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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. Ignoring the last page or so... I saw it last night. It was kind of... hard to explain. It's sort of like when you've been hit with something that you thought might hurt, but were surprised that it didn't, and in fact, may have even been slightly ticklish. Not giggling out loud ticklish, but sort of a "what did I just feel? Joy? No... not even close. Surprise? Nope, not even close. Pleasure? Nowhere near" kind of ticklish. It's really hard to explain. I can't say that it was a bad movie, but I can't really say that it was a good movie either. It's going to be put down on my "movies to watch when there's nothing else on TV" list.
  2. NO, U! DOUBLE NO, U! Yeah, I know it's a business, but some on, apply yourselves a bit. They haven't exactly been pushing the limits of their talents... unless they have been, in which case I guess there's no hope for the series. They should go back to making quirky little platformers like Drill Dozer.
  3. You all know that I'm a big fan of the Pokémon games. That's obvious, there's no arguing it. I'm probably one the biggest fans of the series on this site, if not the biggest period. So when I say this, think about where this is coming from. I am sick of this shit. There have been times when I have been perfectly pleased with these games, and even let some shit slide because I was willing to accept it as part of the whole "I love this series" thing. But another set of remakes? Fuck this shit. I can understand why Red and Green were remade. It was the 10th anniversary of the original games, and they needed a way to let players get a lot of the missing pokémon from the GBA games Ruby and Sapphire. It all worked out nicely that way. I can even give a little bit of lenience to all of the third versions (Yellow, Crystal, Emerald, and Platinum), as those are sort of like deluxe editions... but not much lenience. I've never bought any of them. But to remake another game? And then choose the next game in the series as the remake? My god, are we going to get Ruby and Sapphire remakes on the next Nintendo portable? Then after that, we can look forward to the Diamond and Pearl remakes? What next? We get the remakes of the remakes? Will Game Freak ever make another original (and now I'm using that term very loosely) Pokémon game? I've been critical of their unwillingness (or even inability) to advance the series in the past, but this... this is just insulting. They can't do anything with this series anymore. I have to wonder if it wouldn't be best if they either just stopped with the series, or if Nintendo just gave the franchise to someone else for a while. If they must end the series, at least give it a big send-off. Not some half-assed remake, not the same old tired story, but a real, true end to the series. Send it out with a big bang, something that will make up for these last few years of mediocre titles... If not that, then at least get someone else in charge of the games. I'm not asking you to hand the rights over to Square-Enix or anything (because if there's one thing we need less of, its more of that same-old, same-old), but at least get some fresh blood in the development team. Get a director that will force them to stop relying on the brand name and start doing something worthwhile and truly good. Get some writers who are willing to scrap the same tired premise, and give us a plot that is actually fresh and interesting. You can keep the whole Gym battle thing, and you can even keep having some random gang of pseudo-villains doing whatever moronic plans they concoct. But at least put some goddamn effort into it! Honestly, I doubt I will get this. I mean, I like the series, but my patience with it is at its limit. I am sure that I will skip these remakes. Depending upon the how the future of the series turn out... maybe I will even stop altogether.
  4. Great, so I guess now that the Gold and Silver remakes are official, we can have all the GSC remixes we want. Still want more 3rd and 4th (which I guess can now include GSC) remixes, though. Please?
  5. And it only took FIVE FUCKING YEARS. Last year, a week before my birthday, the mod were doing that thing where they were going to stop birthday threads, and I was all "you gotta be fucking kidding me..." and then I got all but then I got over it. But it finally happened. Yes, this was the only thing I was looking forward to this birthday. That's right. And I'm going to thank all of you (the ladies especially, and hopefully in person) for finally making it happen. Best. Birthday. Thread. Ever.
  6. I'm thinking it would make a nice present to myself for next year...
  7. Motherfucker got a game named after hims... Oh, Dark Spire. Oh. OK, that's definitely not what I... uhm, never mind. Well, they also did Touch Detective, and that was a cute little time waster. It's got a fair bit of pedigree backing it up. Come ooooon, you were thinking the same thing for a second when you saw the thread on the forums.
