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The Damned

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Posts posted by The Damned

  1. Batman for the GameBoy.


    A fun little platformer, with a nice change of pace in the form of a bullet-dodging flying section. Lost of nerve-racking jumps over huge gaps, strategic timed weapons use,

    You can pick these little flying batman symbols that act as a rotating shield, and you can speed them up with upgrades. Weapons range from a powerful short-range blast to a wave beam to a"tranq" gun that can shoot through walls and kill multiple enemies.

    Oh yeah. In this game, Batman kills everybody. Planes, goons, henchmen, snipers, robots, flamethrower guys... if it moves, you shoot it. You shoot it until it dies. Exactly like the 1989 movie it was (loosely) based upon.

  2. Well, the engine difference between Link's Awakening and the Oracles games is likely because of the eight year gap between the games. Even the GameBoy Color remake (DX) was still a few years before Ages/Seasons came out. Combined with the fact that the GameBoy Color's hardware, while significantly better than the  original GameBoy, was structurally the same, and that many developers had learned every little trick they could do with the hardware, it makes sense that they would have opted for a better engine with more features.

  3. It's actually a decent little game. It wasn't pushing any limits, but it was a solid game overall. And sometimes, "solid overall" is just as satisfying as anything else.

    Fun fact: Richard from the game appears in Link's Awakening, in the castle before you gain access to the Key Dungeon. And anything that ties into one of my favorite games ever is therefore good by association/osmosis.

  4. Hmmm... while not sci-fi, if you want mind-blowing (either good or bad) I'd recommend Satoshi Kon. He deals mostly with really interesting use of scene transitions to create a sense of other-worldliness.

    • Perfect Blue is about an actress that starts losing her grip on reality. Really good cuts to create the feeling of losing it for the viewer.
    • Millennium Actress is more about the life of another actress, but this time, the cuts are there to explore her past.
    • Paprika is about entering people's dreams, and uses some really crazy transitions to put that setting into effect
    • Magnetic Rose from the Memories anthology is one of his earlier works, so it's less about edits and more about atmosphere.

    He's got a few other films (and a tv series) but they tend to be less mind-fuckery and more realistic to some extent. If you any of theones I mentioned above, you might like Tokyo Godfathers and Paranoia Agent.

  5. Double post, but only because my gift finally arrived. Hopefully, I am the last person this year (as in, everyone else has there's by now and no one is left waiting).

    (insert image of Lego set 75100 here, as imgur seems to have lost the image)

    Contains several parts I didn't have any of until now. More neo-grey slopes and panels is always good, and the trans-clear wheels on the bottom will make for micro-scale display stands quite nicely.

  6. It's more like, I don't know if I will have the time. My work is highly irregular: 2015 consisted of working 6 or 7 days a week, from early February to late September, with only a few days off every month or so. But the year before was a month or so a job, with two to four weeks off between. I simply have no idea how busy I could be this year.

    That's power plant/oil refinery/whatever the hell they throw us into for ya!

    If things don't turn out to be too busy by February, I'll reconsider, though.

  7. 1 hour ago, DarkeSword said:

    Certainly an easier way to give recognition to smaller games/series that might not get the steam for its own big anniversary tribute album.

    I do love me some obscure/under-remixed stuff.


    Interested in running it?

    If you mean me, as much as I'd like to to, I can't grantee I can devote the time towards it. If you mean someone else, then ignore the previous sentence.

    Maybe a better system would be to have a director assigned (by vote or volunteering) to a year, and then compile a list of games/series that are having an anniversary that year. This way, we can have at least a year for each album (if not several years, depending upon the year you get) and have as much time as we need to plan it and remix it.

  8. So, 2016 is full of Nintendo games celebrating their 10th, 15th, 20th, 25th, 30th and even 35th years. Seriously, check out the dates.

    • Donkey Kong - 1981 (35th)
    • Metroid - 1986 (30th)
    • The Legend of Zelda - 1986 (30th), Oracle of Seasons/Oracle of Ages - 2001 (15th) and Twilight Princess - 2006 (10th)
    • Kid Icarus - 1986 (30th)
    • Pokémon Red and Green (Blue)- 1996 (20th) and Diamond and Pearl - 2006 (10th)
    • Luigi's Mansion - 2001 (15th)
    • Pikmin - 2001 (15th)
    • Golden Sun - 2001 (15th)
    • Animal Crossing - 2001 (15th)
    • Wii Sports - 2006 (10th)
    • Super Mario RPG - 1996 (20th)
    • Mole Mania - 1996 (20th)
    • Harvest Moon - 1996 (20th)
    • Mario Kart 64 - 1996 (20th)
    • New Super Mario Bros - 2006 (10th)

    As others have pointed out, it's also the anniversaries of several other video games. NOT JUST NINTENDO!

    • Dragon Quest - 1986 (30th)
    • Crash Bandicoot - 1996 (20th)
    • Sonic The Hedgehog - 1991 (25th)
    • Castlevania - 1986 (30th)
    • Alex Kidd - 1986 (30th)
    • Arkanoid - 1986 (30th) MOTHERFUCKIN' ARKANOID!!
    • Battletoads - 1991 (25th)
    • Spacequest - 1986 (30th)
    • ToeJam and Earl - 1991 (25th)
    • Metal Slug - 1996 (20th)
    • Quake - 1996 (20th)
    • Jak and Daxter - 2001 (15th)
    • Okami - 2006 (10th) HOW OLD DO YOU FEEL NOW?
    • Saints Row - 2006 (10th)
    • Resident Evil - 1996 (20th)
    • Bubsy 3D - 1996 (20th)
    • Tomb Raider - 1996 (20th)

    And that's just the ones I could think of/look up on Wikipedia. I'm sure there are a few of the more obscure ones, like Japan-only releases. Not to mention the GameCube and the 3DS are also 15 and 5 years old, respectively.

    Damn, that's a lot of stuff that's getting old. Now I feel old...

    So, who wants to do 10 remix albums within the next month? :< Kidding! A lot of these games came out in January or February, so it's too late for any kind of massive project. But we can still show our appreciation for these anniversaries!

    I'm looking forward to seeing what they will do for Zelda. The new Wii U Zelda, from what we have seen so far, is looking pretty damn good, aesthetically and mechanically. But until it's out, who knows? All I know is that I still love playing Link's Awakening and I'm glad I went to the concerts they've had over the last few years.

    Pokémon is 20 this year! To celebrate, Nintendo is releasing the original Pokémon games on the 3DS. You can download Red, Blue and Yellow this February 27th. It's almost identical to the original versions, with one exception: it will emulate the link cable system using the 3DS wireless, so you can still trade and battle! Also, comes with a code to download a Mew for your 3DS games!

    Golden Sun! I never completed the second game, and I missed out on the third one for the DS, but that doesn't change the fact I loved the first game. I'm hoping for something to commemorate the first game this year, even if it's nothing big and fancy.

    Anyone else a bit excited for what Nintendo is planning for these anniversaries?

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