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The Damned

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Posts posted by The Damned

  1. There are a few times when the strings just drops out completely. For instance, at 0:27, 0:32, and 0:47, a single note seems to disappear entirely, which is jarring. As you're listening to it, you anticipate the note, but then it's not there.

    I'm not sure if it's the file not encoding them or if it's the composition. Either way, it's disruptive to the mood I was in while listening.

    The tone change from 2:30 on makes it feel sad and kind of depressing compared to the first half. That transition from 2:56 to 3:00 is kind of off-setting. The change feels like two different styles trying to merge.

    I think that the more upbeat and airy, bouncy style in the first few minutes and the last 30 or so seconds is where the song really shines. It's makes me imagine I'm watching the people go about their day during a beautiful summer morning.

    Compared to the previous versions, this is a step in the right direction. Keep going. I'm keeping an eye on this one.

  2. The Sun/Moon (SuMo? SM? Is there a consensus on this gen's abbreviation?) QR Scanner feature has a new detail revealed... it's region-locked.


    Well, this isn't exactly a new thing. The current download code system is also partially region locked, and everything from Gen 4 on has done this.

    I'm guessing it will run similar to the current system, where the region needs to have the event active. When you go online with a code or jsut a download, it routes it to that region, checks to see if there is an event, and then begins the download.

    Still... region locked? We know from homebrewers that it's not hardware based, as you can set a hacked 3DS to any region, or even region-free. I just don't see the point these days.

  3. Anyone remember the details behind the early version of the first Zelda game?

    Originally, it was going to be set in the future, and the Tri-Force was actually a series of circuit boards/microchips. Some other sci-fi elements here and there. Look it up if you don't believe me.

    Seeing all the glowy magic-tech stuff in this game makes me think of that. This is the modern alpha-build of the first game.

  4. Slightly off-topic: did anyone else find that part during the Treehouse stream where the group of women playing through the game with a shirtless Link in the snowy area kind of... sexist? Skip to about 2:55 for the beginning of multiple sexist comments.

    • @ 3:00: "I don't know why Link has his shirt on right now" (removes shirt from LInk) "Yaaay" "It's not OK, it's really not OK, but we fixed the situation"
    • @ 3:15: "His wrestling name is Hylian Heat, little known fact" (laughter)
    • @ 3:45: "I don't want to just see a hot Link by a hot fire, [...]"
    • @ 8:31: (opening menu to show shirtless Link) "That's all I wanted to show, I had nothing new to add to that"
    • @ 8:36: " [...] and unfortunately get a shirt for Link, we'll see what happens"
    • @ 10:10: "Thanks for the shirt, dude, I'll totally keep wearing it this whole time... not" (enters menu to remove clothing from Link) (Group giggles and laughs) "There we go, now we're back"
    • @13:20: "But we wouldn't have known about his red skin if he had his stupid shirt on" "Yeah, exactly, we needed to show the world what happens when he's not wearing his shirt" "It's very manly" (giggling)

    I'm not even remotely near a bullshit SWJ-cliche. but this is just fucking stupid. If the genders were reversed, there would have been outrage from lots of people. What's with the double-standard hypocrisy? :roll:

    On-topic: this game is making me glad I didn't give away my Wii U... assuming there will be a Wii U version for it. And that said version will be as good as the NX version (which I still assume is coming out at the same time).

  5. Despite the sheer amount of footage and discussion that have come out, I feel like that a 43 minute long interview was the wrong way to go. They could have had a 20 minute Direct video like before, covered everything just as well (if not better; no people talking over the footage) and left it at that.

    In stead we get 43 minutes of talking, talking, talking, more talking, while the game is blocked out or shrunk down. It was hard to keep watching after the ten minute mark, and it was just depleting to complete. I actually lost interest and don't feel like I saw anything worth while.

    People talking for 45 minutes isn't showcasing the game. It's just 45 minutes of people talking.

  6. Minecraft: they just announced cross-platform multiplayer during the conference. They had someone with an iPad and someone with a Windows tablet playing on the same map. So it's unlikely they will announce a sequel any time soon.

    Besides, the game is constantly getting updates and mods, and it has no story, so a sequel wouldn't really even offer anything.

  7. You never know... They might have something during their Direct video. The odds are 3,720 to 1, but they still could.

    I was hoping for some TellTale Games info, but it seems those already leaked/were shown before. There's a third season of The Walking Dead, with Clementine returning, and now she's about 14 or 15. She looks older, and a little tougher than when we saw her last. What are they going to put her through this time?

    And the TellTale Batman game has some pics out, and it's looking pretty good.

  8. Shiny Mewtwos... if you're signed up for the right stuff.

    But to top that off, we got some new CoroCoro leaks!


    It's a koloa pokémon! It seems to be called Nekkoala, the Half Awake Pokémon. It is a Normal-type with the ability Definite Sleep which prevents it being afflicted with a status other than sleep.

