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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. I wanted March 1st... but that got shot down by the powers that be. April 1st? Haa haa, no. Maybe April 15th, but from what I was told, it's more likely to be May 1st than anything else. You can go look up your mudkips elsewhere on your own.
  2. I have to agree with Prophet, there just isn't enough sustainable interest in it. It's a fun series, and there are some great songs, but it's low on everyone's radar, and there are a lot of other games that have much more recognition and brand name power. Maybe in the future, but for now, it's not happening. Try again in six months, there might be more interest when the next game starts getting hyped/comes out.
  3. I know, and I thin that's a the problem. They're resting on their laurels and not really trying to advance their own series any. All the spin-off titles were made by other companies (Genius Sonarity, for example), and while some weren't exactly very good, other were. I guess they're just like a lot of other companies. Why improve when keeping the same thing is just as profitable?
  4. AK with a laser sight is... it's like a shotgun with accuracy. A clip from an AK blasts chucks of off just about anything. Add in the laser, and it's almost a sniper cannon. But you can really only get it in Dead Center at the gun shop. Kind of sad, I wish the laser spawned more in the other maps.
  5. Judge hate +1? What? Someone was going to do it, now it's done and over with. Carry on.
  6. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christopher_Lee#Involvement_in_World_War_II Jesus fucking christ, I now fear that man. I will send him the heads of his enemies to appease him, just as a precaution.
  7. Great, there goes my inside man for getting Pokémixes in. Fucking thanks a lot, Fishy.
  8. Notice how it was aimed at one specific company, know for not pushing the limits of hardware... or even looking in the general direction thereof. Both Zelda games, as well as Metroid and Mario, and some 2nd and 3rd party titles, have shown that the DS can pull of rather impressive 3D, and some wonderful looking artwork. I'm just asking that Game Freak try harder for once. 2D is fine, but it's not an excuse for constantly under-performing, either from lack of skill or laziness.
  9. It was originally going to be an N64 title, but then the GameCube come out, and they started re-doing it, but then the Wii came out... My god, that would be impressive if it turned out to be true.
  10. I'm glad that the next DS is going to have some more visual house power, not because I want more "AWSUM GRAFX!" but because it may finally force some of Nintendo's first-party developers to finally just say "fuck it" and go for the portable 3D game we've been wanting since the DS came out. I'm looking at you, Game Freak. You've constantly underused the hardware on every system you've ever published on, and that bullshit is going to stop soon. Next Pokémon game, you're doing fucking 3D models and battles, or I'm going to murder your families, even the house plants. Yes, even the house plants.They will be the first to die, so that you will know that your seeds are forever wiped from the face of the earth. Then your pets, then your children, then obscure relatives whom you may not actually be on talking terms with. But you, you shall live, and know that your failure to optimize and utilize hardware for your games has done this to you. Any way... Maybe they can put some better form of media playback on the DS-whatever. The DSi has limited music playback (did you know it takes a 32gb SDHC card? I thought it was only good for 2gb card), but no support for anything else without using homebrew. If they ever get around to the larger sizes (and if the memory card companies ever release those sexy 64 to 128 gb cards they talked about last year), then the next DS could be a very nice little portable system.
  11. SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP, I'm not listening to your pessimism, go away , NUH NUH NUH NUH NUH.
  12. http://kotaku.com/5441242/report-new-zelda-out-by-end-of-2010-first-ds-successor-details?skyline=true&s=x Motion controls on a portable... like, it will track tilting, or it will track you waving your hand in front of the camera? Or both? Or something else? I'm actually slightly.... not worried, not disturbed, more like a hint of "uhhh, you sure you want to do that?" than anything else. I guess we'll see when it's announced at E3 (next year?) or the next TSG. It's looking like it won't be for a while though, as DS sales are still strong and steady.