  8. Why, for the love of all things true and wonderful, is there no one doing the Southern Temple theme? Please? I know it's pretty much just the main theme redone a bit, but god damn, it's a beautiful take on it, and it's one of the key points of the game where you realize the truth of the island. It has to be in there somewhere.
  9. No! This is totally serious and you shouldn't disagree with anything we say because that would make you a faggy-poop-head commie terrist. Also: your mom!1! You can like a game all you want, that's fine. Just don't start shoving your total devotion for it in my face and expect me to fall magically in love with it because you say so.
  10. Adding myself to the list... It was a very "meh" experience for me. I could not, and still can not, understand why people would rather play a limited and clichéd FPS on a console when there are better (or at least, less clichéd) FPSs on the PC, and get a superior control scheme. I think Halo is like Baby's First FPS or something.
  11. The guy in those vidoes... my god. This is exactly what I was talking about. He makes a comment about how official Nintendo timeline are comparable to weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. I kid you not. Watch the first video to 2:40. Then he says he listens to and believes the official story, but then ignores it because it doesn't fit with the idea of a fan-made imaginary item in a video game series. When you have to make a youtube video explaining why your bullshit video game plot theories should be listened to, you have failed.
  12. QFE. They're (at best) loosely related. More like retakes of the same basic story. I don't know why people think there is a timeline. For that matter, I can't understand some of the "timeline" people are such psycho-fanboys about it. You ever sit back and watch the fights they get into over this shit? It makes Gamefaqs look mature in comparison.
  13. Hey, shut up... It's mostly four or so people that just refuse to update their work.
  14. Yes, it might help some of us (like me) make it past four minutes on a level. I am soooo not used to having to deal with multiple Smokers at the same time.
  15. I rented a SNES, and friends had a few, but I never owned any video game system of my own. We had an old Oddessy2 from a garage sale, but it still wasn't "mine".
  16. The Game Boy is 20 years old as of yesterday (a little bit late, I know). So, as my first video game system, my favorite hardware, and the system that played almost all of my favorite games, happy birthday!
  17. It's a website, you can google it, and it will show up on your browser... it's nothing special, really.
  18. The second is isn't likely to sell video game soundtracks. In all the video game stores in both Canada and the US I've been to, I have never seen any game music CDs for sell.The first one is just kind of... eeeeew.
  19. First, I'd just like to say something about licensed and commercial music in Canada. Due to a wonderful little law we have up here in Canada, you can download music for free without fear of legal action against you. There is a levy placed upon recordable media, and by way of a few rulings, the levy "covers" the supposed loss of sales to artists (although we all know that the artists only get a small fraction of sales, as the record companies take a huge cut right off the top). If you were so inclined, you could download the music for free, if you could find it, and not by afraid of some record company coming after you. Mind you, if it's video game music you want, most of the time that sort of album is never marketed anywhere in Canada. It's not like you would be hurting sales in the first place, seeing as how there were none to begin with. Now, if instead, you wish to have the actual CDs for your collection, then never mind that. By all means, buy the CDs if possible. It's better as you have a far better quality, and if you did want to make copies for any digital players, you would have the option to make really good encodings with the highest quality. Besides, having a nice shelf of CD cases looks pretty nifty, as I can personally attest. It's a pretty mosaic of colors and labels. I would suggest you look out for bootleg CDs. There are knock-offs out there, and if you buy those, money is not going in any way to the artists, but instead to the bootleggers. Better to download for nothing than give your money to the bootleggers.
  20. Well, I'm going for the "longest time in production" record...
  21. I remember when Prophet was just a wee little newblet, and we decided to pick on him for fun. Then he didn't fall for it, and ended up talking back like some sort of UnMod regular. I think that was the day... I fell for him. No. Wait. That was FR. Sorry, Prophet, I guess I don't have a story to share about you. Maybe someday, but not right now. So, how old are you now?
  22. There's a Gym Battle theme remix on the Missingno Tracks album, and while it's mostly from the RBY games, it's the same theme, just tweaked and polished throughout the series.
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