    Next, we have Iwanko. It is a Rock-type Pokémon. It's abilities are Keen Eye or Vital Spirit.corocoro7162.jpg

    Another picture of it.corocoro7163.jpg

    EDIT: And that weird humanoid Zygarde from the anime is now official in Sun/Moon.


    Lots of news this last day or so.


  9. http://www.pokemon-sunmoon.com/en-us/discover-pokemon-using-the-qr-scanner/

    Details about the QR Code reader in the game. Basically, it just uses your PokéDex to show you the location of the pokémon you scanned.

    It doesn't download anything, it doesn't unlock any secrets, it doesn't do anything except point you to the place you can find the scanned pokémon in your game.

    I like this idea. It's simple and stays away from any kind of locked-away/transaction-ish/secret bullshit. It just... tells you where to find a pokémon if you haven't seen it yet.

  10. Much higher quality images of the overworld, courtesy of DarthMeowMeow on Reddit.


    I count 14 PokéCenters across the entire map, so that's a good sign there are lots of places to travel to and explore. For reference (going by the in-game maps I'm looking at right now):

    • Gen 1 had about 10 PokéCenters
    • Gen 2 had about 11
    • Gen 3 had 15
    • Gen 4 had about 14
    • Gen 5 had, depending upon if we're talking Black and White  or 2, 15 or so
    • Gen 6 had about 16

    While there is no real correlation to amount of stuff to do in a game and the number of PokéCenters available, I would like to point out that it's well within the number of Centers in some of the more beefier games. Looks like we'll have a lot to do on allof those islands.

  11. Someone put together all the shorter Japanese clips that were released today into one video. Nothing super impressive or spoiler-y, but there are a few cutscenes and locations that weren't included in the English video.

    Of note:

    • Professor's house at 0:15
    • Lillie at a rope-bridge over a canyon/gorge/chasm/river/I don't know where that is a 0:30
    • 1:07, we see a sunet-colored city and beach, where a Slowpoke absentmindedly peering off into the distance as a girl in a swimsuit runs into the water

    So, some minor new stuff from Japan as well. Also, more detailed footage of the new Rotom PokéDex.

  12. If you're referring to the exploit on the 3DS's QR scanner and browser, I don't think it's the same kind of thing.

    This seems to be a shortcut to completing your PokéDex. Remember the last couple of games where you couldn't search for Pokémon online if you've never seem them? Made it impossible to ask for trades when the system only lets you look up what you have seen before. Now, if you can't find it in-games, you can just scan it, and it will count towards capturing. Much easier.

    Also, anything outside of the new generation will be available in the form of micro-transaction packs. Starters will be included in region-based packs, at $3.99 US each. You get the three starters from Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, Unova and Kalos, or get all 18 starters in one pack for $19.99 US (BEST PRICE!). Regular pokémon (like Ratatta and Pidgey) will be offered in PokéDex Packs starting at $1.99 US, but come with ten to twenty basic forms of pokémon.

    No, not realy, I'm just kidding.

  13. OK, new video is out.

    Solgaleo is Psychic/Steel with the Full Metal Body ability (seems to prevent stats from being lowered as it showed a Salamence's Intimidate ability not working) and knows the move Sunsteel Strike. Takes a Salamence out inone hit, but not super effective. Likely a Fire-type attack, though... it might be a mixed type attack like Flying press? The name has "steel' in it,and Steel type isn't effective against Dragon, so I don't know what to make of it.

    Lunala (the fancy looking night bat-god legendary) is Psychic/Ghost (fun type combo!) with the Shadow Shield ability. It knows the move Moongeist Beam. Whatever it does, it was super effective against a Gengar, so it's likely Ghost-type. Maybe a Ghost-type version of Hyper Beam?

    Both moves are listed as hitting the target regardless of the target's ability. Like the Ability Mold Breaker, but in the form of an attack. So feel free to use  both moves against just about anything.

    Customization trainers are back! You get four boy and four girl basic forms to to choose from.

    New Professor is named Kukui, and lokos to be in his late 20s. They're making those Professors sexier and sexier each gen. Pic: Cj8snMCWUAQoD-k.png

    Professor Kukui has a "mysterious" assistant named Lillie and that's all they show. Pic: Cj8s2l8WgAAG60m.png

    Your new friend (maybe friendly rival?" is named Hau and he seems a bit too excited about things. Like, positive/happy just to be here excited. I don't like him already. :<

    A Rotom has inhabited your Pokédex, so it will not only work with you, but talk with you as well. Seems to act like a in-game guide, as it will direct you to new places as you talk to other characters.

    Painting-style map of the the new region, courtesy of Bulbapedia's Twitter account: Cj8sIK0WEAEFWyv.jpg

    Game is out November 18th, as stated before.

  14. Minor update: it seems that if you're in Europe and Australia, you can now get a Mew from a code.

    It doesn't seem to work in North America or other regions, though, so the rest f us are out of luck. Also, if you received the Mew from a GameStop/EB Games code, it will list it as already having been received.

    The code is... MEW2016

    Well. that's easy to remember.

    Also related: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x4dt0oo_pokemon-rumble-world_fun

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