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The Damned

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Posts posted by The Damned

  1. 3 hours ago, MindWanderer said:

    UB-01 looks like it's just the code name for the first Ultra Beast, whatever that is.  Maybe this is a way to put huge bosses in the game and not make them catchable pokemon?  I'd enjoy that.  Every battle in the other games (that I'm aware of) is either against a trainer with a random assortment of unremarkable pokemon, or is some sort of story battle you don't actually engage in, or is more an issue of whittling them down carefully so you can catch them without killing them, which doesn't make for a cool boss battle.  Some huge, unique critter that you need to just wail on with your whole party sounds like fun.

    In Black/White 2, they had an area called Pokéstar Studios. In it, you could "film" a movie by fighting a scene against things like a mechanical Tyranitar, or an alien, stuff like that. These non-pokémon opponents could have types and attacks just like pokémon, but were simply unique objects.

    Also... I think that UB-01 has a rather noticeable similarity to Lillie, the girl introduced waaaay back in the first videos. While not identical, the color scheme, the positioning of the legs, the large hat/head...


  2. I don't really know what to make of this new stuff from today.

    Type:Null is... weird. It is a pokémon, even though it's by far the oddest one of the series so far. It has a name that isn't like anything else, it has some really strange rusted metal bit (helmet, ax blade on top, those gauntlets on its front legs) and is a mix of different parts (fish fins for a tail, hind legs like a canine, front paws like a bird or dragon, the collar seems similar to some of the Fighting types and Ghost types) but is a Normal type. Pretty out there for a design.

    I'm not hating it, but it's just kind of... yeah.

    Jangmo-o is kind of cute.

    Alolan Raticate is a chubby fucker. But those new abilities should be fun.

    The Day/Night difference... No idea, need to know more about it. If the game handled certain events differently depending upon it being day or night, regardless of which version is was, that makes sense. But I don't quite get how that will work with two versions. Like I said, I would need to know more about it.

    Aether Foundation is clearly the actual bad guys. Am I the only getting that vibe from them? The old scientist guy, Faba, is just evil looking. And the whole "we just want to protect the pokémon" thing just reeks of the bad guys. I suspect that Team Skull is little more than some punk kids that are waging a secret war against Aether Foundation.

    Lusamine is obviosuly juiced up on crazy. She's just waiting for things to go south a bit and then SNAP! She's eating people's skin.

    Gladion is your "bad guy" rival. Nice to have one again after all the nie rivals of the last few generations.

    The Zygarde Cube is obviously a truncated octahedron. FAIL, GAME FREAK. FAIL.

    The two people that give you the Zygarde Cube look like Sycamor's assistants from XY.: http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Dexio and http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Sina

    It's not a full new game of Pokémon Snap, but it's better than nothing!

    UB-01 has a pokémon screen animation, but no typing. It also says "beasts", plural. So there may be more of the same, or some completely different ones.

    Yeah, this video just raises questions and I'm not sure what's happening with this gen now. It might be awesome, but I don't know enough yet to really form an opinion.

    EDIT: Japanese video has more info, mostly everything that's been released so far, but it does have a scene where the player character and some NPCs encounter UB-01. It's kind of creepy and spooky.

  3. OK, better clarification on that Munchlax event.


    So, basically, if you buy the game at any point from day one to January 11,, 2017, you can simply download the Munchlax on your 3DS. No codes, no werid sign-ups for anything, just grab it.

    It's pretty much identical to the Victini event for Black/White (2010), the special Ability Torchic for XY (2013), and the shiny Beldum for ORAS (2014).

  4. 15 hours ago, Dave the Rave said:

    Handheld systems

    Yes. I've had lots of ideas for handheld-only albums for some time, but the GameBoy one has satisfied me quite well.


    ReMixes by WillRock

    who dat, sum noob? (it's a joke, I've worked with him on stuff multiple times...)

  5. Well, the Nintendo Direct is on, and the Sun/Moon info is... limited.

    First, there is an Aloan Rattatta. It's Dark Type. Second, Munchlax has an exclusive Z-Move item. Like the special pokémon that were available at the release date of Black and White as well as XY, you can simply download it via Mystery Gift

    EDIT: video is up:

    OK, that Snorlax scene is fucking hilarious.

    In other news, if you missed getting Darkrai event from earlier this year, you got another chance.

  6. The WiFi Victini event is coming up soon, on September 1st. Victini is a legendary Fire/Psychic type, with 100 in every base stat. Cool ability, good stats, nice typing... If you never got one during the release day event for Black and White on the DS, this might be your last chance for a long time.

    Just go to Mystery Gift and select the download option. No stores to visit, just sit at home and relax.

    Also, there is going to be a Nintendo Direct on September 1st. No info at all is known, so it may or may not be pokémon related. We'll see.

