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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. SOLD.Back when I thought game design was easy and affordable, I had an idea for an turned-based airship battle RPG, on the GBA. I was supposed to be kind of like Advance wars, but using an grapgics engine sort of like the airship flying in FF6, but seriously updated.
  2. Or not. But do look at them from time to time... the boards, they do get lonely.
  3. I was about to comment about having 7 pokes, but then I read this, and it makes great sense. The Damned approves of this slightly Pokémon-related thing! I would love to see this deck's artwork, if you ever do it.
  4. Stay up late, hang around outside in dark fields and maybe have an mp3 player going while I see pretty lights in the sky? Sure, why not?
  5. Paul Newman is in the hospital, and he's not expected to make it past two weeks. Celebrity death trifecta is in play!
  6. You got flamed for being JCvgluvr. The game had nothing to do with it. EDIT: I just realized, after going through the wiki, that I had this almost exact same idea way back in the 90s. I wanted to have Mario, Mega Man and Kirby (each with their respective powers and items) in a side-scrolling platformer, fighting their various enemies together. I didn't even remember until now. Wow. I wonder how things would have been if I had kept working on that idea years later. I might have even been some sort of contributing member of this project.
  7. The annotations don't appear in the Youtube video embedded in the Destructoid article, for some reason. No wonder I never saw them. I guess annotations can only appear in the original Youtube page. OK, just thought it was odd that there were OCRemixes but no credits in the page, video or on the site.
  8. http://www.destructoid.com/mushroom-kingdom-fusion-features-quickman-sonic-and-multiple-other-mega-mash-ups-99008.phtml So, watch the video and listen to some of the music. Isn't that OCR stuff in there? If it is, I can't find any credits or links that say so.
  9. Wouldn't one have to have hoped for it in order to have lost hope, in the first place?
  10. I think the blue one might be some sort of car battery. Look at the "arm" on the right side. It looks like the handle on a set of jumper cables. Electric/Electric? Fuck yeah! As for the left side, I got no idea. It's a mess of lines and color. There's also the theory that these are going to be the first 5th gen pokes to be revealed. It kind of makes sense; they revealed 2nd gen shortly after Yellow came out, 3rd shortly after Silver, and 4th just after Emerald. But this is a little too soon. It hasn't even been two years since DP came out.
  11. No. That makes you normal. There are millions of people that don't care about sports in general, and the Olympics in particular. I'm not watching any of it.
  12. Have you tried searching for forums dedicated to the system? There may very well be some random expert who knows every game ever released for it just waiting to jump in and spout off his fountain of knowledge. 'Cause I don't see that happening here anytime soon.
  13. China is the new Germany. Didn't you get the hate memo?
  14. I think China will do very well this year, simply because they would be the only teams that have practiced in that wonderful, thick Beijing "mist" that covers everything. All those countries with cleaner air are going to be fucked once they have to start breathing in that shit.
  15. In an environment where info is shared with others almost instantaneously, one can get info and details so quick about all kinds of things, lots of material is "old" within days because most people have seen it. New things have to be new, as in hardly anyone has seen it yet, and even if they have, it must be "new" within a short time period. It's just the mentality of the internet.
  16. Specifically, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ZX_Spectrum_games and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ZX_Spectrum_software. Search through, they might have it somewhere in there.
  17. Wow. This is old. Like, months old. It's not that great. Too gimmicky and trying too hard to use every nerdy thing they could. It came off like someone that didn't really know much about all of the various things it was referencing, and just started slapping them together.
  18. Hey guys, there's some sort of spam ad on the front page. I don't really like Doom music, but some of this sounds kind of fun. If you're able to make someone who isn't a fan like it, you must be doing something right. Nice work.
  19. You bastards. This is going to end up being something that pops up on video game threads for years to come. "hey i found tis song frm mario cart but it not on mine wher's it from?" will be seen in forums until time ends. Too bad a quick Google search turn up both the other site and OCR threads... but most people aren't smart enough to highlight, ricght-click, "search Google for". Still, you bastards.
  20. Hey, there's some new artwork... well, sort of... up on Serebii.net. It shows five silhouettes of "new" pokémon. I say "new", because it's looking like they are alternate forms of Rotom, that freaky, floating, possessed light bulb. I think the green one will be a Ghost/Grass tractor, the red on will be a Ghost/Fire 1950s style toaster, and the purple one will be a Ghost/Ice refrigerator. Now, do keep in mind that there is a chance of this being fake. But the source is said to be one that has passed valid info before, and it seems to correspond with recent CoroCoro magazine leaks. Take it as you will.
  21. Guys! Someone should remix some FF music here! Everybody get on this!
  22. Judging by the fact that the original blog that said this was happening has been removed, and no explanation has been given, I think that it's likely that the blogger either made this up, or had some critical information wrong. And there has been no mention of any info related to Mega Man games coming to VC since. Fuck you, blogger.
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