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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. Hey Sephfire, if you're open to suggestions for future episodes, maybe you should take a look at nostalgia. It could make for some interesting discussion, and at the very least, give you an excuse to look at some old games you like. Seriously, nostalgia is a powerful, wonderful, horrible thing, and I think it would make for some damn good good watching.
  2. We talked about it back when t came out, but sadly, it sort of slipped away along with the Korg game/app. They sort of get mentioned from time to time, but that's about it. I still think a remix done entirely on one or more of these portable synthesizers on DSs would make for an interesting piece of work. Seriously, why has no one tried it yet? It's a synthesizer on a video game system, and you can make video game remixes on it!
  3. And thus you missed an interesting topic. Seriously, you have to draw comparisons to a different series that deals with snarky, sarcastic reviews to a series that deals with open-minded, direct discussion of game and social issues? You really did that just now? Really? And you didn't even finish the video? You obviously have no interest in anything new, relevant and serious, and only want to be entertained by the same old things you already know. Please go away.
  4. Maybe even reproductive? Eh? As in birthday sexings? Maybe not?
  5. So, that would actually make it internet rule #0, right?
  6. Whaaaa...? I have all the game OSTs to date, even the DPPt ones. Are you sure you're not thinking of some other soundtrack collection?
  7. You know what would make the wait for L4D2 easier, and also put a big pile of "shut up" on the boycotters? Put out a fifth campaign for L4D. Come on, it's months until the new one comes out, and there's going to be a lot of people waiting. Just throw one ou, and give us something to play for a bit longer.
  8. Basicly... I'd sat remixes are about 85% done (mostly waiting on finalizing the remaining ones), with the artwork at about 90% (most of it will be used on the website), and the website is pretty much at 10% (we have a layout and a general design for it, but no one has started making it yet). So... in anyone has some spare time and would like to help us out on that website thing, feel free to PM me.
  9. FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF- I mean, that is quite alright. Excuse me for a moment, will you? Everyone, Fishy is now holding us all back. Call him up at home, email him, send disgusting pictures of horrible things to every account on every site he is a member of. This will show him!
  10. Id like to ask everyone to use all this wonderful time we've had over the last while to keep working on their remixes and artwork. As much as I'd like to personally fly out to your house and remind you face-to-face, that's a bit outside of my budget. Besides, I'm sure that you have all been using this time wisely... RIGHT?
  11. Fellow Edmontonian spotted!
  12. Maybe I got lucky and/or my patience paid off. I have quite a few pokes that have IVs 27 and higher. Hell, I got one that has 4 31s... just not in the stats I need them to be. Some of my main team have almost perfect stats because of their IVs, Natures and EVs. Now, I suppose if you wanted to, you could try to set up some sort of randomly selected team, but that's best done on something like Shoddy. Maybe the next version will have some sort of random team generation for battles. Yeah, a mini-Stadium for the next version of the Battle Frontier would be kind of awesome.
  13. Yes, the memory capacity of the DS cards is actually pretty high. It's more a matter of textures and map data. The real memory hog is the storage box system. Each box must have space for so many pokémon, and since each pokémon is a string of data, and there are so many boxes, it becomes a massive amount of data to save each time.
  14. You're a fgt. Kanto in GSC was half a map, at best. It was barely a challenge, and added maybe another six or so hours of stuff to do, all of which consisted of "look how much things have changed, b gosh!". You seriously outclassed all the Gyms, there was next to nothing worth doing or getting, and while the nostalgia was nice ten years ago, Kanto has been revisited already in the GBA games. I wish they would stop remaking old games and put some effort into new ones, that's all. I'll take a new land with new pokes and stuff over yet another remake any day. But I will admit, that is one beautiful piece of artowrk. I wish they would release some sort of artwork collection book. I'd buy that, no doubt. Wallpaper'd.
  15. That's nothing. CE's Brawl thread got to 773,426 before it was locked. BUt this thread is better because I post in it, so there
  16. Yeah, now they're saying that Kanto is going to be accessible (look to the left of that map, see where it goes goes across New Bark town and then over to Route 27, leading up to the Indigo League entrance. So, that means that Kanto has now been included in every generation of games. Man, they just can't leave the place alone, can they? Considering they just did Fire Red and Leaf Green last generation, this seems terribly redundant. I wish they would stop digging up the old games for more money. It's kind of depressing.
  17. Amy and all pics I have taken are on my MOCpages account. All but one was done with a Canon Powershot SD1000. Not the awesomest camera, but for small scale and model stuff, it's pretty good. Oh, and some color and white correction in GIMP helps. You can see where I started out badly and got better with each project.
  18. Ugh. Even I didn't buy one of those. So, there's some crazy new scans out from CoroCoro. Mainly it shows the new Rival artwork, covers some sort of event about Cynthia from DPP and the three legendaries from DPP, and some boxart. Enjoy.
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uyOuDGqHY1Q Filmed in my home town and current residence, Leduc, Alberta, Canada. It's been almost thirty years since that clip was made, but that Leduc Draperies store is still not only there, but they still have that exact sign!
  20. Over a year later? I doubt it. Oh well, too bad.
  21. *Drum roll and rim-shot* He's here all week! Good night everybody!
  22. The press in gaming is made up of gamers. The conferences are aimed at the exact people the games and systems are aimed at. It's hype, yes, but it's direct hype. Direct to the very people that they know are going to be interested, not just to the general public. It's also a good way to get a feel for the next year or so. The reaction to the unveiled stuff tells you what you can expect from the rest of the community.
  23. http://kotaku.com/5276527/left-4-dead-2-extended-impressions More details on some new stuff. Like, if you have a shotgun and you think that ax would come in handy, you have to decide. You can't have both a gun and a melee weapon at the same time. Also, the Charger is designed to break up teams that stack or corner up in tight areas. Sounds like it will run in, push everyone away from each other, and then try to pounce on you like a Hunter. Also, you may have seen some zombies in those yellow haz-mat suits. Turns out they can't be set on fire, so suddenly we have a problem with using fire to solve all of our problems.
  24. Really, no one "pwned" anyone or anything this year so far. MS showed off a fancy motion tracking system that may very well be complete vaporware, Sony barely showed off their own version of the same thing, everybody showed off videos of games we were expecting, and the few that we weren't expecting at all are mildly surprising at best. This has to be the most boring E3 to date. A couple of years ago, it was exciting to watch the conferences. This year, I got up and took a shower during the MS on, fell asleep during the Nintendo, and made lunch during the Sony one.
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