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The Damned

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Posts posted by The Damned

  1. New video is out, and we see some new pokémon!

    Wimpod (wimp + pod) is a Bug/Water type, with the ability Wimp Out, which makes it switch out (during battles) or escape (during wild encounters) when its HP is low enough. Think of it as a free switch during battling.

    Bounsweet is a Grass type with the Leaf Guard or oblivious abilities. I'm thinking Leaf Guard will be the most useful ability.

    Comfey is not a Grass type, but actually a Fairy type. It looks like a Lei from Hawaii, which fits with the setting and theme. It gets a new ability called Triage, which gives self healing moves maximum priority to ensure that it will go first on the turn it is used. This could be fun, as making sure you can heal to survive the next attack before it happens could turn the battle around for you.

    Mudsdale is a Ground type, and gets the Stamina ability. This raises its Defense one level after being hit by an attack. So either Mudsdale has terrible Defense to begin with, or it's being directed towards tanking up a lot. Could be fun for Baton Passing teams. Let him take a hit or two, BP to someone else and let that stacked Defense add up.

    Mimikyu's ability is revealed to be Disguise. It lets the user take on hit, and receive no damage. Think of it as a mini-Substitute without having to set it up, or drain your own HP to use. A nice touch is that when it activates, the sackcloth disguise Mimikyu is wearing slumps over like it's broken. :)

    Bewear is now classified as Normal/Fighting, and has the Fluffy ability. This reduces damage from physical attacks, but doubles the damage it takes from Fire attacks.

  2. OK, now I want a GameBoy Color version of this. Throw about 30 or 40 games on it (Pokémon Gen 1 and 2, Oracle series and Link's Awakening, Mega Man, Mario series, Castlevania, etc) and make the game use a low-power use wireless link system. BAM! I'd buy one. Maybe two.

    3 hours ago, Soul Splint said:

    Awesome idea and tempting to buy, but I'm wondering why they decided to limit it to ONLY these 30 games with no possibility of adding any more. Seems like a lot of wasted potential, given the nostalgia factor so many people seem to have with "that one game" that wasn't really mainstream. For instance, Top Gun.

    Why offer one system when you can sell five different ones?

  3. Oh, just heard about another inappropriate place the game has set as a location. The US Holocaust Memorial.

    The staff are a understandably unhappy with people visiting to catch pokémon, what with all the holocaust memoriality.

    Niantic definitely screwed up on selecting locations and landmarks in this case. I really hope there isn't a Gym set up in Auschwitz.

  4. New leaks, any one of them is... kind of creepy?


    Mimichu is a mysterious pokèmon that seems to use a discarded Pikachu plush doll skin as a disguise. Yeah, no, that's just creepy. But it is Ghost/Fairy, so that's cool as hell.

    Also, for collectors, there will be a special edition pack with both game for North America.


  5. On 2016-07-10 at 0:27 AM, yangfeili said:

    I'm curious if we're going to see some laws coming out of this regarding the right of property owners to control the content of their augmented reality space. I've been talking for a while about how I should go around the neighborhood and offer people $20 to sign away their "virtual adspace rights" to me for when some hypothetical new market is created...

    Speaking of... http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/gadgets-and-tech/gaming/pokemon-go-man-s-house-accidentally-turned-into-a-gym-causing-huge-problems-a7129756.html

    Man turned an old church into a house, but the map data used for the game states it as an active church. The developer, Niantic, states that a change of game locations can only be done for safety reasons, but nothing else for "reasons".

  6. 10 hours ago, yangfeili said:

    I'm curious if we're going to see some laws coming out of this regarding the right of property owners to control the content of their augmented reality space. I've been talking for a while about how I should go around the neighborhood and offer people $20 to sign away their "virtual adspace rights" to me for when some hypothetical new market is created...

    In regards to controlling your personal property's AR content... the content is dependent upon the application itself, not the physical location. If someone on the other side of the planet uses a program to say that your front yard is where a magical monster from the anti-matter universe, there's not much you can do to stop them from doing it. They don't really need your permission to say that some data points to your yard, because it could be argued that ther is nothing physically happening.

    The real issue then is trespassing. But even then, it's the people that are following the application that are breaking the law, not the app's developer/publisher.

    I think that the first, and most likely, solution is to make sure that the dev/publisher has to only use public areas, and then verify (google maps, physically visiting the area, etc) to ensure that none f the locations are violating private property.

    Unless there is a sudden and massive issue that is brought up because of serious violations or accidents due to people violating property lines (ie: some one enters a person's yard in Texas, and then is immediately subjected to Castle Doctrine via shotgun), I don't think there will be any legislation any time soon.

    But yeah, interesting question!

  7. New pokémon shown!


    Poison/Fire type, with the Corrosion ability. It can poison any type, even Steel and Poison, which are normally immune to Poison attacks.