  13. http://kotaku.com/5441242/report-new-zelda-out-by-end-of-2010-first-ds-successor-details?skyline=true&s=x Wow. That seems kind of quick. Maybe it's because we just got Spirit Tracks, but even without it, it's only been, what? Three years since Twilight Princess? That's a little soon considering the average release period for the series. But OK, no problem, I'll take it.
  14. Hey, guess what? http://www.gametrailers.com/video/mega-man-once-upon-a/60433 Your remix was used as the background music for a really awesome Mega Man themed video!
  15. Luckily, even on Expert, the friendly fire damage from the grenade launcher is minimal. I've hit all three teammates as they ran ahead, right in the middle, and they only took a tiny bit of damage. Even the self-inflicted FF damage is pretty low on Expert. Nothing beats a well-aimed clip from the AK or Sniper rifle, though. Those new guns are beautiful.
  16. I've found that melee weapons are best for Advanced and Expert, and in Versus. In Easy and Normal, everything dies really quickly, such that going just pistols or even just a Magnum is perfectly doable. But once you get up to Advanced, the damage you can take from random zombies starts to add up, and you can find yourself overwhelmed quite easily. One good swing of the bat or guitar or whatever takes care of that far quicker than pistols can. Versus, it's good for dealing with successful boomer attacks, tanks, and getting Hunters off of teammates. Shooting them off only works if you have a clear line of fire, good aim, and aren't close enough to push them off. Meleeing a Hunter not only gets if off your teammate, but also kills it, weakening the attack of the Infected significantly. Also, it's fun to smash things. SMASH SMASH SMASH!
  17. Not if I also said it in jest, you fun-ruiner. Why you gotta ruin fun, huh? Some videos for those that aren't familiar with the title.
  18. This guy just joined a dozen or so different forums in less than a few hours. The email address supplied in some of the memberpages on those sites lists it as donavon56 at allaboutebooks.info, which is tied to a few sites that deal in ebooks. Pretty unlikely that he would sign up for so many different boards so quickly, unless he's a spambot. Might want to keep an eye on it for now.
  19. I think he meant that he stopped being interested upon the fact it was for the PSP. Man, where's a "point going over your head" smiley thing when you need one?
  20. Does it have lots of boom-tiss and untz-untz-untz-untz?
  21. I think I managed to get a hold of his email account, and I sent a polite, but perhaps overly long, email asking if it was him that did the script, and if so, could he offer an explanation. I have doubts that he will reply. It may be an old email account, or maybe it will just get caught up in one or more email filters. But the whole pre-N64 theory is looking to be the best one so far.
  22. Ooh. Thank you. If it is him, I wonder if he even remembers that job. Even if he did, would he recall why he put it in there? EDIT: I think it is. According to Wikipedia (yes, there is a page about Dan Owsen) he currently works at the Microsoft Zune division, and the twitter account you listed mentions loving some Zune thing... which is probably a good sign he works at Microsoft. I don't think anyone wants to publicly like the competition.
  23. If it was something before they started working on the Silicon Graphics system, namely a predecessor to the N64, then that might work. It may be one of the many hardware prototypes or designs they abandoned after tinkering around with them. Too bad there isn't a comprehensive list of all the systems game companies ditched and canceled. That would be pretty cool, and might shed some light on this whole thing. I'd like to find out who on the localization team did this, and ask them personally.
  24. The date error on the N64 is fixed, thank you for mentioning it. I had like, twenty tabs open from all kinds of sites, and I got my dates a bit mixed up. The German language version is something I've never seen before. I didn't find that page when I did my initial search. Anyone know of what the Japanese version said? Or any of the other languages for that matter? Surely we have someone that played it in some other part of the world, and can provide a rough translation? Already mentioned, and busted. That deal fell through two years prior, so it wouldn't fit. The marketing and hyping for the Playstation didn't begin under later in 1993, so they would have had to just added the lines in before Sony started talking about it. There's not much of a window for them to do it. SHUT UP, IT DOES TOO!
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