  7. 15 hours ago, Bleck said:

    I'm p sure it's a mata-mata

    I have never seen nor heard of this terrifying animal.

    I want to ride one, but I suspect it will rip off at least on of my appendages.

    FUCKING STUFFUL. Fucking cute mascot: confirmed.

    Glad to see more of the haunted sand castle. Just waiting on stats now to see how it will differentiate itself from Golurk. Or from any other Ghost and Ground types.I get that its ability is new, but people will know to expect it switching in to get that stat boost from Water attacks.

    Crabrawler is likely to evolve to a Water/Fighting type... which would make it the third in the series, after Poliwrath and Keldeo (which I still don't get entirely... I know it's supposed to be one of the Musketeer themed pokémon, but Water?)

  8. I propose we get sponsorship from EA. We can have a twenty second EA ad inserted at the beginning of each remix (even the old ones!) to help with the cost. And then another one at the end of each remix. Fuck it, put one in the middle as well. That's three times the EA in every remix! Three times the income!

    Of course, as true to the EA business model as possible, we'll have to double, if not quadruple, the amount of work the staff does, but since there's no overtime pay, we'll save a fortune.

    (please don't do this, I'm joking. Oh god, someone's going to seriously consider it, aren't they?)

  9. Shit, even more info. Looks like some of the slides from the August 12th event are out. More info and a couple of new pokes as well!


    http://imgur.com/a/pwi1b More info on the new bad guys

    http://imgur.com/a/8yEk1 Abilities for the Alolan forms of Meowth and Marowak

    http://imgur.com/BfrstlH Info on a certain pokémon's ability in a Double Battle

    Video clip from the announcement video: http://i.4cdn.org/vp/1470863160632.webm or https://webmshare.com/XGRNx if the first one is removed/deleted.

    YouTube version here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BE8MqUf1Lts&feature=youtu.be

    More info on Alolan Raichu: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TKecGyyOEJI&feature=youtu.be


  10. CoroCoro leaks are out, and there's some craaaaazy shit going on!

    http://serebii.net/corocoro9161.jpg Yowashi is Water-type and appears to have the ability to change its appearance from its Single Form into a larger fish, its School Form. So kind of like Ageislash from XY.

    http://serebii.net/corocoro9162.jpg The little sandcastle is called Sunabaa while the big one is called Shirodesuna. Ghost/Ground-type. And Beware gets an pre-evo that is the same type. Kind of cute,will likely end up being used because it's slightly more adorable than its fully evolved form.

    http://serebii.net/corocoro9163.jpg Here we see a new Alolan form of Meowth and Marowak. Meowth is Dark type while Marowak is Fire/Ghost. Marowaks bone is now of one of those flaming torches that performers spin around. That, along with Marowak's history in RBY explains its new typing.

    http://serebii.net/corocoro9164.jpg The new bad guys are called Team Skull, and have a pirate theme. No, not like Team Aqua. A different pirate theme. More like some guys out of One Piece than Pirate of the Caribbean.


  11. My favorite Metroid is... Fusion.

    I know, I know, it's the evil bastard child (for some reason) but it's one of the few Metroid games I really enjoyed. I've played it at least eight times since I got the GBA cart back in 2002 and on my 3DS (Ambassador, baby!), whereas the rest of the series is pretty much one playthrough and I'm done with it.

    Prime? Completed the first one, almost finished the second never completed the third.

    Original and Super? Tried them... never really got into them. Though Super Metroid had some pretty good music.

    Metroid 2 on the GameBoy is a part of my collection, even if it's only something I've played a few times. Pretty good for the hardware and the screen limitations, as they used a huge sprite for Samus.

    If only one game out of an entire series can make me keep playing it, then that series has done something right, regardless of the rest.

    Thanks for some good times, Samus.

  12. I think it's more of a bullshit excuse than an actual concern. It's just a way to argue someone down on the value of their used game.

    Personally, I'd like to see companies like GameStop go under. Between their low pay, horrible shifts, that bullshit with having to use their own bankcards instead of direct depositing to your personal account, and all that employee mistreatment stuff, it wouldn't be missed. Too many people getting fucked over by such a ubiquitous company, simply because "they're the only around".

    Back on topic: Praise Arceus.

  13. They take the wrap off so they can take the disc/cartridge out, and keep the empty case on the shelf. It's mainly used as an anti-shop-lifting system. Everyone knows the cases are going to be empty, so the vast majority of thefts are immediately negated.

    The second reason is that when you go to trade it back in, they have the option of "the case is damaged" to offer you lower amounts for it.

    Third reason is the everyone from regional manger to CEO is an asshole.

    I hope in the future, Nintendo just stops using cards and codes and just goes all-download. The majority of the 20th Anniversary pokémon are downloads, with only five of them being from a store. Even if you count the recent Volcanion event, that's still 7 to six that are downloads.

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