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Everything posted by Monobrow

  1. Hey there, Nice work on your first mix. I think honestly what this song is lacking is just, it feels empty even though it has so much going on it. I think you should experiment and work on making it super gritty and evil. Maybe experiment with distortion and compression. Your percussion is very weak when it shouldn't be. It may be the samples you are using, but you can always do fx on your drums to compensate somewhat. Compression could help. Honestly, this sounds like the background music for a great guitar mix, if you can understand that. It's like something is missing, something substantial to take it to the next level. But really, cool work on your first mix. Just bring out the badass in you and experiment with your sound to find that right evil tone.
  2. The intro is pretty much just a midi rip flute sample. I like the orchestral stuff you get into after though, it fits very well and is kind of a no-brainer. I'd say though, you need volume and tone automation, as well as changes in velocity and tempo, and more musical nuances in your writing. You have the bones but are missing the meat. Get really detailed with your work and probably update some of your samples (or really figure out how to make what you have sound as close as possible to the real thing) Master your stuff. I'd get some inspiration from real orchestral stuff honestly. It's a nice idea, but you just need more skill and knowhow if you are gonna get on OCR with an orchestral mix (they are very hard)... Good luck and please keep it up!
  3. It would have been a lot cooler if Tidus' voice had actually matured over time instead of being friggin whiny the whole game. That one voice over where he was actually not whining should have been his voice by the end
  4. That someone being me goddamnit. YOU HAD BETTER NOT MISS ANYTHING ELSE THAT I AM AT! OH YEAH, and my resolution = Lose those 10 lbs. that I gained over Christmas Break, holy shit. You can tell from my facebook photos in early December - now lol. And five more for good measure too :J
  5. Man I can't read that at all lol To me it says like HUNAI or HUNAL Oh yeah and Zoola/Zylance, on your logo the Y is kind of hard to make out. I'd probably either ad a stem under the logo to the Y or bring the V part of the Y stem up a tad on the logo to compensate. Hell if you need help with your logo in general, pm me
  6. http://www.allegiantair.com/aaRouteMap.php How close is Hagerstown? Anyway, allegiantair is so cheap and awesome, I hope they add more airports to their stuff... If you need to get anywhere and have a friend who doesn't mind driving a little out of the way to pick you up, its the way to go for a cheap flight! Oh yeah and we got the hotel booked at 85 a night through an AAA discount, just an FYI. To add my weight to this: I will probably be flying next year so it really doesn't matter exactly when Magfest is done to me. Maybe Ari thinks differently, I would have to ask him. I guess getting there on New Years cut some time with my family a little short, and honestly the New Years Party left something to be desired. I dressed up big time for the Bond Party but it seemed like less than half of the rest did, and it would have been cool to have some sort of alcohol (champagne) or h'orderves or something for the countdown available, which I would have probably paid extra for, but I guess you can't expect that since half the people there were either broke or not of drinking age and since we aren't allowed to drink down there anyway It was a nice idea though, just yeah I think I'd rather go to a real New Year's themed um, whatever party or try something different. BALLS OF STEAL was awesome though to kick in the NEW YEAR.
  7. Hey guys, Update Time! Arrow has joined the project to take: DW2: Track 4 (the town theme) Yay! I'm really interested to hear what this guy comes up with. Furthermore, I have more time to devote to work on the project now that I'm not traveling 7000 miles across the US, so expect some more tracks to be filled up and a WIP deadline to be set soon!