    This might end up being the first choice for status-inducing on many teams. With Toxic now being a viable option on everything you face, and that cool typing that gives STAB on two common types, I think this guy is going places. If it has an evolution that makes it even better... wow.

    Also, it looks cool.

  8. The more I see about the open world stuff, and building makeshift traps, like rolling boulders into camps and catapulting yourself into the fray, the more interested I am.

    I suspect that I will spend the first few days in the game just fucking around with the physics engine and seeing what I can do.

  9. 10 hours ago, MindWanderer said:

    Oh, the speedrunners are going to have fun with that.  Combine with the parasail and you'll be able to get a lot of distance without getting the normal stamina upgrades needed to climb/swim that far.  Supposedly the world is designed in such a way that this wouldn't break too much, but we'll see.

    Your Majesty, I propose the creation of the Hyrulian Paratroopers. With nothing more than a series of catapults and  soldiers holding gliders, we can fly to and descend upon any enemy of the kingdom in mere moments!

    This will also eliminate the troubles we've had using Cuccus. Terrible tragedy, that last test.

  10. To be fair, lots of the new elements in BotW aren't new. They've been done in earlier games from other series. Climbing giant monsters to attack their face is from Shadow of the Colossus, crafting is from any number of games like Minecraft and the like. Weapon durability is in so many games it's hard to even say where it's borrowed from. Big open world exploration could be traced to GTA, or even further back, to some of the old Sierra RPGs if you wanted to get technical.

    Yeah, a lot of what we're seeing isn't completely innovative and original, but the same great steak you've had before is still a great steak. This time, it just happens to be Zelda-seasoned.

  11. On 2016-06-21 at 1:51 AM, PAldousMusic said:

    Not really sure what you're referring to here. I guess it must be an encoding problem. I'll reexport the file and hope that fixes it.


    Yeah, those "missing" notes (hah, missingnos!) are there now. Must have been the file.


    On 2016-06-21 at 1:51 AM, PAldousMusic said:

    Sure, on surface level, the city is an upbeat, happy place, but underneath the game corner, the Team Rocket Hideout is hidden away, working on their nefarious Pokemon stealing plans. The sad section is actually a sad variation on the Pokemon centre theme. Team Rocket have got the Silph Scope, which you need to get, so you can free the Marowak spirit that's trapped in Lavender Town. As subplots go, its pretty much as sad as the Pokemon games get.

    I don't know... that part where Bianca has to face her father for running away to life her life her way, with arguably one of the best songs in the series, comes to mind. But that's just me. ;)

    Your explanation does fit the composition, and I don't hate it, it just didn't spring to mind that's what you wanted to convey.

    Don't stop, of course, I'm always in favor of more pokémixes.

  12. 1 hour ago, Neblix said:

    I would kinda prefer to keep "people[...] fabricating timeline theories" away from "news and discussion about the new Zelda game".

    Agreed. I know it's not a popular opinion (like.. anywhere Zelda is discussed), but I actually kinda maybe sorta really despise the whole timeline thing. I suspect some flack for it after this, but whatever. Opinions gotta opin.. ion. Opinionate. Opin-... Shit.

    Part of it is the fact that I have never seen any of the games as part of a continuous series. I always viewed them as stand alone games that shared certain elements and characters. So I find the timeline idea kind of pointless. I don't need to know any of it to enjoy any of the game. You can play them in any order and they still work, as a series and as individual games. The overly mixed-up branching timeline mess makes it even less helpful. None of it affects the ability to play the games in any way. And frankly, I find the notion that I have know about timeline to enjoy Zelda to be laughable at best, insulting to my intelligence at worst.

    Yes, there actually are some out there that honestly believe you can only truly appreciate Zelda is you embrace the timeline. If you don't, you're not truly a fan. Personally, that kind of elitist fanboy snobbery pisses me off the most. Like, more than people that don't use their signal lights when changing lanes.

    The other part of it is that I've found the timeline theorist subset of Zelda fandom to approach obsessive, and even cringe-levels of fanboyism. I've seen entire threads, 500 pages long or more, just yelling at each other over how everyone else is wrong and only their particular version works. Hell, even after Hyrule Historia came out and showed the official canon timeline, they still argued over it. "NINTENDO IS WRONG, HERE'S WHY!: A COMPREHENSIVE BREAKDOWN OF THE FIVE BRANCH TIMELINE!" wasn't unheard of for months afterwards.

    Yeah, I get it's fun to speculate and all that, but god damn, the vocal minority of them has ruined that whole thing for me. I can't stand reading timeline stuff even to this day. You guys aren't that bad, but I still avoid all timeline talk when I can. I don't even read any posts about it any more.

    So maybe news about the game goes here, and timeline stuff can go in its own thread. I'm here for news about the new game, maybe even updates on recent games.

    (braces for downvotes/thumbs down/wait do we even have anything like that here/minuses)

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