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Posts posted by Thalzon


    I have tried fighting both Asmodeus and Leviathan, and both feature a ridiculous difficulty spike the likes of which I never thought I'd need to face.

    Asmodeus can nail you with basically any ailment he likes. His physical attacks poison, he can cast blind and petrify, and he's got a skill that confuses, silences, and paralyzes, in addition to sizable chunks of damage. And it only gets worse as the battle goes on.

    Leviathan gets FOUR turns per round, his physical attacks can insta-kill, and he casts Thundaga, which can paralyze and hits everyone. He's also got ridiculous gobfuls of HP, and has a total party kill attack.

    I thought I was doing alright, upgrading my stuff and picking the best equipment for the battles, but even THAT doesn't save me. I'm losing my mind, here!

  2. So I was playin' Red Steel 2 and just beat the second boss (Shinjiro? Anyway), and I'm told to go back to the dojo. Great! I think to myself, I can do that.

    Or not.

    Exiting the area is impossible, because I already pressed the button to get out of the area once before. It doesn't work anymore, and the door is closed. So I'm forever trapped within the Kusagari Tower.

    Fucking BALLS, man. And I was enjoying it up until then.

    To ease my frustrations, I made this thread. Solutions to game-ending bugs or other game-ending bugs, particularly in modern games, is the topic at hand.

  3. Holy crap, yes. This topic is something that has been bugging me for what seems like forever. Some characters seem designed around the concept that they must show off their tits and ass no matter how stupid it makes them look.

    It's pretty sad when the only black female heroine I can really think of (that looks black and is not just dipped-in-tea-black) is Shinobu.

  4. I've played more, and I'd say, "only if you like old-school RPGs". Dungeons are all mazes and everyone keeps cooking up dumb reasons to not stick together, which contributes more to the difficulty than most anything else. There's an item limit of 15 per character, including equips, which can spell trouble when enemies just cast status magic constantly.

    So it's a challenge, but the difficulty is anything but smooth. Fun game, though.

  5. Holy crap, the Demon fight in Urbeth was absolutely killer. It was made worse by the fact that there were no save points around (EVERY SINGLE ONE is removed from anywhere you can get to during the event), AND the knight girl is just STANDING there in town being mopey and NOT helping me fight the boss that keeps kicking my ass.

  6. am i the only one that likes Hideki Ishikawa's the best? :(

    You, my friend, have taste. She looks like she's wearing something someone might actually wear, as opposed to all the bunny ears, thongs, capes, and stupid hats the other girls are sporting.

    She's my favourite too.

  7. The "no aiming" is really just to remove an extra button press, as you tend to want to heal the one with the lowest HP anyway. It's dynamic too, so it will heal whoever has the lowest HP at that moment, rather than at the start of the round.

    It's actually handy and works in the player's favour often. I've only started, but it feels like there's gonna be lots of abilities and lots of dungeons. It's pretty fun.

  8. Arthur was totally unexpected and awesome. Spencer may not be the best CHARACTER, but his play style looks very wild and fun.

    Notice how Marvel's side has way more villains than Capcom's? I mean, so far the only Capcom villain is Wesker. Marvel's got Dr. Doom, Magneto, Super Skrull, MODOK, and Dormammu. Venom is a definite possibility. So... what other Capcom villains might we end up seeing?

  9. I should really learn to bite the bullet and mod my Wii.

    But I'm so technologically incompetent I wouldn't know what to do.

    I did it. But then I had to do a system update, and it wiped it all off my Wii and corrupted my SD card. So wheeeee.

  10. Generally, when I hear complaints about games that are still scoring around 80 in reviews that call the game "bad" I get the impression people have never really played a bad game, or at least not in a very long time.

    Maybe the complainers don't like the game, which is something I can understand. I try playing a GTA or Halo or Metal Gear Solid and I don't like it. I don't really have the gall to call them bad games, though. Nor do I try to argue with people regarding why I don't like them.

    Maybe it's different with a Nintendo franchise though, since almost everyone invariably plays those around here. But I think people should try playing some ACTUAL bad games to gain some perspective on the difference between a game like Other M and a game like, say, Far Cry Vengeance.

  11. Girls are never truly evil. They are either psychotic, mind-controlled (or otherwise controlled) or have a Very Good Reason for doing what they do. Only guys can be remorselessly evil for no real reason.

    Incidentally, if you ever spurn a girl's advances in any way she is allowed to stalk you and openly scream about wanting to end your life constantly. Note that this does not actually prevent her from SAVING you at some point, nor will this desire to kill you be so strong that she won't uselessly die for some other guy late in the story just because the writers apparently got sick of her being around.

    Incidentally, anyone else play Arc Rise Fantasia? Adele be a crazy bitch.

  12. This totally couldn't be from when Dante was some 18-year-old faggot who didn't overbleach his hair, could it?

    Also lol at people caring that the series is rebooting when every single one of the games has shit for plot.

  13. Well hey, there's some good news.

    I do have to wonder, though... With the characters we've been seeing, they're not necessarily clones, but there are certainly lots of similarities, appearance- or ability-wise.

    Chris - Wesker

    Dante - Trish

    Wolverine - X-23

    If She-Hulk is confirmed, then Hulk - She-Hulk, as well.

    Maybe we can predict who else we'll get by picking characters similar to ones we've already seen revealed. :P

  14. Only white, unshaven thirtysomethings with brown hair can go on adventures and save the world. Women associated with them are either for sexin' or rescuin', the black guy is there to talk smack hilariously, and anyone in their sixties is either their nemesis or their wizened instructor.


  15. I played Contact, but honestly it disappointed me ever so slightly. I found the story really bare bones and ultimately dissatisfying, and most of the boss fights were lame and didn't make much sense.

    Well, except the final boss. That was pretty rad.

    I did like the whole cooking and exploration stuff, but honestly? The game should have been a dungeon or two longer and done something to string it all together besides a crystal hunt.

    EDIT: Oh, and the art style admittedly turned me off. I was looking forward to a whole game full of bright, popping sprites like the Professor and his cat, but then the rest of the game is outline-less!

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