  8. Yes, 3 was awful. Completely and utterly awful. The end.
  9. Hey dudes! Thanks to everyone for putting up with my drunk a... I mean for being all kinds of awesome and friendly :J Ari and myself both wish to thank everyone for the great time. We had a lot of fun meeting (and me randomly bro-fisting) all of you. Everyone was awesome. My favorite time I think, was when the fire alarm went off on the first night, and we all made our way downstairs. That was right about when we were leaving djp's room and I was finishing off some of his whiskey, so all the alcohol hit me just in time to make my way downstairs and sit around all happy and drunk. I don't know exactly why, but I think that was my favorite moment because everyone was cool and happy to see everyone, and I thought that was just so special. Maybe it was the booze, but I felt very comfortable on the floor in the hotel lobby in a room full of "strangers". Then of course, Stevo had to ruin it all with that weird game of his that I was too drunk to play Here are a few very well deserved special thankseseses: DougUltima, for putting up with us for like three friggin days in Baltimore! You are a rad dude and I'm glad to have finally met you. And please be kind with all that blackmail material. Wes, thanks for the chance at the DSi and for putting us up. That was so generous, I don't really know what else to say. The time at your place, it was a pleasant short stay, and we rested well, which is what we really needed. Really, thanks for that. Dhsu, while it is indeed very tempting, thanks for not killing my boyfriend during the night when you had the chance! Your roomates are awesome and I really appreciated you putting us up with such a short notice. I wish we could have chilled longer, but it was fun while it lasted. Oh yeah and thanks to anyone who contributed money towards getting everyone fed and drunk :J Anyway, I met too many people to name here, but you know who you are and how cool you were. I will let my pictures speak for themselves, about all the fun times and the cool people I got to hang with. Derrrrp
  10. Sigma Fortress 2 for MMX please Wes. I will probably go for a collab with some live instruments as well on this, mostly guitar, but maybe a couple other elements.
  11. Haha awesome, but you forgot Ari's Abobo car.
  12. Hey guys. As some of you may know, Ari, myself, Ashley, and Justin all have this 3000 mile ride back home to do after Magfest. So far, we have a couple places to stay in OH and early on in Indiana, but I really don't know anyone from then on, all the way to San Fran. THIS is our route If you live anywhere from here to there, and have room, and are a nice awesome rad person that doesn't mind two weirdos and two girls crashing at your place and hanging out, hey, you are awesome. We also have a small kitten with us. Anyway, I made this thread specifically for the purpose of trying to figure out if anyone who is on the way, would be willing to let us crash. But if anyone else has a long way to go from MAG and needs to crash somewhere, post here. Hook up!
  13. Now really, where is that cock on the Mona Lisa edit? You dudes are getting slow these days... I expected better!
  14. Wow guys, it's just one dude's opinion, don't need to get so up in arms about it. It's not really fair to use the whole "WHY DON'T YOU MAKE THE MUSIC YOURSELF?!?!?!??!?!! BLAH BLAH" stuff ... Come on... I don't agree with Teeth, but there's really no need for the gangbangananga..
  15. Last minute chance for someone along I-95 from Savannah, GA, to catch a ride with us. We only have room for 1 person. If you need the ride there (not back, we will not be going back that way) give me a pm. We are leaving most likely tonight or early tomorrow morning.
  16. Congrats, and also good luck on the wedding planning and all that stuff. Best of luck and wishes!
  17. Still looking for remixers. Also I would like to clarify, if you are not remotely interested in Dragon Warrior music, and just want to join a project to join a project, well, please just don't haha. It's not that at this point, I don't desperately want the help, but really, for the sake of the music, what I really want the most is passion for these songs. I love Dragon Warrior, and I've always thought the music was badass, but I also just know that at this point in time, even though I am co-coordinating, I do not have the time or the energy to make a remix that represents Dragon Warrior the way I would really want it to. So for now, due to the obvious business of everyone, just take it easy. Come January, I will be on all your asses though and even set a WIP date! Just you wait. ('enry 'iggins) So have a completely awesome Christmas and holiday season, and see you in the New Year!
  18. Hi guys, one last bump. I'm in GA at my parent's house so I finally uploaded my Vegas pics to an album if you are interested enjoy!
  19. unts unts unts unts unts unts unts :D happy birthday to the dude who can eat incredible amounts of food!
  20. I had a great time. Have a safe trip to Cali Ash and Justin. See you in a couple weeks :J That was a great wedding, I was really touched during the ceremony to see two people so full of love like that. It was an amazing and surreal moment for me. (haven't been to a wedding since I was five) To everyone who was at the meetup/wedding, it was great, you are all friggin awesome! I will probably post our pics in a couple days after we get to GA. YEAAAAAAAHHHHHH! Congrats you two!
  21. You sure got some balls there. But whatever, at least he didn't sign up TODAY to post this. He's had an account since 2002 lol.
  22. Final bump on this thread from me before this gets started. Boy the way I bump this thread, it is almost as if I were releasing an album~! Anyway, we are all heading out tomorrow! Final roster is: Ashamee Nekofrog Myself Protricity Starla Ramaniscence Posibolt Long Dao audiofidelity Matt P. If anyone needs people's numbers, info, and more info on where we will hold the wedding itself and where we are staying, pm me. Yay!
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