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The Damned

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Posts posted by The Damned

  1. Some advice.

    First and foremost, I am not some Tumblr/SJW/prudish cliche. I am also not the polar opposite (not sure what to call that? Shitlord?). What I am is someone that has watched anime since the mid 1980. And no, I don't mean Robotech. We had access to Japanese Macross. Lots of stuff from various sources over the years. That guy down the street how had fifth generation bootleg tapes from his cousin in Japan, some video stores with a very limited selection, right up to the 90s and 2000s with local anime conventions and dedicated stores. And now we have stuff like Crunchyroll, Netflix and all those torrents and streaming sites. My god, you kids have it so easy now. Seriously, you can not comprehend how different things were twenty years ago, let along thirty or more. Fuck yeah, future!

    Any way, you're aiming at teens, aged 12 to 16. OK, cool. Lots of people got into anime about that age. Anime can be funny, even mind-blowing, at that age. Like, "holy shit, that was a crazy story!" Or, "holy shit, did you see that fight scene? It went on for twenty minutes!" Good times can, and will, be had. Open up interests in other countries and cultures, history, art and music, all kinds of stuff.

    Buuuuut... there is something that this vast access to anime has brought with it. A lot of anime simply isn't appropriate for teens. And I don't mean "time to show a little skin!" inappropriate. I mean stuff ranging from under-age sexualization (seems to be popular these last few... decades) to straight-up sexual assault. Case in point: Nanatsu No Taizai.

    Early in the series, the male lead character brings the unconscious lead female character to a safe place after a minor battle. Once in bed, he looks over, places his hand on her breasts, gives them a big ol' squeezin', and when she wakes up, says he was just checking her pulse.

    No. No, that is not right. You pull that shit in real life, you get arrested. But in anime, it's OK because... ANIME!! It's fine in Japan! (No it isn't, it's a crime and the penalty is quite severe. Like the police. Seriously, don't get arrested in Japan).

    So not all shows, regardless of suggestions or recommendations, are going to appropriate for 12 to 16 year old kids. Watch the shows. Not one or two episodes, watch at least five of them (if not more) to make sure. Think about what kind of scenarios these kids are going to be watching over the weeks or months, and what kind of impressions and messages these shows are going to make.

    And for the love of Arceus, legally cover you ass. Make sure everything you do is on the up-and-up. Work with the staff to make sure there are no laws or regulations in your town/state/province/territory/etc about shows and ratings. None of us want to hear about some guy in a small town library getting arrested for accidentally showing "that there Jap cartoon porn" to some 12 year-olds, even when we all know that is not the case.

    Once you clear those two concerns, go for it. Invite the parents to watch with their kids, maybe get a small article in the local paper or something to get more members (and also solidify your good standing in the community), have a small local convention if there aren't any in your region. There are so many ways this could turn out good, and most of them you won't even have to work hard at. Small clubs can be a wellspring of friendships and good memories that will be around for years after the club could fold up. It's worth the time and effort, even if it's only in a small town library.

    Good luck!

  2. Turns out that from March 4th to October 31st of this year, any one that accesses PokéBank will be given the three Legendary trio of Regice, Registeel and Regirock. Oh, but that's not all. They all come with their Hidden Abilities. This is pretty rare, so I'd advise getting them while you can. I mean, you have months to do it, but still.

    All three come to your game at level 50. Just remember, you can only get one each per PokéBank account. If you want like, twenty each, you're going to have to trade for them. Or cheat, but come on, really? Cheating in Pokémon to get more of something everyone is getting for free? Ain't nobody got reason for that crazy.

  3. I'm hearing Singapore is the new theory. The hotel in the video looks almost identical to a famous one there, and the other things, like vehicles and palm trees, are supposed to fit in as well.

    Conversely, we have the fact that both 5th and 6th gen were based upon places Game Freak staff had visited shortly before. Black and White are based upon New York, which some of the staff had visited for various reasons, including getting source material to base the cities upon. X and Y were based upon France and Paris, which the director had posted on his social media accounts right around the time the games were announced.

    But the last time the staff had posted a trip to another country, it was Spain back in early 2015. I don't know if Spain has palm trees or vehicles that match those color schemes.

    How knows? We'll have to wait for the E3 Directs for more news... if they even bother with any then.

  4. For those of you who care, you can get Celebi on your XY and ORAS game right now. Just to the the Mystery Gift option in your main menu, choose "Receive over Internet" and it should appear Then go in-game to any Pokécenter and talk to the lady standing in front of the counter.

    If you save right before talking to her, you can reset your game for better stats and nature (if you're competitively inclined, that is). Otherwise, jsut enjoy the fact you have a free Celebi!

