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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. Here, try this thread. It's got a list of recommended sets, and some personal reviews by members who have them. I'd go with Sennheiser, because they make some good stuff at decent prices (notice I said decent, not great. They're a bit above most people's wallets).
  2. Scaredsim and halc have given me submissions for this project, and I'd like staff members to comment. Check them out at http://poke.prxbx.com/forums/index.php?board=2.0, and leave some comments. Oh, and vote on whether or not they should join. Because otherwise this is going to be a tyranny, and I'm all out of tyr.
  3. For those that bought the full version, how are the later levels? Harder, more complex? Is it worth the money?
  4. I didn't know you could spin the object!
  5. Handling was driving me nuts until I somehow did this: http://FantasticContraption.com/?designId=754210 Simple and efficient.
  6. I think it's either a concertina or a trikitixa. "It sounds more like the trikitixa, but considering how close the three are to each other, who knows?
  7. Mario games in general, I mean. Mario's been done to death.
  8. Too many over-remixed tunes, not enough under-represented songs. Ten of the twelve remixes are songs that have been done lots of times. The only two that stood out were the Spider-Man/X-Men: Arcade's Revenge and the Mari Paint ones. I know they're popular and all, but come on, show some variety.
  9. Son of a bitch. That's so simple. I never even bothered looking around the bottom on that map.
  10. Fuck yeah, I got a lot of songs just for that. It's mostly certain Yoko Kanno music, the lighter, instrumental stuff. A few Cowboy Bebop songs here and there, some trance stuff.
  11. Sony is now hopping around in Nintendo's favorite playground, redoing their handheld every year. Too bad this is more of a minor update than a real upgrade. A new screen, a microphone and a "PS" button? What about a multi-point touch screen, or fixing the battery life? How about making that UMD drive run more efficiently?
  12. Fuck. You have to buy the full version to see solutions for levels you haven't cleared yet. Suckage.
  13. Due to some unfortunate drop-outs and several missing-in-action remixers, the Missingno Tracks is going to reopen auditions! I know that there are several other projects going right now, but hopefully a few of you remixers are free and bored enough to take a shot at one more song. If you're interested, please PM me with a submission of your choice. Everyone has to submit one, no exceptions. Your submission doesn't have to be a Pokémon song, but it does have to show your style and talent. If we like what we hear, you're in. You will then have huge selection of songs to choose from, and the freedom to remix it in any way you think is best. So, if you're interested, PM me here on OCR, and I'll get back to you as soon as possible. We've already had a few early subs before this thread even went up, so there's interest already. Submit now, and get in early! Thanks for your time! PS: Current members! Please contact me with your status (still involved or otherwise)! I lost some data, including my list of who was still active or not, and what song they were doing. Some remixes have been left untouched for long periods of time, and I have not been able to contact you due to lost email addresses and time constraints. Again, please PM me with your current status. If you're no longer interested, I need to know.
  14. I am horribly stuck on level 12. Horribly.
  15. It's not dealing out the damage that's hard, it's the jumping. I'm used to the GameBoy version's jumping. Also, he slides a bit when he lands, so it's kind of... odd. I guess they changed little things here and there over the years and games. I also keep trying to slide under things.
  16. So do all of the Pixar movies. That doesn't stop them from being good movies. Tell those people to get over themselves and go watch it for what it is, not what it looks like.
  17. Never mind, I used a ramp like device to get across Mission to Mars.
  18. I don't know. Maybe? PS: Mega Man 1 is hard. PPS: Wiimotes in those gel-molds can take a lot of damage. Like, say... from a wall. Several times.
  19. Would everyone still doing a remix for this project PLEASE PM ME? I lost my lists of who's involved and doing what, and since there's been some MIAs and remixes have been left alone for some time now, I'm going to have to start weeding out dead remixes. Also, this is an official re-recruitment request. If you want to remix for The Missingno Tracks, by all means, please PM me with a submission. I have a list of songs that you can choose from and source material for you to use.
  20. Sorry for the necro-posting, but there's an official North America release date. November 25, 2008. http://www.dsfanboy.com/2008/08/18/chrono-trigger-gets-date-for-north-american-release/ Only four months away! Too bad I can't put this on my christmas wish list, now...
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