 nsf Dragon Quest 3 nsf Available tracks numbered accordingly from the .nsf files ALL CURRENT PROJECT CLAIMS ARE ON HOLD. IF YOU HAVE A WIP ON THIS LIST PLEASE CONTACT ME. IF YOU HAVE A FINISHED TRACK FROM THIS LIST, PLEASE CONTACT ME. Dragon Warrior/Quest 2 - TANTEGEL CASTLE (Castle) 4 - TOWN GAME SELECTION (Town) Brandon Strader 5 - OVERWORLD - djpretzel 6 - UNDERWORLD - metaphist 14 - BATTLE THEME 15 - FINAL BATTLE THEME 16 - ENDING THEME 20 - GAME OVER (Thou Art Dead) - Fratto Dragon Warrior/Quest 2 2 - JOYOUS SONG - (Menu) - ShrackAttack 3 - ROYAL PALACE (Castle) 4 - BUSY CITY STREETS (Town) 5 - A LONELY YOUTH - Phantasia 6 - UNDERGROUND (Dungeon) 7 - EVER UPWARDS (Tower) - Christian Pacaud 8 - ALL HOPE IS LOST (Requiem) AeroZ 9 - PROPHECY (Shrine) 10 - TRAVELING WITH FRIENDS (Overworld 2) 11 - KINGDOM OF ALEFGARD (Unknown World) - Cyril the Wolf 12 - RIDING THE WAVES(Ship) - Rexy 13 - DEMON ATTACK (Battle) 14 - MALROTH THE TRUE EVIL (Final Battle) 15 - RECOUNTING THE JOURNEY (Credits) - CarboHydroM Dragon Warrior/Quest 3 3 - OVERTURE 4 - CASTLE 5 - ADVENTURE (Overworld) 6 - UNKNOWN WORLD 7 - JIPANG 8 - DUNGEON - ilp0 9 - TOWER 10 - PYRAMID 11 - SMALL SHRINE (Temple) - Ryan8bit 12 - SAILING 14 - VILLAGE 15 - HEAVENLY FLIGHT - Reserved, pm me for details why, and please try to pick something else for now 16 - TOWN 17 - BATTLE THEME - Shnabubula 18 - THE PHANTOM SHIP - Protricity *19 - FINAL BATTLE (Hero's Challenge) - Reuben Kee* 20 - REQUIEM 26 - CREDITS BONUS ARISTS: NeoS Red = Claimed tracks Magenta = Extension Purple = WIP Blue = Significant WIP Green = DONE! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Instrument contacts Geoffrey Taucer - acoustic guitar (AIM - GeoffTaucer, MSN - midgetboysk8@hotmail.com) MagiNinjA - clarinet, violin (AIM - ReMiXedD, MSN - xmagiragnarok@yahoo.com) PriZm - electric guitar (MSN - prizm_shard@hotmail.com) The Prophet of Mephisto - bass, saxophone, vocals (AIM - mavericksprophet) Ryan8bit - bass, guitars, vocals (AIM - Ryan8bit) XMark - rhythm/solo guitars (AIM - ChexMark) Zoola - saxophones (AIM - zoola4zoola) Olarin - cello and double bass Jeff Ball - violin and viola (AIM - some1namedjeff) just64helpin - whistler Fishy - bass, acoustics, e-guitar (pm, irc) ShrackAttack - percussion, various (pm, irc) Note: If you have any questions regarding this project, PM me. If you wish to claim a track and I know who you are, please msg me with your thoughts on what you plan to do with the source you are claiming. If you wish to claim a track and are new, please send me a sample of your latest work. WIP claims are on a case by case basis. Thanks! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Other Contributions: (help wanted) Website: Protricity Design: Monobrow Illustration: Monobrow (looking for volunteers) Promotion: Monobrow (looking for volunteers) Final Mastering: (looking for volunteers)
  18. http://www.songportal.org/katie/robos/wips/Monobrow-%20SH2%20WIP.mp3 Hey guys, this is a WIP I made one night a month back. It was not meant to be anything serious, however it is growing on me now as I am listening to it again for the first time. It is a combination of three songs, mostly with references to Promise (reprise) and Magdalene and a tie in at the end to True. Not sure where I would take this honestly but I am just wondering what the general consensus is on this song. It's REALLY straight forward (for me at least), and I'm really trying to keep it simple and not overcomplicate. As always, problems with mix/master FOREVER
  19. Secret of Mana did not have terrible anything, ESPECIALLY music! THIS IS MY GRRR FACE! >:-[]
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