  5. 20 hours ago, Chernabogue said:

    Tim Follin: Dirge of the Follin -- Started in 2007 (10th anniversary next year lol? -- It started before I registered I think xD). No real update for quite some time, except comments from Brandon about the project's age. I don't know what Larry intends to do with this project, but releasing a smaller OCRI album would be the easier solution. Stuff like art will probably be needed in the future.

    I felt bad about my own project taking over five years, and that was (at the time) considered taking longer than usual. A decade is just... I don't understand how that could happen. I don't blame anyone, as I have no followed the project closely (I honestly thought it had been released years ago until i saw this in Chern's post), I just do not understand the events that led to this long a delay and amount of inactivity.

    Someone has to just step in and say "This is done." Take the music that is complete and make it into the album. While a good album delayed is good forever, an acceptable album delayed for years is still delayed for years.

  6. XY have the newest mechanics, and that whole trainer customization thing.

    ORAS has some nice features, like flying around on Latios/Latias, and Secret Bases... but nothing that new compared to what you may have played in the original Ruby and Sapphire. in fact, the Battle Frontier is gone from Emerald, and I don't even think there's a Battel Tower anymore.

    Honestly, I'd say XY has ore to offer in terms of new stuff, while ORAS has more to do post-game (that whole Delta storyline).

    Coin toss, I guess.

  7. Well, the direct is over... and it's official, Sun and Moon are coming out this holiday season (likely Novemeber) 2016.

    Only other thing of note was that you can use the 3DS VC versions of Red/ Blue and Yellow with Pokémon Bank to transfer your pokémon to Sun and Moon when it comes out. Finally, first gen transfers to... 6th gen? seventh gen?

    Yeah, they didn't address that at all. "We're making a new game!" "Cool! Is it continuing the XY/ORAS generation, or is this the start of a new set of games?" "NEW GAAAAAAAMMME!"

    Also, couldn't help but notice that they said "with Sun and Moon versions" and didn't mention anything about the current games. Just... ignore those for now.

    Lastly, not from the video, but from people that have gotten their special 20th anniversary N3DSs with the game on it, the Yellow version has the Pikachu surfing mini-game on it, and you can use any Pikachu, regardless of it knowing Surf, to play it.

    Welp, I guess we'll hear more after E3 when the next Nintendo Direct.

    EDIT: Awesome. So, in case you didn't know, there were several methods to glitch the old RBY games to get certain pokémon to appear. Namely, Mew.

    Well, the glitches are still there. Combine that with the announced Bank compatibility in the future, and we'll have tons of Mews floating around before the end of the year.

  8. I've been playing since about early 1999. I didn't know about the series until early that year.

    But, I did just start a job. My first real adult job. First paycheck came in, saw I made a relative fortune over the last two weeks, the first thing I bought was a brand new GameBoy Color... and a game I heard some friends talk about called Digmo- nah, just kidding, it was Pokémon Red.

    Well... we know where that led to.

    I've been collecting the games since, though I haven't always been able to get all of them. I'm missing quite a few, as you can see. But I've made up for that with the manga, Pokémon Special (aka Adventures) as well as a small amount of plushies and some other little collectibles.


    Then we have that whole Missingno Tracks thing. And the various other Pokémon related stuff I've been involved in over the years. Some podcast stuff, interviews, hosting minor events like a trading and battling tournament at the local anime convention... lots of things, here and there.

    I've been a fan of the games for a long time, and sometimes I wonder where it will go, how it will turn out. I hope it avoids the pitfalls of its brethren. Mega Man used to be one of the greats, and now it's all but abandoned. Sonic used to be the mascot of Sega and was the character of the early 90s. Now, he's a most famous for a string of bad games, and his guest appearance in Smash Bros.

    I hope that instead, it will continue to keep evolving (no pun intended) into better and better games. The progress from 1996 to 2016 hasn't been as great as some other games, but it has been consistent. Each generation has taken the better traits and applied them to the next. The series has slowly but steadily grown, and it looks like it's going to keep doing so for the next few years.

    Thank you, GameFreak. I hope this year is as good as the last 20!

  9. Welp, Nintendo just announced an untitled Pokemon game for the Switch is under development.




    Guess that's it for the 3DS. It was a good seven years, little buddy.

    Let's hope Ultra Sun and Moon are good enough to tide us over until Left Joycon and Right Joycon editions come out.

  10. 2 hours ago, Brandon Strader said:

    Attaching price to the product is irrelevant though, especially when you could just buy the handsome collection that includes all the DLC. It's been on sale for like $24. Probably less on that PC casual platform.

    I specifically stated release prices of individual games and content, not current market prices or for special edition bundles that came out years later.

    The thing about that game is... it wasn't bad. The low gravity as fun, the ice weapons were cool, you got to play as both Clap-Trap and Jack (albeit as a body double), there were laser guns, you got to go to the Hyperion moon base... it offered everything the fanbase was asking for and did it well.

    It was just the bad combination of pricing-versus-content, and the constant comparison to BL2. I know that was what I did in my previous post, but what I mean by that is that for all the good aspects that TPS had, it was simply overshadowed by what BL2 had accomplished by that point. When TPS came out, BL2 was still going strong after two years. It set the bar really high, and TPS just couldn't match it. By itself, it's a good game. In the shadow of its big brother, though...

    I still play TPS occasionally. Clap-Trap is a hilarious character to play, jumping over massive gorges and valleys in low grav is fun as hell, and lasers in any form will make someone happy. I just wish that they put more into it in the first place to give it more longevity.

  11. You want a good example of quality, quantity and prices? Here's one.

    Borderlands 1 was a game I spent some time on, and it was an OK game for the time. I liked some of the ideas and mechanics, and had fun with it.

    It offered three pretty good campaigns with lots of stuff to do, and a mediocre arena combat map pack. $10 each.

    Borderlands 2 comes out a few years later, and holy shit, this is how you do a sequel. Looked better, played better, felt better. Great villain you loved to hate, awesome variety of missions and settings, really fun and cool weapons. Worth it.

    Within six months, Gearbox releases two more characters classes to play, as well as three campaigns with new locations, characters, stories, missions and weapons. These are $10 each, and $5 for the first level cap. They offered a Season Pass (back when they were good ideas and actually offered good content) to get all four campaigns and the level cap for like $25. That's actually a pretty good offer).

    Before 2013 is over, they drop the fourth campaign (the best one of the series to date) as well as another level cap (to 72) with more challenging stuff like Digistruct Peak and fighting level 80+ enemies. $10 each (again, the Season Pass covers this).

    From October 2013 to April 2014, they offer five holiday-themed mini campaigns. They're about an hour to two hours each, depending upon the player. They cover Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Valentine's Day and Spring Break, with lots of fun little missions and background stories about the game's universe. All are very thematically well done; they each have unique assets like new enemies, buildings, locations and such. $4 each. Pretty good, and well made. Worth the price.

    That's over a year and a half after the game came out. Plus, Gearbox still supports the game, three years later! They updated the game with a patch that fixed balance issues in higher levels, and there's talk of another patch later this spring. That's three and a half years after it came out, and they're still supporting it!


    A few years after Borderlands 2 comes out, they announce another game. It takes place between Borderlands 1 and 2 and details the events that happened therein. We get to see how the villain of the last game rose to power, etc, it's going to be awesome! Right!?

    First thing we find out is that the game is being made not by Gearbox, but by 2K. Gearbox wants to focus on its other games, namely Battleborn.

    Next, we hear that the core game is going to have less content than BL2 did. "It's going to be about in between what Borderlands1 and 2 offered" is what 2K tells us. We're already getting about 30% less content for the same price as when BL2 launched.

    Then we find out that the Season Pass, which is now more expensive, is only offering four items, not five like the previous one. We're paying more for less content, again. The game isn't even out yet at this point. Next, we find out that two of those four items are characters. OK, they're pretty cool characters, but why not offer two campaigns instead, making the Season Pass worth the increased price?

    The third item turns out to be a mediocre combat arena map. Not multiple maps, just one. It's only saving grace? it has a level cap increase. I guess that makes it twice the value somehow?

    The last item is revealed as the single campaign they made. While pretty awesome if you're a fan of Clap-Trap, it was still nowhere near what the game needed to offer at this point. It was shorter than the BL2 campaigns. Even with another level cap increase, it was still just not near as much as we had before. Too little, too late.

    The last straw was that the game cost a fraction of what it cost to make Borderlands 2. They took the Bl2 engine and modified it. Now, they did a lot with it, like low gravity, ice weapons, totally new locations and enemies, but the fact remains that the cost, even with all the new stuff, was still cheaper than what the last game cost.

    For the same amount of money they charged in Borderlands 2, the Pre-Sequel ended up with 30% less content. The Season Pass gave us less than half of the content for more money than Borderlands 2 did.

    You know what the worst part of this is? BL2 was made by Gearbox, the developer of the first game. BL:TPS was made by 2K Australia, a division of 2K, the publisher.

    Six months after the game came out, 2K shuts down their Aussie office. The reason?

    The studio wasn't making enough money to justify being the expense of being there.

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